Jiang Fan was anxious before, because the opponent was obviously at a disadvantage, but he still chose to come out for a duel!

There is only one possibility!

That is the opponent, there must be a hole card to turn the tide of the battle!

The hole card didn't show up, Jiang Fan threw a rat-avoidance weapon and didn't dare to make a move at all!

At first, Jiang Fan thought that this hole card was a Night Demon who had never been seen, so no matter how fierce the battle was, he always controlled himself and didn't make a move!

At this moment, the other party's arrangement is completely clear, which also means that Jiang Fan no longer needs to worry!

He can make a move!

So Jiang Fan smiled, very happy!

But in this deadly atmosphere, Jiang Fan's laughter fell in the ears of the polymath and others, it was even more ear-piercing than scratching a blackboard with his nails!

"Mr. Dayou, is there anything ridiculous?"

The polymath's face sank!

"Nothing, I'm just laughing at your ignorance! Do you think you can really win with this arrangement?"

Jiang Fan's tone was full of ridicule!

Everyone's complexion changed!

And the people of the five major forces have their eyes brightened. Could it be that Jiang Fan still has a hole card now?

Polymath and others have a heartbeat, always feel that they seem to have overlooked something very important!

And Jiang Fan had already taken a step forward slowly, and said something exactly the same as Ye Mo!

"This arrangement is indeed amazing! But you have forgotten the most important point, that is, no matter how you arrange it, you will die if you have no strength!"

Along with this sentence, Jiang Fan's depressed aura suddenly opened up since he arrived in the Bermuda Islands!

For a moment!


An extremely terrifying energy fluctuation erupted in the entire hall!

This fluctuation is really strong to the extreme, and even the ground under everyone's feet is faintly trembling! Countless dust fell from the ceiling!

At this moment, Jiang Fan, in the eyes of everyone, his body surrounded by a strong energy aura is almost like a star!

All the people in Jiang Fan's aura had their eyes widened for an instant, and their backs seemed to be electrified! Almost even the hair is trembling!

Keira Hasegawa and others looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

Although they had known Jiang Fan's strength for a long time, they only thought that they were the same as the leader of the five major forces, but who could have imagined that Jiang Fan that broke out at this moment was actually terrifying to such an extent!

The point is, looking at Jiang Fan's appearance, this clearly hasn't reached the limit!

But the polymath and others only felt that the heart was being pinched tightly by a big hand!

"Damn it! This guy is also the fourteenth limit!"

"More than that! This kind of aura has definitely surpassed the fourteenth level!"

"Damn it! This day, which has not been shot, is so powerful!"

"Damn! So he himself is the hole card!"

Everyone suddenly understood it!

Jiang Fan did have a hole card, but no one thought that this hole card turned out to be himself!

too strong!

Except for Night Demon, they had never felt such a terrifying aura in a second person!


Without a word, the polymath suddenly lifted his staff!

The sound transmission spell has suddenly begun!

"My lord! Daylight—"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Fan had already spoken categorically!

"Adolf! Hold those five reformers! The rest are going to kill the Nightmare Assassin Group!"

For a moment!

"Swish swish!"

Adolf, Long Yan and others rushed out without hesitation!

"Wait! What about those violent people?"

Kirara Hasegawa exclaimed!

"These guys, I am enough!"

As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, the whole person appeared in front of the beauty cat in an instant!

"Damn it!"

The beauty cat's heart twitched, a little under her feet, and suddenly withdrew several tens of meters!

However, as soon as she stood firm, she saw everyone looking at herself in horror!

At the same time, Jiang Fan's magnetic voice has rang from her ears!

"Hehe, it seems...I am faster than you!"

The beauty cat is cold!

next moment!


A silver light suddenly lit up!


The head of the beauty cat, already carrying a bouquet of blood, suddenly soared into the sky!


Everyone's eyes widened in horror!

one move! !

There is only one move!

Jiang Fan actually cut off the head of Beauty Cat!

"Asshole! Transform people! All aim at daylight!"

Renata screamed suddenly!

The five reformers didn't care about Adolf who rushed up, suddenly stretched out his palm to Jiang Fan!

next moment!


Five horrific biological cannons that were almost in a row have blasted Jiang Fan at lightning speed!

And the polymath waved his staff, and suddenly pointed at Jiang Fan!


A dark blue halo suddenly lit up under Jiang Fan's feet!

Advanced sleepy spell!

After hitting this spell, within the aperture, all attacks cannot penetrate outside, but outside attacks can hurt the trapped person!

This is a powerful binding magic that only a few talented magicians can master!


Adolf roared abruptly, he was about to activate his tyrannical repulsion ability against the biological cannon!

But at this moment!

Suddenly Jiang Fan's voice sounded like a mosquito and flies!

"Don't worry! Kill those five reformers!"

Almost without even thinking about it, Adolf rushed directly into the five reformers!

And those five terrifying biological cannons have suddenly hit Jiang Fan!


A loud and deafening noise resounded throughout the hall!

The advanced trapping spell cast by the polymath was completely destroyed in an instant!

And those five light streams had already hit Jiang Fan fiercely!

In an instant, the terrifying light that was so dazzling, enough to blind normal people, had illuminated the entire hall!

"Jiang Fan!!!"

The five forces that had rushed towards the Nightmare Assassin Group suddenly exclaimed!

And violent has laughed wildly!

"Hahaha! Deserve it! You dare to be so rampant, you are looking for death!"

However, his smile only lasted for a moment, and it suddenly solidified on his face!

With the light slowly dissipating, at the center point where the light shines, a **** man stands upright!

The figure of a man is like the work of the top master, every muscle is full of streamlined beauty. The most important thing is that you can feel the terrifying power in the flesh just by looking at it!

It's Jiang Fan!

Except for the destruction of his jacket, he didn't even show any burn marks on his body!


The polymath almost screamed in his throat!

The biological cannons fired by the five transforming people have definitely reached the limit of level fourteen!

Otherwise Francis and Fang Tong will not be beaten to death!

The most important thing is that if Jiang Fan is using energy to contend, then the clothes will not be damaged!

And now the clothes are turned into fly ash, but the body is fine, there is only one possibility!

This guy completely relied on his own body to resist this terrible blow!

In other words, his physical strength has reached a level that even the fourteenth level limit can't be destroyed at all!

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