"Hey hey! Enough! Unexpectedly there are such close combat masters on the court!"

While violent laughed, he slowly got up!

It's just that when he just got up, he saw Jiang Fan sitting on the side!

"Huh? Bai Zhou? That kid actually brought me to you! Hehehe, God wants you to die!"

With a violent laugh, the huge anchor in his hand suddenly picked up and banged directly at Jiang Fan!

However, Jiang Fan ignored the attacking anchor, but gave Fang a cold look!

With just this look, Fang Tong actually felt like his heart was pinched!

Before, everyone was struggling to fight against the enemy, only Jiang Fan was sitting on the stage as if he was out of the way, and many people were very dissatisfied!

Fang Tong just blasted Jiang Fan violently, just wanting Jiang Fan to take action!

Just seeing the look in Jiang Fan's eyes at the moment, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have made an unusually stupid move!

However, at this moment, the anchor had almost hit Jiang Fan's head, and even if he wanted to make a move, it was already too late!

But at this moment!


A thick fist suddenly appeared, with an incomparably terrifying aura, suddenly blasted above the anchor!

It turned out to be Adolf!


A loud noise!

The anchor suddenly twisted into a twist!

And the violent was directly sent out by Bengfei!

Everyone was shocked!

Before this, Adolf had been purely fishing in accordance with Jiang Fan's orders!

So that everyone feels that the outside world's legends about him are just exaggeration!

However, when he only took a shot now, he actually scrapped the anchor of the violent ship, and the violent himself was blown out!

As for Adolf himself, he didn't even move!


Looking at Fang Tong, Jiang Fan spit out these two words coldly!

The reason why Adolf fished was Jiang Fan's ambush to deal with emergencies, but now, he was actually broken by Fang Tong!

Sure enough, it's not his own team, it's easy to be bad!

Jiang Fan's two words were almost whispered, and with the shouting on the court, the others didn't hear it clearly!

But these two words fell into Fang Tong's ears, but they exploded like thunder!

Fang Tong trembled all over!

The pupils shrank in an instant!

It was the first time he saw the whisper that could turn the sound into a string into such a thunderous roar, except for the Grand Master!

Not to mention anything else, just this kind of ability to control infuriating qi has simply dumped him three streets!

Jiang Fan's strength is so terrifying!

The point is, why does he say he is stupid?

and so on!

Such a terrible strength, but did not make a move, can it be said that Jiang Fan is defending?


He has been guarding against the...Night Demon that has never appeared!

Damn it!

I am really stupid!

All this is just a matter of instant!


The frenzy has hit the ground heavily!

"Oh shit!"

Berserker was bombarded twice in a row, it was furious!

The point is, his anchor is actually broken again!

"Adolf! I have long heard that you are the first person under the master! Hehehe, okay! I will see how good you are!"

With a violent roar, he rushed towards Adolf!

But he just rushed halfway, Fang Tong, who had reacted, greeted him directly!

The two became one in an instant!

And Adolf frowned, he wanted to stop the three Captains of Nightmare that Fang had fought against before!

But Jiang Fan shook his head!

"Long Yan, No.2, No.13, the three of you are going to contain the three Captains of Nightmare!"


Long Yan suddenly rushed out, and No. 2 and No. 13 gave up fishing, and rushed towards the remaining two nightmare captains!

At this moment, the two brothers died in battle because of the dog breed, and the three of Long Yan all went to contain several captains. The remaining dozen nightmare assassins all rushed up to Guo Yu like a swarm!

Jiang Fan frowned, looking at Guo Yu who was struggling to resist, finally sighed!

"Adolf...Go ahead, kill them all!"

Adolf smiled grimly, his whole person was already like a meteorite, and he suddenly ran into the dozen or so nightmare assassins!


As soon as they joined the battlefield, the two Nightmare Assassins had been knocked into pieces by Adolf!

The balance of war has fallen towards Jiang Fan again!

Once Adolf kills all the Nightmare Assassins, then next, he and Guo Yu can join the battle of Captain Nightmare at any time, and with the Captain Nightmare beheaded one by one, there is only one dead end for the four violent people!

Such a situation can be said that the overall situation has been determined!

However, Jiang Fan still frowned!

It seems that I have forgotten something!

Duntecha? Archibald?

Jiang Fan didn't count on these two old and cunning guys. If they were right now, these two idiots should have taken advantage of the opportunity to fight on their side to hunt for treasures enthusiastically!

What is going on with this uneasy feeling?

Jiang Fan raised his head slightly, but from the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of the violent ship anchor that had been twisted on the ground!

In addition to the traces of the fire, the anchor was still dripping with blood from the dog breed worshiping the two brothers, and there was no trace of brand new!

Jiang Fan looked away from the anchor and looked at the battlefield again!

But at this moment!

His complexion suddenly changed!

and so on!

There is no trace of brand new...

When Fury walked out of that door, there was no trace of blood on the anchor at all!

Including him too!

But he obviously killed Willis and took off Willis' head!

How could it be so clean?


"Not good! Everyone—"

Jiang Fan suddenly looked at the door!

But at this moment!


The violent mountain-like body, unexpectedly leaped softly and extremely flexibly!

It opened the same distance as Fang!

Fang Tong was slightly startled!

And the next moment!


A loud noise!

A stream of rotten, pale white light suddenly spurted out of the door!

The speed of the light flow reached its limit, and it hit Fang Tong in an instant!


Before Fang Tonglian had time to scream, he had already spouted a mouthful of blood! The whole person was struck by lightning, flying upside down with a large bouquet of blood!

The unexpected happened, so everyone was stunned for a moment!

At this moment, a second stream of pale light suddenly burst out of the door!

And the target is actually Francis!

"Holy Light!"

Francis reacted extremely quickly and roared suddenly!

Almost for an instant, his right hand had already sprayed out an extremely silvery sacred light!

Hit directly above that light stream!

However, behind the gate, the third, fourth, and fifth stream of light had suddenly shot out!

In an instant, the Holy Light shattered!

Seeing Francis is about to die!

Just at this critical moment!


A figure suddenly stood in front of Francis!

It's that brawny man with bald tattoos, Martin!


Martin's body was torn to pieces by the white light stream in an instant!


Francis wailed suddenly!

However, the polymath who was originally fighting with the two seemed to be prepared. As early as the moment the white light flow appeared, a blue light flashed on his staff!

And the moment Martin was killed, he had already tapped Francis with his stick!


Francis seemed to be bombarded by a giant shell, his shoulder blades and flesh and blood flying across his back, the wound on his back was so deep that he even exposed his heart and spine!

He even screamed, and fell directly to several tens of meters away!

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