God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 137: If I dare to take drugs, I'll kill you

I saw that Jiang Fan cut the big goose, and with the other hand, he had already skillfully lit the fire and poured oil!

Then Jiang Fan raised his knife again. In less than three seconds, a bunch of green onions, ginger, garlic and other condiments should be shredded and sliced!

And a large bowl of syrup was also adjusted by Jiang Fan!

The whole action is like running clouds and flowing water, although it is cooking, it does not carry a trace of smoke at all!

In the dull eyes of a group of chefs--


A bunch of ingredients are already in the pot!

Soon, a strong fragrance floated out!

It's so fragrant before it's ripe, if this is done, wouldn't it be--


Everyone couldn't help swallowing hard!

Jiang Fan continued to stir fry with the spoon, the fragrance, unexpectedly, floated from the kitchen to the lobby!

All the guests twitched their noses vigorously!

"Boss, what kind of dish is this? Hurry up and serve us one too!"

"I also want!"

"It's so fragrant!"

"Just by smelling it, you can eat three bowls of rice!"

After cooking, stir fry several times, Jiang Fan finally buckled the lid!

However, no matter how far the gas stove is turned on, the time is definitely too late!

Jiang Fan frowned!

Jiuyang Zhenjing, launch!

I saw that Jiang Fan put both hands on the bottom of the pot, suddenly bursting out of real anger!


The gas stove, as if about to explode, actually burst into flames one meter high!

The inside of the wok is rumbling! The lid, even more so, almost flew!

A group of chefs are already dumbfounded!

Even, I can't believe my eyes!

Cai, unexpectedly, can you still do this?

"Actually, even better than me, a super chef who graduated from Lanxiang Technical School!"

"God of Cooking, this is, God of Cooking!"

"It's not just the God of Cooking, it's the Stove Lord down to earth!"

"Too awesome! Too exaggerated!"

"Unscientific, unscientific!"


As Jiang Fan's anger converged, the lid of the pot jumped automatically!

In an instant, a strong aroma spread throughout the hotel!

"This smell, me, I think I'm going to fly!"

"No more, my nose, orgasm!"

"Simply, take my soul away!"

The boss is even more excited!

"Little brother, as long as you stay here, you can ask for your wages! The income of the restaurant, you have the final say!"

Jiang Fan just smiled, packed the food, dropped a hundred yuan, turned around and left!

"God of Cooking, don't go!"

"God of Cooking, wait!"

"Quickly, stop the God of Cooking! As long as you can learn a dish, you will definitely walk sideways in the future!"

However, a group of people chased out of the hotel, but how could there be any shadow of Jiang Fan?

"Ding! Reincarnation of Ten Thousand Realms has started! Coming soon, AD 353!"


Jiang Fan reappeared, already, at the foot of a beautiful mountain!

I saw the surrounding area, the lush greenery, and the air, with a sweet smell!

"Huh? Why did you run up the mountain?"

It just so happened that a woodcutter was going down the mountain with a bundle of firewood on his back!

"Uncle, where is this place?"

When the woodcutter saw Jiang Fan, he was panicked!

This person, with such a weird decoration, suddenly appeared again. Could it be that he is not a god?

The woodcutter, hurriedly bowed down: "Qizi Shangxian, this is the Kuaiji Mountain!"

Kuaiji Mountain?

Why, so familiar?

Jiang Fan was suddenly startled!

Kuaiji Mountain, isn't that the place where Wang Xizhi created "The Preface of the Lanting Pavilion"?

The time when Wang Xizhi created "The Preface of the Lanting Collection" was in 353 AD!

Unexpectedly, I was fortunate enough to see the birth of "Lanting Collection Preface"!

"Thanks, uncle!"

Jiang Fan, rushed directly to the top of the mountain!

In just a few minutes, Jiang Fan has reached the top of the mountain!

I saw that there were a few short tables here, and there were a lot of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and a lot of drinks and food!

It's just that a group of literati and elegant scholars who were supposed to be sitting behind the dwarf, at this moment, they are surrounded by panic!

"Oh! What can I do?"

"Father, you wake up soon!"

"Doctor, find the doctor!"

"Where can there be a doctor in this barren mountain?"

"It's over, have pity on my young brother Yi, I didn't expect to be buried here!"

Yi Shao? Wang Xizhi, the word Yi Shao!

by! I haven't delivered the meal yet, if you hang up, how can I go back?

Jiang Fan rushed straight up!

"I'm a doctor! Give it all!"

A group of people looked at Jiang Fan one after another!

"Why is this dress so weird?"

"Could it be that you met an immortal practicing in the mountains?"

"Shang Xian! Save Yi Xiao, quickly!"

"Shangxian, please, save my father!"

Jiang Fan, looking at Wang Xizhi lying on the ground!

I saw that he had three long beards under his jaw and he looked handsome, but now, his face turned blue, and his mouth was still foaming!

Beside him, there is a small white bottle!

Jiang Fan held Wang Xizhi's wrist, tried it slightly, and frowned!

The pulse is disordered, the viscera is weak, the kidneys are inadequate, and there is a faint hotness in the body!

This is clearly a sign of poisoning!

However, all Wang Xizhi invited were friends, and no one could poison him!

Jiang Fan, stopped his sight on the small bottle and took a sniff!

After that, suddenly, the anger went wild!

Oh shit! It's actually five stones scattered!

The so-called five stone powder is to mix stalactite, amethyst, white quartz, sulphur, red stone fat and other items with some auxiliary materials! It was invented by the famous doctor Zhang Zhongjing, mainly to treat patients with typhoid fever!

This kind of thing, unless it is a patient, normal people have to exercise more, eat cold things, take a cold bath, drink hot wine, otherwise, it will be killed!

It was originally a cure for diseases, but in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, it was regarded as a fashion!

Countless celebrities like this stuff! Many people just ate this thing to death!

Jiang Fan looked at Wang Xi bitterly, and suddenly raised his leg and kicked him into a pool not far away!

A group of people was shocked!

Looking at Jiang Fan dumbfounded!

What the **** is saving people! This is obviously murder!

Especially Wang Huanzhi, Wang Xizhi's son, is almost desperate with Jiang Fan!

However, Jiang Fan jumped into the water pool afterwards!

After that, the zhenqi was lifted, and successively clicked on Wang Xizhi's Fengchi, Fengfu, Lung, Quchi and other acupoints!

"Papa Papa!"

Jiang Fan's speed was extremely fast, and as his hands kept on, Wang Xizhi suddenly snorted, and suddenly two streams of dark red blood spurted out of his nose!

"Well, me, what's wrong with me?"

Wang Xizhi looked blank!

"You have eaten a lot of five-stone powder, if I come here a little bit later, you will go directly to see Marx!"

"Ah! I remember!"

Wang Xizhi looked at Jiang Fan with gratitude!

"Little brother, thank you! For your life-saving grace, I will live forever..."

"Shut up! You can't study well if you're old enough! You can't eat anything, you have to take medicine!"

Jiang Fan, reprimanded mercilessly!

"I dare to take drugs in the future, I will kill you directly!"

Jiang Fan is so angry!

If this old boy hangs up, he will have to stay in this ghost place without electric lights!

Wang Xizhi's face was dumbfounded by the training!

Others are stupid too!

Actually, dare to teach Wang Xizhi like this!

Even today's sage, he treats Wang Xizhi very politely!

Worthy of being a god! Too sturdy!

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