God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1358: Night demon is dead

Seeing that the dust not only used this trick to resolve the headless knight's ultimate move, but also turned the headless knight into a ground gourd. Not only was Jiang Fan stunned, but the night demon's pupils shrank!

This dust, regardless of strength or reaction, is amazing!

If you can't subdue it, you must kill!

The headless rider rolled out more than ten meters before he stopped!

It's just that as soon as he stopped, he saw that the dust had reached out his finger!

The headless knight abruptly raised his huge sword to stand in front of him!

next moment!


Accompanied by a low drink of dust!


There was another explosion!

The black giant sword, half the size of a palm, has suddenly exploded into a ball of powder!

Jiang Fan was really stunned this time!

The headless knight's greatsword is a genuine gold weapon!

And want to destroy the weapon of the gold rank, even the current Jiang Fan can't do it!

What kind of power is this dust, and how can it be so powerful?

And after taking a blow from the dust, plus having been teased just now, the headless knight was furious!

"Human! I will take your spine out and make it into a whip!"

The headless knight roared furiously, and once again held the giant sword with both hands!

This is actually another kick start!

As soon as he saw this skill, the pupils of the dust suddenly shrank!

And the headless knight roared, lightning rushed to the dust suddenly!

After all, the dust is not Jiang Fan. Although his attack is terrifying, his speed is obviously a weakness!

Seeing the headless knight rushed again, Chen's eyes were fierce, and his right hand suddenly lifted and aimed directly at the headless knight's heart!

And Jiang Fan also made a sudden move, like a double-fist violent storm suddenly blasted towards the Night Demon!

The corner of Ye Mo's mouth hooked, and his fists slammed up!

But at this moment!

An unexpected scene happened!

Jiang Fan turned his fist into a palm, and suddenly clasped Ye Mo's fist with both hands!

But the headless knight, who had rushed straight to the dust, suddenly changed his whole body forcibly, and rushed towards the night demon!

It turns out that this time the headless knight's impact on the dust is fake, and in cooperation with Jiang Fan, it is true to kill the night demon!

Ye Mo's pupils suddenly shrank, and his body was the same as the last time. He suddenly leaned back, and directly separated the second clone!

The headless knight, who was as fast as thunder, passed the night demon directly!

But at this moment!


A black flame suddenly ignited on the shoulders of the headless knight!

Amidst the flames, there is even a head that is rapidly and incomparably formed!

As soon as he saw this scene, the whole body of the night demon couldn't help trembling!

That is a fear of death!

He almost rushed to the Headless Horseman without even thinking about it, with a loud shout in his mouth!

"Dust! Kill this monster immediately!"

Dust obviously also felt the fear that the soul was trembling, and rushed towards the headless horseman almost without hesitation!

It's just that he just moved, and a long sword with bright silver light has suddenly drawn towards his neck!

The face of the dust changed drastically!

What a fast sword!

When he moved his finger, he pointed at the long sword!

However, how could Jiang Fan let him come into contact with weapons, the sword body of the Shuiyu Zimother sword suddenly bends, directly avoiding the fingers of the dust!

But due to this delay, the Headless Horseman had single-handedly pointed at the Night Demon, coldly spit out two words!

"Pull away!"


The Night Demon didn't even have time to make a scream, and his entire face had an unbelievable look, and he fell to the sky!


The night demon fell heavily to the ground, and the whole person was breathless!

The dust was stunned!

The eyes are full of unbelievable expressions!

Night Demon...dead?

That's it... dead?

No one could have imagined that this peerless ruthless man who killed all the powerful in the last battle of the ruins, died like this!

The point is, this guy is too frustrated!

The real strength did not have time to explode at all!

This scene is almost like an illusion!


Slowly spit out a foul breath, Jiang Fan only felt that his feet were soft!

It's done!

All this seems ridiculous, but it's a matter of course!

According to Jiang Fan's original idea, he wanted to fight the Night Demon!

With his strength far surpassing his peers, as long as he restrains the night demon, others will definitely have a chance to inflict heavy losses on the night demon!

However, Jiang Fan did not expect that the Night Demon had found the dust!

It made him compelled to use the headless knight that was supposed to be used only after the third rank mission!

But that's okay, with the dust, the night demon will definitely feel that the victory is in hand! And since he wants to conquer the dust, he must pay special attention to the strength of the dust!

In other words, when he was fighting Jiang Fan, he would never use his full strength as soon as he came up!

Instead, part of the mind should be divided to observe the battle between the dust and the headless knight!

It is precisely because of this that this gave Jiang Fan the opportunity to use the headless knight to kill with one blow!

The night demon was finally dead!

Just looking at the corpse of the night demon, even if he had made enough psychological preparations, Jiang Fan couldn't help but feel an absurd feeling in his heart!

Ye Mo's death was indeed too wrong!


After exhaling another suffocating breath, Jiang Fan finally smiled and looked at the dust!

"The night demon is dead, do you want to continue fighting?"

Chen Ai looked at Jiang Fan cautiously, and then spoke for a moment of silence.

"What do you mean?"

"It's very simple. Although you hurt Field, it was because they provoked first. I am always reasonable. Since they are making trouble for you, they deserve to be taught by you! So you and I don't have any hatred in nature, and the body For the Lord of Thorns, I can assure you that the Sword of Thorns will never trouble you in the future!"

"So, you mean, as long as I withdraw now, the grievances will be wiped out?"

"Yes! That's it!"

Dust's eyes flashed. If Jiang Fan said this before the battle with Ye Mo, he would never believe it, but the current situation is two to one!

Jiang Fan has absolutely no need to lie!

"Sure, I--"

Chen Ai finally nodded, but before he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly changed, and he looked behind Jiang Fan in shock!

At this moment, Jiang Fan felt a creepy feeling in his heart!


Accompanied by Jiang Fan's roar, the headless horseman had already blocked Jiang Fan's back in an instant!

next moment!


A muffled sound!

A powerful hand has completely penetrated the chest of the headless knight!

And above that big hand, at this moment, he holds the core of life in the headless knight!

Next, the big hand just squeezed hard!


The core of life of the headless horseman has been completely shattered!

And the headless knight let out a miserable cry, and his entire body burst into black smoke!

And as the black smoke rolled away, a figure finally appeared slowly!

That's amazingly——Night Demon! !

He didn't even die!

As early as when the Headless Horseman had just blocked him, Jiang Fan had already rushed forward, turning around and seeing the Night Demon at this moment, he couldn't believe his eyes!

He couldn't know how horrible the headless knight's soul pulled away!

Once hit, it will definitely die!

But now, the night demon is standing here with good grace!

How is this possible!

"Hehe, there was a lethal attack! Jiang Fan, you really brought a good helper!"

Ye Mo smiled, and with a flick of his right hand, there was already a dim crystal in his hand!

Only at this moment, the crystal was covered with cracks, and the night demon had just taken it out, and the crystal had exploded into a handful of debris!

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