God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1356: Daughter of Ugly Time

"So you are a fire mage!"

Pei Qing's eyes lit up, and he stomped on the ground before rushing to the polymath again!

The polymath's staff gave another meal, and yet another halo of resistance was emitted!

However, the corner of Pei Qing's mouth twitched, and the Triangular Army Spike in his hand suddenly pointed towards the halo!

next moment!


The Resistant Aura actually exploded directly!


The polymath looked shocked!

"Nothing is impossible, the same trick, it's better not to use it twice on me!"

As soon as Pei Qing's words fell, the Triangular Army Spike had suddenly pointed at the Loremaster's magic shield!

It's just that the Triangular Army Spike just touched the outermost magic shield, and Pei Qing retreated quickly as if being electrocuted!

But it's too late!

Along with Pei Qing's retreat, the magic shield in the outermost layer of the Polymath looked like a living thing, actually stuck to the Triangular Army Spike, and then from between the blades of the Triangular Army Spike, it spread to Pei Qing's body in an instant!

Just after leaving ten meters, Pei Qing's whole person has turned into an ice sculpture!

This is amazingly ice magic-ice trap!

Once this magic is cast, it will cover the outermost layer of the magic shield like a magic shield, making the attacker mistakenly think it is another magic shield!

Once you get a move, your opponent will be frozen into an ice sculpture!

This polymath, not only did he display mutation magic before, he was also an unusually rare dual-line magic master!

Seeing that Pei Qing was recruited, the polymath moved, and he arrived in front of Pei Qing in an instant!

This is another mutant skill, short-range teleportation!

Then he flashed a blue light on his staff, unexpectedly once again displayed that terrifying magical explosion!

Seeing that the stick is about to be clicked on Pei Qing!

At this moment!


The ice sculpture suddenly burst open numerous cracks!

In the next moment, Pei Qing with a gloomy look had already got rid of the ice imprisonment, and the Triangular Army thorn suddenly hit the Loremaster's staff!


A loud and deafening noise directly resounded through the entire hall!

The horrible magic element swept tens of meters in an instant like a storm!

At the center of the explosion, Pei Qing and Polymath, it was as if two small stones were collapsed at the same time!

Still in the air, Pei Qing's entire coat has completely disappeared as if it had been weathered!

And the remaining two layers of magic shields on the Polymath had suddenly exploded!

"Bang! Bang!"

The two landed almost at the same time!

And just after falling to the ground, the polymath had already lit up the three-layer shield again!

And Pei Qing even jumped straight up with a carp!

However, he immediately looked at his Sanlang Army thorn with a little heartache!

The front end of that army thorn has been shattered!

And the polymath looked at his staff with the same heartache. There were three cracks in the blue gem on the staff!


The polymath looked at Pei Qing with a gloomy expression!

"As expected to be a Chinese warrior, the body protector is really powerful!"

"You are not bad, you are the first mage who can keep me deflated!"

Pei Qing's face is also gloomy!

The two stared at each other fiercely, then smiled at the same time, and shot again!

Adolf and Pei Qing are fighting fiercely here, while Kirra Hasegawa is even more dangerous!


Kirara Hasegawa finally caught up with Renata in a hall full of rubble!

Then his right hand pointed at Renata suddenly!

Renata frowned and flicked her right backhand!


There was a sudden sound in the air, like a metal crash!

Hasegawa stopped abruptly, and Renata shook her body and finally stopped!

The two looked at each other, and Renata suddenly laughed softly!

"Hasegawa, you are chasing you in such a hurry, do you really think you can eat me?"

"No way, who made you and I both women?"

Hasegawa smiled charmingly!

Then his eyes suddenly flashed green!

Dongying charm technique!

Renata closed her eyes suddenly, and then flicked her hands!

Hasegawa's complexion changed slightly, and he waved his hand to block!

In an instant!


In the empty mid-air, there was a sound of metal crashing again!

The attacks of the two men turned out to be invisible!

As the impact sound became more and more intense, countless cut marks appeared on the gravel on the ground!

Some stones were even fried directly into powder!

Amidst the fluttering dust, Hasegawa unexpectedly saw a weird woman in a white dress behind her!

The woman had a ferocious face, a bronze mirror hung on her chest, single-tooth clogs on her feet, a wooden comb in her mouth, an iron ring made of pig iron on her head, and three burning iron rings on the ring. candle!

She was holding a hammer in one hand and a five-inch nail in the other. It was she who shot at this moment, and the weapon in her hand was constantly facing the puppet silk thread cast by Renata!

"This is-the daughter of Ugly Time?!"

Renata's complexion changed!

"Huh? You actually know?"

Kirara Hasegawa looked surprised!

The Girl of Ugly Time is a famous female ghost in Dongying. The legend is transformed by a deficient and abandoned woman. She is good at casting spells and curses. A beautiful woman will easily arouse her strong jealousy. She will use the trick of the grass to bring misfortune. Put it on this woman!

And the three candles on her head represent the three fires of karma, feelings, hatred, and resentment!

Before in Bermuda, Kirara Hasegawa used the Girl of Ugly Time to invisibly extract the lives of those Citi nationals who molested her!

Just facing Hasegawa's doubts, Renata tickled the corner of her mouth!

"I thought you were also the owner of puppet art. Since you are using the power of the living body, you are sure to lose!"

As soon as the voice fell, Renata quickly flicked her finger!

Countless threads of silk suddenly spurted out, and they penetrated the body of the invisible and innocent ugly woman!

The action of the girl of Ugly Time suddenly stopped, and the next moment, the hammer and the five-inch nail in her hand were pierced directly at the back of Hasegawa!

Renata's previous attack methods were extremely monotonous, and it seemed that there were only puppet silk threads generated by abilities!

But that's because just relying on the invisible thread of the puppet is enough!

And now, the strength of her puppet ability really broke out!

No one can think of her puppetry, even ghosts can be manipulated!

Hasegawa's complexion changed drastically, and his hands suddenly pinched a handprint!

The daughter of the ugly time who had pierced her suddenly stiffened!

"Hee hee, it's really fun to control ghosts! But how long can you hold on? In terms of energy alone, I am much better than you!"

Renata smiled!

But Hasegawa didn't panic at all, he even pursed his lips!

"Miss Renata, don't you think that I only have this ghost?"

Renata was startled slightly!

And Hasegawa had a black gourd that was half the size of a palm suddenly floating out of his arms!

As soon as the lid of the gourd was opened, a black mist of tens of square meters spurted out in the whistling wind!

In an instant, the whole hall was filled with an eerie ghost!

When the black mist dissipated, Hasegawa had more than a dozen monsters with hideous and weird faces, but with a dull look in front of Hasegawa!

But seeing these demons, Renata, who had a prudent face, let out a laugh!

"Hasegawa, with these demons who don't even have a fourteenth level, you want to..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw Hasegawa's handprints change!

next moment!


Hasegawa's chest cracked open, and a big hand covered with **** fluff was stretched out of it!

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