The big hand just stretched out, unexpectedly caught a demon, and then directly brought the demon into Hasegawa's body!

Soon, there was a terrible chewing sound in Hasegawa's body!

Renata looked stunned!

Although she knew that Dongying's ghost control was so weird, witnessing it with her own eyes made her shudder!

With the sound of this chewing sound, the daughter of Ugly Time behind Hasegawa screamed sternly and broke free of Renata's silk control!

These demons summoned by Hasegawa are actually just food for another ghost in her body!

And if you eat the demon, it will feed back to Hasegawa's stronger power!

"Damn it!"

Renata's complexion changed, and the puppet silk thread in her hand rushed towards the remaining ghosts!

But at this moment, the three candles on the head of the girl of Ugly Time are shining brightly!

The phantom of a doll appeared in front of him!

Look at the appearance of the doll, it is exactly the same as Renata!

At the same time, Hasegawa shook his hands and threw out a long hair!

The long hair had just been attached to the doll's phantom, and the five-inch nail in her hand had already been pierced into the doll by the girl of Chou Shi!


The five-inch nail suddenly plunged into the body of the phantom doll, unexpectedly brought out a sound like a real thing!

At the same time, Renata screamed directly, and there was a blood hole in her heart!

"Miss Renata, a piece of your hair was cut off during the battle just now. It seems to be very useful now!"

Hasegawa looked at Renata with her hand in her heart, and smiled softly!

"You, what did you do?"

Renata sat down on the ground with a pale face, and the breath of the whole person was rapidly declining!

"Your heart has been pierced and you are about to die. In that case, I will tell you!"

Hasegawa smiled and began to explain!

"The girl of Ugly Time is not good at fighting, but cursing. As long as you get the target's blood or body part, you can use the ghost doll to harm the body! I secretly cut a piece of your hair in the lobby before, just to make Ugly Time The daughter casts this curse!"

"It turns out that it's like this..."

Renata looked stunned!

"Stay some strength to say your last words. They are all women. As long as I can do it, I will try my best!"

A hint of sympathy appeared in Hasegawa's eyes!


Renata asked weakly.

"of course!"

"Well, I, I want..."

Renata's voice was getting lower and lower, and Hasegawa couldn't help taking a step forward!

But at this moment!

Renata suddenly raised her head and looked at Hasegawa greedily!

"I want—your body!"

As soon as the voice fell, Renata's entire body suddenly spewed countless puppet threads!

Those silk threads suddenly shot towards Hasegawa at an unprecedented speed!

Hasegawa's complexion changed drastically, and a huge vertical pupil grew directly on his chest this time!

The vertical pupil just stared fiercely, the puppet thread in the sky froze suddenly, and Hasegawa took the opportunity to retreat quickly!

Hasegawa's face turned pale after only performing this trick, and he obviously consumed countless qi and blood!

"Tsk! What a pity!"

Renata sighed regretfully, and stood up as if nothing had happened!


Hasegawa was stunned!

Renata has been pierced through her heart. With such an injury, let alone stand up, normal people should be dead by now!

The key is that Renata at this moment, the blood hole in her heart is still spurting blood!

But Renata just smiled!

"Don't be surprised, in return, I also tell you one thing-this body itself is the product of the puppet ability!"


Hasegawa looked incredible!

"Hehe, shocked, right? Any part of this body is no different from a real person, and you can even feel pain!"

"I always thought this was perfect enough, but now, your body is so interesting. If you study it carefully, my body will definitely become more perfect!"

"Hehe, having the body of a ghost, I'm really excited just thinking about it!"

Renata said, countless puppet silk threads have rushed into the blood hole in the chest, but in a moment, the wound was repaired as before!

This body, as she said, is really just a puppet!

However, the biggest problem is also coming!

Since Renata is just a puppet, where is her body?

And in the hall at this moment!

Jiang Fan was looking at the Night Demon with a smile!

And the dust stared at the headless knight solemnly!


The sound of the bombardment of the fighting above has been faintly passed down!

"The above has already been done, shall we wait for the result, or should we fight now?"

Jiang Fan smiled with great joy!

The night demon stared at Jiang Fan silently for a moment, then suddenly spoke!

"let's hit!"


The two nodded, and then shot without any signs!


The Night Demon punched without fancy, directly blasted to Jiang Fan's front door!

And the headless horseman also slammed his mount suddenly, rushing directly to the dust!

The black giant sword in his hand suddenly waved at the dust!

Dust's pupils shrank, and his hands were put together, and the black giant sword was firmly clamped!

It's just that the headless knight slammed his bone whip and ran directly to the dusty face and stabbed it!

Seeing the bone whip hit, the dust narrowed his eyes!



A loud noise!

The first half of the bone whip actually exploded directly into dust!

The headless knight was startled slightly, his right hand holding the huge sword suddenly exerted force!


A crisp sound!

The dust was blown away directly by the bursting force of the headless knight!

While the dust is still in the air, the headless horseman's mount has suddenly jumped up, a mouth full of fangs, and it suddenly bit down at the dust!

However, the dust stretched out his right hand, directly on the teeth of the fierce mount!



A loud noise!

The head of the headless horseman suddenly exploded into a handful of black smoke!

Jiang Fan's pupils who were **** with Ye Mo suddenly shrank!

The headless horseman's mount is equivalent to the gold level, but the horse's head was smashed by the palm of the dust. In other words, the dust's attack power has definitely reached the master level!

This guy, his strength is so exaggerated!

And losing the horse, the headless knight is equivalent to being abolished and immortal!

It's just that the headless knight who loses his horse is equivalent to liberating the strongest strength!

As the headless knight turned over and landed, he had already held the giant sword in both hands and directly assumed a stab pose!

next moment!


Almost like a stream of light, the headless knight has suddenly reached the dust with an extremely terrifying speed!

The giant sword in his hand pierced Dust's chest fiercely!

Although Jiang Fan and Ye Mo were fighting at this moment, it was obvious that their minds were all focused on the battle between the headless knight and the dust!

Seeing the usefulness of the headless knight's trick, the corner of his eyes suddenly jumped!

So fast!

Seeing that the thorn was about to penetrate the dust, at this moment, the dust suddenly hooked his finger!

In the next moment, the ground under the feet of the Headless Horseman suddenly exploded into dust!

The headless knight staggered under his feet, coupled with the inertia brought about by the terrifying speed, for a while, the whole person actually rolled out from the dust directly like a gourd on the ground!

No one thought that the dust would solve this killer move so easily!

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