God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1366: Send you to the west

Yang Qiu was dumbfounded!

And the snake demon had already panted violently and looked at Yang Chou!

"Huh... is it you? Archibald's attendant?"

"Yes, it's me...you, you're not dead?"

"Nonsense! It's so easy to kill me! Lao Tzu's snake sloughing is practiced to save his life! It's just that every time she sheds her skin, her face will become more and more like a snake... Don't talk nonsense! Lao Tzu just shed her skin and is now weak At that time, come quickly and help me!"

The Snake Demon looked at Yang Chou impatiently!

"Oh, yes, yes!"

Yang Qiu hurried over and held the Snake Demon!

"Master Snake Demon, you, how long is your period of weakness? In case someone comes over again..."

Yang Chou looked cautious.

"Half an hour! But don't worry, I can still use the thirteenth level of strength now, there should be nothing wrong... Damn! How did this become like this here?"

Seeing the appearance of the hall clearly, the snake demon was taken aback!

It's just that Yang Chou didn't answer, but looked at the snake demon with a strange expression!

"Only thirteen levels?"


The snake demon was taken aback, but the next moment!


Yang Chou held the right hand of the snake demon's back waist, his palm suddenly turned into claws, and his five fingers suddenly penetrated the snake demon's lumbar spine!


Snake Demon's face changed a lot!

He was about to kill Yang Chou, but the next moment, he was shocked to discover that not only was he unable to mobilize his strength at all, the life and energy in his body were flowing towards Yang Chou at an extremely terrifying speed!

"You, what did you do!"

The snake demon trembled all over, looking at Yang Chou in horror!

He never dreamed that this little attendant who was beaten and scolded at will by Archibald was such a terrifying existence!

But Yang Chou just smiled sullenly, his hands were even stronger!

"Mr. Snake Demon, you are really my unexpected joy! After absorbing you, my strength will definitely go further! I will remember your dedication!"

Accompanied by Yang Chou's softly speaking, the snake demon's body actually shrivelled as if dehydrated!

Feeling the disappearance of life, the snake demon is horrified!

"Let me go, let me go! I am willing to serve you as your master! Be your slave!"

"Tsk tusk, what use is it for me to use food like you as a slave? Be good, don't bark!"

Yang Qiu's voice is even more gloomy!

The snake demon trembled all over!

Suddenly there was a terrible howl!

"Asshole! Asshole! I finally came back to life! I am not reconciled, not reconciled!!!"

The snake demon screamed desperately, but in just a few seconds, he could no longer make a sound!

next moment!


The snake demon had been like Archibald, the corpse was completely blown into a piece of sand!

No matter what means he has to resurrect, this time, it is useless!

But Yang Chou, who had absorbed everything from the Snake Demon, trembled all over, and then suddenly roared!


In an instant, Yang Qiu's strength had reached level fourteen!

"Hahaha! Good! Happy!"

"Jiang Fan, no matter how strong you are, you will definitely not improve as fast as I am!"

"When Lao Tzu absorbs everyone in this pyramid, then it will be your death date!"

Yang Qiu smiled darkly!

But at this moment!


He suddenly frowned and looked at a large crack on the ground!

The crack was left by Jiang Fan and Ye Mo during the battle, leading directly to the next floor.

But at this moment, Yang Chou actually smelled a hint of energy from under the crack!

As the owner of the ten plagues ability, although he has just awakened, Yang Chou's keen perception of energy far exceeds that of others!

He hesitated for a moment, then desperately squeezed in under the crack!

At the same time, Jiang Fan had put on his mask again, and according to the position reported by Ye Xun, he came to a hall full of gold products!

Unlike elsewhere, there are actually twelve thick golden pillars that support the entire hall!

The dome is engraved with gold to engrave the stars in the sky, plus various gold sculptures on the ground, it is simply magnificent!

And all the small forces are actually here excitedly moving all kinds of gold products!

"Hehe, it's so lively!"

Jiang Fan smiled softly!

His laughter was not loud, but it appeared in everyone's ears, as if a muffled thunder was blown up!

In an instant, everyone put down what they were holding and looked at Jiang Fan at the door with horror!


"Why did this monster find here?"

"Fighting against the Night Demon is so intense, he is not injured?!"

"Doesn't that mean that he is stronger than Night Demon?"

Everyone looked horrified!

"Don't be so nervous!"

Jiang Fan smiled softly and suddenly looked at the Shadow Alliance and Amazon Blade led by Ye Xun!

"Everyone, are you here?"

"Yes, sir, all the small forces are here!"

Ted, the leader of the Black Lightning Mercenary Group, hurriedly opened his mouth to please!

At the same time, the three small forces of Shadow Alliance, Amazon Blade, and Black Lightning all separated from the crowd and gathered directly beside Jiang Fan!

The crowd's complexion changed a lot!

"Ye Xun! Ponce! What the **** is going on?"

"Did you call the day?"

"What do you want to do?"

"Are you going to kill us all?"

"Damn! I know there is a problem with this day!"

The crowd chattered, they all looked at Jiang Fan cautiously!

However, Jiang Fan just sneered!

"It's so stupid, do you really think my benefits are so easy to take?"

"What do you mean?"

The crowd was taken aback!

"It's not interesting. I originally gave you the information about the ruins to disrupt the rhythm of the night demon, but the night demon didn't care about your trash! But since you are all alive, of course I want to use it!"

"Damn! Bai Shi, what do you want to do?"

The leader of a small force directly shouted angrily!

"Well, I'll just say it straight! Give you two choices, either accept me as the master, or I will send you to the west!"

Jiang Fan smiled softly!


"Dayday! You are too arrogant!"

"There are so many of us, do you think that defeating the Night Demon can defeat us?"

"Brothers, kill this idiot!"

With the roar of the leader of the small force before, the crowd suddenly rushed towards Jiang Fan!

Although Jiang Fan also has three forces here, there are more than a dozen of them!

Not afraid at all!


"Alright, then kill the chicken and the monkey!"

Jiang Fan shook his right hand lazily, and then suddenly shook it!


Baimang flashed!

The heads of the three men rushing into the front suddenly rose to the sky!

The two men who followed the three of them became even more stiff, and they burst into blood in an instant!


Everyone was stunned!

The footsteps seem to be nailed by nails!

They all looked at Jiang Fan in horror!

so horrible!

With just a wave of his hand, he killed five people in a second!

The point is, these people are all above the fourteenth level!

The big man at the front has even reached the half-step master!

However, killing them by day seems to be easier than squeezing an ant!

This strength is simply terrifying to the extreme!


Everyone couldn't help but swallow and spit!

But Jiang Fan seemed to have done a trivial thing, and his tone was still plain!

"It seems that you have calmed down, so I will give you another ten seconds! After ten seconds, no one who kneels down will die!"

"Next, the timing begins!"

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