
Jiang Fan also smiled!

"Mr. Jiang and I should be the same kind of people. People like us don't like to hand over the direction of fate to others, so there must be a clause in the contract that everyone listens to your dispatch!"

"Combining what you just said and the conditions that you want to achieve, then it must be that you must not directly or indirectly harm any one of the five major forces!"

"Mr. Jiang, am I right?"

"Flap! Pop! Pop!"

Jiang Fan couldn't help applauding, looking at the Night Demon with admiration!

"Mr. Ye Mo's analysis is too right!"

"You're welcome, since Mr. Jiang also admitted, then I have a question, and that is... these two points are not theoretically contradictory?"

As soon as Ye Mo's words were spoken, everyone was taken aback!

But the polymath smiled gloomily, pretending to speak without knowing it at the right time!

"My lord, what do you mean?"

"It's very simple! If there are casualties because of following Jiang Fan's arrangement, this should also indirectly kill someone. Isn't this breaking the second article? The contract should be backlashed! But you see, the five major forces casualties Quite a lot, but Jiang Fan is still standing here well!"

Night Demon spoke slowly!

Everyone's faces have changed!

The eyes of many people looking at Jiang Fan are already full of precautions!

Kazuo Kameda roared even more!

"Baga! Jiang Fan! You dare to harm us! My Kameda——"

It's just that he hasn't finished speaking!

"shut up!"

Kirara Hasegawa suddenly yelled!

Although the Night Demon said exactly the same as the contract content, if you think about it carefully, you will find flaws, because the content of Jiang Fan's contract is to make others obey his orders on the basis of not directly or indirectly killing the five major forces!

It is not to let others obey his orders, so that they must not directly or indirectly kill the five forces!

These two points seem to be the same, but the meaning is completely different!

The Night Demon just changed the priority and broke the iron bucket-like alliance of Jiang Fan and others!

Many people have even doubted Jiang Fan's motives!

It seems that his heart attack technique is still above Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan's face was full of undisguised surprise!

In the eyes, there was a deep admiration and joy!

That is the joy of meeting opponents!

"Mr. Ye Mo is really good! I used a strategy to attack you, but I didn't expect it but you were all over! This round, I lost!"

Jiang Fan spoke in admiration, but there was no frustration of losing in his tone!

The Night Demon was slightly startled, but suddenly a faint feeling arose in his heart!


Just listen to Jiang Fan speaking slowly with a tone of regret!

"It's just that you said one thing wrong! Or you still don't know enough about the human mind!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke out, Ye Mo's face changed!

And Jiang Fan has already raised the corner of his mouth!

"Mr. Night Demon, for us, the contract is only the link, and the benefit is the goal! The greatest significance of my contract is that after we kill you, we can share the benefits of this pyramid with confidence!"

As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, everyone's heart was shocked!

That's right!

Sharing the benefits of this pyramid is the goal of everyone!

Therefore, no matter what the night demon said, he must die!

This is Jiang Fan, the biggest reason to be truly confident!

"Oh shit!"

Ye Mo couldn't help but explode a foul language!

The hands of the polymaths shook slightly!

the first time!

For the first time, Lord Night Demon missed!

With the wisdom of adults, this is simply unimaginable!

It is true that Jiang Fan has lost his tactics, but he has won the whole trend!

After all, what surrendered to the Night Demon was only a small reward from the Night Demon!

But if you kill the Night Demon, you get everything!

This is Jiang Fan's grasp of the human heart, and also the seductive horror of Eli, which he is best at!


The Night Demon sighed suddenly, but there was also no loss of conspiracy on his face!

On the contrary, he looked at Jiang Fan with some regret!

"Jiang Fan! If you are not so smart, no matter what method I use, I must recruit you as a subordinate! But now, I can only kill you!"

"Kill me? You are afraid that you can't do it! Look at it, our side, but we have an overwhelming advantage!"

Jiang Fan laughed!

However, the corner of Night Demon's mouth ticked!

"is it?"

Jiang Fan's heart jumped!

There was also a bad feeling in my heart!

And the next moment!

The Night Demon smiled and took out an intercom!

"Dust, you must have heard what we just said, right?"

Everyone was taken aback!

Jiang Fan's complexion changed suddenly!

And in the intercom, a hoarse male voice has sounded!

"I heard, what do you want to say?"

It's really the sound of dust!

"Jiang Fan is the lord of the sword of thorns. With the hatred between you and the sword of thorns, if he really kills me, what do you think you will end up with?"

"Do you want me to help you?"

"No, to help yourself!"


Silence in the intercom!

And Renata and the others have thoroughly understood the intention of the night demon to find the dust!

The Night Demon not only wants to conquer the dust, but also uses the dust as a bargaining chip to reverse the situation when necessary!

Jiang Fan regarded himself as the hole card of this game, and Night Demon also prepared a hole card!

That is the dust!

Jiang Fan reorganized the five forces into one place, and completely established the central idea of ​​killing the night demon, but the night demon took advantage of this and regarded the dust as a hidden child against the five forces!

"Oh shit!"

Jiang Fan also exploded with a foul language!

Night Demon!

This guy is definitely the most difficult character Jiang Fan has ever encountered!

Jiang Fan never expected that this guy is just like himself, and he likes to stay behind!

The key is, according to the strength of the dust, once he joins the battlefield, the situation is absolutely reversed!

In this game, the two are evenly matched!

Do not!

To be precise, it turned out to be Jiang Fan's unprecedented miss at this moment!

And the Night Demon who is watching at this moment is just a tragic victory!

And the next one has nothing to do with wisdom at all, it just depends on whose fist is hardened!

"Adelaide, you, Guo Yu, and Ingram will leave with Francis and Fang Tong immediately, and Diana and Jiaojiao will follow Long Yan!"

"Adolf, Pei Qing, and Hasegawa, try their best to entangle the violent them! The rest immediately kill the two nightmare captains!"

"Otherwise, when the dust arrives, everything will be too late!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, the rest of the people were all startled!

After all, the dust hasn't replied yet, and at this moment they have a huge advantage!

"Jiang Fan, are you too anxious? How could the dust be so simple..."

Hasegawa just spoke!

But at this moment, the sound of dust rang from the walkie-talkie!

"I agree!"

Everyone's faces have changed!

The dust actually really agreed!

"Damn it!"

The crowd roared, and immediately all rushed up according to Jiang Fan's instructions!

The final battle broke out completely!

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