God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1348: Less than 30% chance of winning

In the blink of an eye, on the side of the five forces, Martin died, and the two super powers Fang Tong and Francis were seriously injured and dying!

The balance of war that was originally tilted towards them, instantly crooked to the other side's side!

Do not!

To be precise, including those few sneak attack masters, defeat is set!

Everyone was stunned!

"what happened!"


"Fang Tong!"

"What the **** happened!"

At this moment, the five major forces couldn't take care of their opponents at all, and all retreated to Jiang Fan's side!

And Jiang Fan was staring at the door, almost gritted his teeth!

"Damn! Super team, these idiots!!"

As Jiang Fan's voice fell, five people in black robes suddenly walked out of the door!

That is the five subordinates of Willis!

"It's them!"

"This is impossible!"

"Didn't the raging kill them just now?"

"what is the problem!"

Everyone looked shocked!

And at this moment!


The walkie-talkie in Jiang Fan's hand suddenly rang!

And the next moment, Ye Xun's slightly panicked voice suddenly sounded!

"Mr. Bai Zhou, it's not good, we met the dust just now!"


Everyone's complexion changed!

And Jiang Fan's face became more gloomy!

"Go on!"

"Yes! The dust tells us that as long as we stay here honestly, nothing will happen. Two small forces refused to accept it, and they were all killed by his finger! Mr. Dayu, the dust is too strong! I'm afraid we can't go there and help you. Up!"

Hearing what Ye Xun said, everyone was stunned!

Jiang Fan actually arranged an ambush among those small forces!

When did he do it?

But this is not important anymore, the other party is entangled in dust, it is absolutely impossible to come and help!

"I know!"

Jiang Fan put down the walkie-talkie, his anxious complexion had completely recovered his calm!

Then he suddenly looked at the polymath.

"This is all your arrangement?"

"Not bad!"

The polymath smiled!

"By the day, you can control all the people of the six major forces. This is something we didn't expect at all! And you actually placed chess pieces in those small forces, which is even more unexpected!"

"But everything you do has no meaning at all! Lord Night Demon bought the dust with a treasure long ago!"

"He is ours now!"


Jiang Fan let out a foul breath, and suddenly pointed at the five men in black robes!

"So what about them? How did you buy them?"

"Buy? Hahahaha!"

Rage and laugh directly!

There was a strong sneer on the faces of Meirenmao and several people!

"Finally, let you die to understand!"

The polymath smiled softly, and suddenly looked at the five men in black robes!

"Take off your robes!"

As soon as the voice fell, the five black robes had already torn off their black robes!

In the next moment, everyone's eyes widened!

The five people who appeared in front of everyone had almost no human appearance!

All the hair on their bodies, including the eyebrows, was shaved, and there were large stitches on the extremely pale skin on their chests!

And on the arm, there are rows of weird metal bumps, and two holes in the palm of the hand that are still dripping with viscous green mucus!

Behind these people, two rows of containers filled with light green liquid are tightly fastened, and a few tubes have penetrated their backs, connecting this container with their bodies!

As for their heads, half of their heads turned out to be metal!

At this moment, all of these five people looked at the crowd with dull expressions, and there was no light from a living person in their eyes!

"This, what is this?"

"Citi's plan to transform people! Turn the strong human beings into biological weapons!"

"Why is this thing so powerful?"

"Damn! I thought we Dongying people were perverted, and Citigroup was even more ruthless!"

People from the five major forces all cursed in a low voice!

And the polymath has already smiled!

"Everyone is right, this is indeed a biological weapon! But there is one thing that our poor Mr. Willis and his stupid motherland do not know!"

"That is, the drawings of their plan to transform people are themselves sold to them deliberately!"


Everyone's complexion changed!

And the polymath has continued to speak!

"Yes! We sell it! Don't wonder how we have this kind of thing, because it is one of the output of the ruins!"

"Although our nightmare is strong, we still have insufficient power if we want to use our own power to study this way of transforming people. If it is handed over to Citigroup, with their technical and financial advantages, we want to study it, that would be too great. It's easy!"

"According to our plan, we were preparing for the completion of Citigroup's research and bringing back mature technology directly by transforming people!"

"But who would have thought that the Super Team was so stupid that they would deliver the finished product directly to the door!"

"Although this thing is not perfect, it can be regarded as a surprise!"

"All the renovation drawings are sold by us, so of course we know better how to control these renovation people!"

"Now, we have not only got five complete reformers, but also completely turned the tide of the battle!"

"The only regret is that although their attack power is strong to the limit, but the melee level is too low, so we will let them wait for the opportunity!"

"By the way, let me tell you by the way, the attacks made by these modified people are not lasers of the current technology, but biocannons after the transformation of the human body!"

"In other words, the person who is hit by them is the same as being hit by grudge or true qi, etc. If you don't get rid of the alien energy in your body, the injury will only get worse!"

Accompanied by the polymath's explanation, everyone finally understood it!

No wonder Jiang Fan would warn Jiang Fan before he reformed the attack, and then even cursed the super team!

However, he was a step late after all!

Now that Fang Tong and Francis are seriously injured and dying, they must be looked after!

So Guo Yu and the magician Ingram couldn't join the battle at all!

The only people who can fight now are Adolf, Dodoroa, Nina, Pei Qing, Adelaide, Keira Hasegawa, Kazuo Kameda, and Jiang Fan!

And the other party, Polymath, Berserker, Beauty Cat, Renata are all top masters!

And the subordinates also have seven and a half-step master nightmare captains and a dozen nightmare assassins!

Now, the odds of winning for the five major forces are simply less than 30%!

"Everyone, we Lord Night Demon cherish talents most. Although we had a bit of discomfort with your forces two years ago, at that time adults also had difficulties!"

"Now, if you are willing to surrender, not only will we give you the things you need, but Master Night Demon will give you unexpected power!"

"Even if you are a master, it is easy!"

"Think about it!"

The polymath is in his hands, and his smile is extremely joyful!

However, at this moment, Jiang Fan actually laughed too!

It was a smile that was relieved and completely relaxed!

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