God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 136: Iron pot 㸆 big goose

Jiang Fan left the house early in the morning, but always felt that the pedestrians on the road were a bit weird!

A girl in a cool dress, drooling on her mobile phone while walking, unexpectedly bumped her head into a tree!

Two young lovers quarreled, and the woman slapped the man directly!

"If you want to marry me, you have only one way out! That is—delivering food!"

There is also a handsome guy who suddenly went crazy, kneeling and crying!

"I, I dare to call myself handsome! It turned out that compared to him, I'm just an ugly man!"

Jiang Fan looked at a loss, and finally rushed all the way to Lanying!

However, as soon as he entered the class, he saw that all the students were staring at him with piercing eyes!

"Teacher, are you really a takeaway star?"

Su He, with surprise on his face!

"How many times have I explained to you, I am not a takeaway star!"

Jiang Fan shrugged!

"Impossible! You are!"

"Yes! Can the photos be fake?"

"Look, you look so much like you!"

As a group of students said, they handed the phone directly to Jiang Fan!

On the screen, it was exactly the side face on the report!

Jiang Fan was slightly startled!

Actually, it was photographed?

"Haha, take a photo, it must be different from me! Look at this idiot, with a dirty face, how can I be handsome?"

"You! Don't insult the takeaway star!"

"Yes! Even if you are Teacher Jiang, you can't insult my idol!"

"If you dare to speak ill of the takeaway star, we will be at odds with you!"

"The takeaway star, but the hero who saves people!"

A group of students angrily complained about the people in the photo!

Jiang Fan looked dumbfounded, scolded himself, and was actually threatened by others!

"Okay! I was wrong! The takeaway star is brave and handsome!"

"Well! It's almost the same!"

"Although what you described is not thorough enough, it is also so-so!"

"Unfortunately, I thought Jiang Fan was the star of takeaways!"

"Come on, look at his wretched look, how can he have the aura of a takeaway star!"

"Hmm! That's true too!"

Jiang Fan is full of black lines!

"Hey! Did I tell you that you are not allowed to bring mobile phones in class!"


A group of students was stunned, and then all of them whistled suddenly, returning to their seats casually!

bad boy!

Forget it, for the sake of your praise of me, this time, I won't care about you!

"Old, teacher!"

He Duoduo's voice suddenly sounded!

"What's wrong, classmate He Duoduo?"

"Teacher, thank you! I will definitely study hard and repay you!"

He Duoduo, his little face is full of admiration!

When he went home yesterday, his parents had already told He Duoduo what had happened!

He Duoduo has vowed to study hard and repay Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan grinned!

"Student He Duoduo, it's good for you to have such a determination!"

"Okay! Get ready for class!"

Jiang Fan left Class 3, and a group of classmates immediately gathered around He Duoduo!

"Dudou, what are you doing, Xie Jiangfan?"

"Teacher Jiang, yesterday, helped my family pay off all the debts!"


"It is said that that is a huge sum of fifty million!"

"Yeah! Jiang Fan, he is the one who delivers food, where did so much money come from?"

"Not to mention whether he has money or not, he will actually pay off the debts for the Duo Duo family, this..."

A group of students are silent!

A hint of shock flashed through Lu He's eyes!

Jiang Fan, unexpectedly, so atmospheric?

"Huh! Don't pretend to be a good person! I, Lu He, will not let you go so easily like these idiots!"

Jiang Fan, just returned to the office, Yang Jianye and Hu Guang immediately rushed forward!

"Ms. Jiang, is the person in the photo you?"

This is it again!

However, before Jiang Fan could speak, Chen Ling spoke with disdain!

"Huh! It's just an internet celebrity, it can't compare to Teacher Jiang!"

In her mind, apart from Jiang Fan, the rest, no matter who they are, are scum!


Jiang Fan, speechless!

This morning, I was either praised or scolded.

"Ms. Jiang, tonight..."

Chen Ling suddenly turned red and spoke!

However, at this moment, Jiang Fan was taken aback!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

"During the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the style of writing was prosperous, and countless calligraphy masters emerged, the most famous of which was revered as the "Sage of the Book"! His handwriting was subtle and subtle, beautiful and healthy, and his pen strength was three points! The Lanting Rally hosted by him, It's even more for future generations!"

Jiang Fan's eyes lit up!

This introduction, isn’t that—

"Ding! Please give Wang Xizhi a piece of "iron pot 㸆 big goose"!"

Jiang Fan, his face is dumbfounded!


You mess with the system! Wang Xizhi likes geese, and he has a bunch of geese at home, and asked me to give him geese to eat. Isn’t this looking for me?

"Ms. Jiang, that, tonight..."

Chen Ling is still talking shyly, unexpectedly!

Jiang Fan suddenly jumped up and ran away!

Chen Ling looked dull!

Bastard, bastard!

I just want to have a meal with you! Are you afraid of this?

You won't run so fast when the missile comes!

When Yang Jianye and Hu Guang saw Chen Ling's murderous face, they were almost scared to pee!

The two of them, like quail, lie on the table and dare not look up!

"Asshole! If there is a kind, don't come back!"

Chen Ling stepped on the ground fiercely, and the entire office trembled suddenly!

Of course Jiang Fan didn't know Chen Ling's reaction. He is now rushing to a Northeast restaurant!

Iron pot 㸆 big goose, this is a famous dish in Northeast China, the key is that the cooking time is not generally short!

If necessary, put the goose meat in the iron pot, 㸆 into a dry pot, let the goose meat fully absorb the soup, so that it can be delicious!


Jiang Fan was speeding on the avenue, and a group of fans saw his figure, excited, almost fainted!

"Takeaway Star!"

"It's a takeaway star!"

"Stop! Let me give you a baby!"

"Don't run! My five million dowry is ready!"

"Bah! Five million dowry is also worthy of marrying a takeaway star? I will pay 50 million!"

"Shut up! Takeaway Star, as long as you marry me, my 30 best friends will all belong to you!"

On the streets, there was chaos!

Jiang Fan was thundered outside Jiao Linen, Nima! Thirty?

Is it Ximenqing when you are Laozi?

Underfoot, faster!


In less than three minutes, Jiang Fan had already arrived at a Northeast restaurant!

"Boss, get an iron pot or big goose, hurry up!"

"Well, my little brother, this dish can't be fast, it's too short to taste!"

Jiang Fan frowned!

"I'll do it!"


Jiang Fan, come directly to the back kitchen!

"Master, give it a hand!"

"Hey, kid, don't mess around!"

The chef, with a look of anger, is about to push Jiang Fan away!

However, Jiang Fan picked up a kitchen knife and grabbed a big goose that was washed and stripped, and it was a straight cut!


Just listened to a crisp sound like firecrackers, a whole big goose, in just a few seconds, it was chopped into small pieces by Jiang Fan!

The chef was stunned!

The whole back chef was shocked!

"This, this swordsman!"

"Damn! Is he a butcher?"

"The action is faster than a sewing machine!"

"The most important thing is that the pieces of meat he cuts are exactly the same size! It's incredible!"

It's just that what shocked them is still behind!

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