What a strong aura!

It was so strong that he was palpitating!

And if he didn't expect it badly, the other party would be the same as himself, definitely not out of full force!

damn it!

In addition to myself in this world, there will be another monster-like existence in the same level!

I am because of the ruins, and what is the opposite of the guy?

The eyes of the two exchanged, only for a moment!

It's like a moment where time stands still!

At this moment, everyone else has already reacted!

"grown ups!"

Upon seeing the Night Demon, the Polymath and others were overjoyed!

No matter what the situation is, once the Night Demon appears, the final victory must belong to them!

It's like No.2 and others, believing Jiang Fan for no reason!

But the people of the five major forces were all startled and changed their colors one after another!

"Night Demon?"

"What a tyrannical aura!"

"It's terrifying! It's almost as good as Jiang Fan!"

"In this world, there really is such a monster!"

"With the background of these two people, I can't imagine what level they should be after they become masters!"

Everyone stopped attacking, and their faces were dignified and guarded!

"Night Demon!!"

At first sight of the Night Demon, Long Yan's eyes turned red, and he couldn't help but rush towards the Night Demon!

But Jiang Fan just waved his hand, and Long Yan stopped!


The night demon let out a long suffocation, and then nodded to the polymath and others.

"Thank you guys!"

"Wish to break my body for adults!"

The polymath and others looked enthusiastic!

At this moment, on the side of the nightmare, there are only two and a half masters' captains, and three polymaths!

But with the arrival of the Night Demon, the fighting spirit of these people rose instead of falling!

Ye Mo smiled satisfied, and looked at the five major forces again.

It's just that his gaze paused slightly on Long Yan's face, and a slightly confused look appeared on his face!

Then, he finally looked at Jiang Fan again!

"You are... daytime!"

The tone of the night demon has an inexplicable taste!

"I am Daytime, or you can call me Jiang Fan!"

Jiang Fan's tone is also a little strange.

"Jiang Fan? I will remember it!"

The night demon suddenly laughed!

Jiang Fan laughed too!

next moment!

Without any signs, the two moved their feet, like two roaring and entangled storms, they suddenly collided together!


A loud noise!

It was as if a nuclear bomb exploded between the two, unexpectedly bursting out successive waves of air!

And the next moment!

"Boom! Boom!"

The two suddenly flew upside down!

Jiang Fan slammed into the altar behind him, and the whole person smashed the altar into countless thick cracks!

But the night demon slammed into the wall behind him, hitting a nearly 100-square-foot wall and sagging it backwards!

Everyone gasped!

Although the inside of this pyramid seems to be built of stones, these stones are stronger than steel. The battle between the people just now only smashed a bit of the ground!

Even the violent terrifying force, when blasting the dog breed to worship the brothers, it only blasted a few cracks of four or five meters in length on the ground!

And Jiang Fan and Ye Mo just just fought each other, and they caused such terrible consequences!

The power of these two people is simply outrageous!


The two got up at the same time!

The night demon dusted his clothes, and then nodded in satisfaction.

"You are very strong. Of all the opponents I have met so far, except for the guy two years ago, you are the strongest one!"

"Two years ago?"

Jiang Fan shook his neck, and suddenly pointed at Long Yan!

"What you said, isn't it my brother?"

The night demon was startled and looked at Long Yan again!

He felt that the other party was very familiar just now, but he never remembered that he knew such a fat man!

Just looking at it, the night demon's expression suddenly moved!

"Dragon Flag... Dragon God?"

"Yes! It's me!"

Long Yan stared at the Night Demon fiercely!

There seemed to be countless tragic deaths of Dragon Flag brothers!

However, the night demon suddenly showed an expression of infinite disappointment.

"Two years ago, you were the only one who escaped from my hands. I thought you would become stronger, and even expected to be you in the daytime. It's a pity that you don't even have your peak strength at that time!"

Long Yan's face was ugly for a moment!

Ye Mo was right. Compared to two years ago, his background was more than twice as deep, but in terms of strength, it was far less than that of the past!

"I shouldn't expect too much from you, that's all, I'll be happy for you in a while!"

The night demon shook his head boredly!

Long Yan's complexion turned red, and even trembled all over!


Once for the Night Demon, the most troublesome self has now become a small character who can only be ignored in his eyes. This kind of humiliation makes Long Yan almost no longer able to control himself!

But at this moment!

"You are wrong! Why not make a bet?"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!

"What are you betting on?"

The Night Demon was slightly startled.

"Just bet, you will definitely die in Long Yan's hands!"

Jiang Fan spoke slowly in a relaxed tone.

It's just that although his tone is relaxed, but this sentence carries a prophetic certainty!

Night Demon's complexion condensed!

My fingers couldn't help but move slightly!

However, he reacted immediately!

Looking at Jiang Fan with a smile on his face.

"Jiang Fan, you are really amazing, this heart attack technique, I am afraid that there are few opponents, right?"

Everyone was taken aback! I don't understand what the night monster means at all!

Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes slightly!

The two of them showed similar strengths at the moment. In order to fight the Night Demon, Jiang Fan used his best mind attack technique!

And just listening to the words of the night demon, it is actually a master of this!

The next confrontation between the two is afraid that the fight will be more deadly!

The night demon smiled and suddenly spoke!

"If I kill Long Yan, it will only prove that I believe in you. In the next battle, I am afraid that you will destroy your confidence step by step! But if I don't kill, I'm afraid there will be a thorn in my heart, and I will be guarded everywhere. With him, once a flaw is revealed, you can take advantage of it! Great!"

Everyone's complexion changed!

But the corners of the night demon's mouth evokes!

"Jiang Fan, I finally understand what kind of person you are now! No wonder the people of the five major forces willingly serve as your stepping stones. Even so many people have died to help you pave the way. You are so scheming, they are certainly not your opponents. , Will only be calculated by you everywhere!"

Upon hearing the words of the Night Demon, the remaining people of the five major forces raised their brows and all looked at Jiang Fan!

But Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"You said that I work scheming, but compared to you, I am afraid I am a little bit worse! Mr. Ye Mo actually provoked our five major forces in just two words, and planted a seed in everyone's hearts. One hand, equally powerful! But you probably don’t know, we have signed a magic contract, even if we want to calculate them secretly, I can’t do it at all!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, everyone's heart suddenly relaxed!

But then!

"Isn't the contract just for breaking? With Mr. Jiang Fan's ability, if you want to do something about the contract, it shouldn't be difficult. Why don't you let me guess what your contract is?"

The Night Demon smiled.

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