God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1351: The night demon is coming

The dagger is blood-red and looks like the fangs of a beast!

In fact, this is indeed a tooth!

The fangs of an adult **** three-headed dog!

The adult three-headed dog of **** is a terrifying monster of level fifteen or more. After forging and enchanting, its teeth are not only sharp and unmatched, but also possess magic-breaking attributes!

And Archibald's dagger has been handed down for a long time. With the blessing of masters of the past generations, it can break through more than 80% of the magic shield of the wizard class!

This is also the origin of Archibald's name "Hell's Tooth"!

The two were just getting ready, and a figure had already rushed into the corridor with an indescribable terrifying speed, like a hurricane!

However, at first sight of this person, both of them were stunned!

Those eyes were covered with black cloth, this, this turned out to be a Night Demon!

However, since the Night Demon is here, who is it that burst out that kind of terrifying aura just now?

But the two of them didn't have time to think about it at all!

Seeing the night demon rushing, the pregnant woman monster suddenly screamed sternly, and rushed up to the night demon suddenly!

However, the night demon simply kept walking, turning a blind eye to this terrible monster, and hit it at one end!


The pregnant woman's monster didn't hold on for a moment, and it completely exploded into a handful of black smoke!


Duntecha and Archibald's eyes widened suddenly!

The monster that had almost reached the master level was hit to death alive!

But the night demon penetrated the black smoke, not only did not slow down, but also seemed to be an unstoppable meteorite, and actually ran into Duntecha and Archibald directly!

"Do not!!"

The two suddenly let out a terrible cry!

But the Night Demon is too fast!

It was almost that the two of them could clearly see the night demon rushing, but there was no time to make any movements!

next moment!

The Night Demon had knocked Dun Techa's body severely!


With a loud noise, Dun Techa, this powerful existence with a limit of fourteenth level, was directly knocked into the sky by the Night Demon!

Bone to pieces!

But Archibald was only wiped, and the entire right arm, along with the small half of his chest, had completely disappeared!

It was just one collision. These two veteran powerhouses who were feared by countless people were almost at the same level as Pei Qing and others. One was crushed to pieces, and the other was only half-sighed!

The strength of the Night Demon is simply terrifying to a perverted level!

The Night Demon didn't respond to the two men's tragic situation at all, as if they had just killed two mosquitoes!

He didn't stop at all, and continued to rush towards the hall like a violent thunder!

In the hall, seeing the defeat had been settled, the polymath suddenly looked ruthless!

"Kill Dayu! Must kill Dayu for adults!"

"I come!"

As soon as the polymath's words fell, the violent roar had already been heard, and the iron barrel-like fist had suddenly blasted towards Jiang Fan in the ear-piercing sound burst from the continuous tearing air!

At the same time, Renata narrowed her eyes, and her hands moved suddenly and quickly!

For a moment, Jiang Fan only felt that his body was wrapped in countless invisible threads, and he couldn't help but point his head at the violent fist!

This is impressively Renata's ability-puppet art!

On the staff of Polymath, the blue gem lit up with an extremely dazzling light, and then suddenly pointed towards Jiang Fan!

This move is exactly the fourteenth-level magic that almost killed Francis before—the extraordinary magic explosion!

Seeing that the three masters attacked at the same time, all of them couldn't help but stop!

And the next moment!


The violent fist hit Jiang Fan's right face fiercely!

The power of this punch is really terrifying to the limit!

Even Renata snorted, and the ability to restrain Jiang Fan was directly interrupted!

And behind Jiang Fan suddenly burst out an incomparably terrifying magic wave!

It is an extraordinary magic explosion, it has exploded!


There is another loud noise!

In an instant, Jiang Fan's position was filled with smoke and dust!

The violent energy hurricane brought out by the violent and polymath attacks swept the entire hall!

However, the smoke dissipated, and the three polymath scholars all stared in horror!

"No! Impossible! This is impossible!!"

The three of them all stared at the court, and even their entire bodies trembled because of being overly excited!

And everyone who looked at this place showed an unbelievable look!

I saw Jiang Fan still standing there, and there was not even a scorch mark on the skin that was bombarded by the extraordinary demon behind him!

But after receiving a violent punch that was almost equal to the master level, Jiang Fan only fell from the mask that was beaten, and his head was slightly tilted to the left!

"Well, this punch is interesting!"

The corners of Jiang Fan's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a playful smile!

"No, it's impossible! You, how old you are, even if you start practicing in your mother's womb, you can't practice to this level!!"

Rage is almost crazy!

Especially after seeing Jiang Fan's looks!

This is absolutely impossible, the other party is only in his twenties at most!

How could there be such strength at such an age?

How heavy was his punch, he knew too well!

Even if you are a grandmaster, you definitely don't dare to resist!

But Jiang Fan took such a punch, not only did he stand upright, he didn't even have a painful expression!

"I, I don't believe it! I don't believe it!!"

Fury suddenly roared, and once again blasted Jiang Fan with a frantic punch!

However, this time, Jiang Fan just lifted his right hand slightly, directly blocking the violent fist!

Fist intersect!


A loud and deafening noise suddenly erupted!

The fierce air current swept the hall again!

But when everything calmed down, everyone could see that Jiang Fan's palm, which was disproportionate to the violent fist, actually buckled the violent giant fist!

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get rid of it!

"The game is over! Below—"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, his eyes flashed with killing intent!

The violent moment only felt that he was being stared at by Death, and he had even seen the sight of his huge body being blown into the sky!

But the next moment!

Jiang Fan's expression suddenly changed!

Suddenly flew back to a few tens of meters away!

Just when everyone is unknown!


In Jiang Fan's position just now, there was an extra tall man wearing a windbreaker with a black cloth over his eyes, and his aura was terrifying to the extreme!

Night Demon!

At the moment when Jiang Fan was bombarded by Jiang Fan, he finally arrived!

Looking at the Night Demon who suddenly appeared on the opposite side, Jiang Fan's face showed a solemn expression for the first time!

The Night Demon was tall, with a handsome face, and even had a somewhat refined taste, just like a scholar.

However, his aura is unprecedentedly strong!

It was so strong that it was enough to fight against Jiang Fan!

If Jiang Fan at this moment is a star that emits intense light and heat all the time, then the Night Demon is a black hole that can swallow everything!

This is the first time Jiang Fan has encountered such a powerful opponent!

Although he had prepared in advance in advance, Jiang Fan really did not expect that in the same level, besides himself, there should be such a monster!

And the night demon stared at Jiang Fan with a deep look!

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