


The leader of a small force fell directly to his knees!

And with his kneeling, everyone knelt down in panic!

"My lord, we are willing to be loyal! We are willing to serve you as your master and be your most loyal servant! Please also my sir to show your gratitude!"


Jiang Fan laughed!

But Ye Xun and the others were all in cold sweat!

If they hadn't stayed at that time, I'm afraid they would end up like this!

In comparison, they are so lucky!

And Jiang Fan has already taken out the walkie-talkie again!

"Number two, have Hasegawa and the others passed?"

"Not yet, we are exploring the ruins as you ordered!"

"Very good! Tell me where you are! You can never join them before I arrive!"

"Yes! Sir, we are..."

After confirming the position of No. 2, Jiang Fan suddenly ticked the corner of his mouth!

"Everyone, follow me!"

A group of people looked blank, they could only follow Jiang Fan!


Following the guidance of Number Two, the crowd has arrived in another hall!

This is where Solomon's Key wants to get the item!

Seeing Jiang Fan rushing over with such a large group of small forces, except for the number two, everyone was taken aback!

Jiang Fan glanced away, and saw that in addition to the 2nd, the 13th, and Long Yan, the rest were Kazuo Kameda, Dodoroa, Nina, Diana, and Jiaojiao!

"Jiang Fan? Are you okay?"

Kazuo Kameda looked surprised!

"Of course it's okay!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Brother Fan, where is the Night Demon? He, he..."

At this time, Long Yan greeted him with excitement!

"Don't worry, it's dead!"


"Night Demon is really dead?"

"He actually killed the Night Demon!"

Everyone changed their colors!

But when the words came to his ears, Long Yan trembled all over, and the next moment he burst into tears!

"Dead, finally dead..."

"Well, it's a pity that Night Demon is too tricky, I can't let you do it yourself."

Jiang Fan patted Long Yan on the shoulder.

"It doesn't matter, Brother Fan, thank you, thank you!"

Long Yan looked at Jiang Fan in tears.

"Brother, you are polite! Besides, Longqi's brothers will get revenge. This is a happy event, don't cry!"


Long Yan nodded.

Jiang Fan had already looked at the others, and his expression suddenly changed!

"Kazuo Kameda, Todoroya, Nina, Lin Jiaojiao, please be loyal to me!"

"what did you say?!"

All four of them were stunned!

"I said, be loyal to me!"

Jiang Fan's tone is cold!

"Hmph, haha, hahaha! Jiang Fan, are you crazy? Why are you loyal to you?"

Kazuo Kameda sneered!

But Nina and Dodoroa's complexion changed!

As for Lin Jiaojiao, she has been blinded!

for a long time!

Dodoroa suddenly looked at Diana!

"Jiang Fan just... didn't mention your name!"

"Sorry, I have been loyal to Master Jiang Fan a long time ago!"

Diana smiled!


Everyone was stunned!

And Dodoroya is even more unbelievable!

Diana was already subdued by Jiang Fan?

The point is, if Diana has been subdued by Jiang Fan, what about Adolf, who is inseparable from her?

Will it also...

Just thought of this!


Dodoroa actually barely knelt down directly facing Jiang Fan!

"I! Dodoroa, swear allegiance to Jiang Fan!"

"Dodoroya! Are you crazy?"

Kazuo Kameda was stunned!

"I'm not crazy, I just don't want to die!"

A wry smile suddenly appeared on Duodoroa's fat face!

"We are all calculated by Jiang Fan. If you don't want to be loyal, there is only one dead end!"

"A dead end? Jiang Fan signed a contract with us, absolutely can't hurt us!"

"You are wrong, Jiang Fan can't hurt us, but what about our own people?"

"My own person?"

Kazuo Kameda was taken aback!

And Dodoroa already sighed.

"Yes, if I guessed right, Adolf would have been loyal to him long ago. The contract is just to prevent our teams from hurting each other, but it doesn’t work in our team! If I’m not loyal, I’m afraid that when Adolf comes, I It's dead! Most importantly, we probably won't be able to wait for Adolf to come over!"

Dodo Luoya said, pointing directly at Ye Xun and the others!

"They, I'm afraid they will kill me!"

Everyone was stunned!

Immediately after that, it was even more chilling!

No wonder, with Jiang Fan's strength, he had to form an alliance with that group of small forces when he was in Bermuda at that time!

The second thing to regard them as pawns is the most important thing, it is actually to fight the contract with the five major forces!

This is precisely to pave the way for conquering the five major forces!

And even if Ye Xun didn't stay with the three teams, he would probably find a way to win over others. As for him, he left Archibald and Dun Techa because of this!

There is a contract, Jiang Fan can't take it personally, but all this is only limited to the five major forces!

At this moment, Jiang Fan didn't even need to say a word, the small forces he had subdued already knew what to do!

The contract only said that Jiang Fan could not count them, but it didn't say that he wanted to prevent others from harming them!

Kazuo Kameda's face is ashamed!

He looked at Jiang Fan almost incredulously!

"You, you plan to subdue us from the beginning?"

"Correct! For me, the things in the ruins are not attractive at all! What really interests me is just you!"

"What I lack is talent. As for the production among these relics, ha ha..."

Jiang Fan's smile was light and breezy.

There is a system, and the things in the ruins can't be seen by him at all!

And what he wants to gain is just the allegiance of these people!

Kazuo Kameda gave a wry smile, and finally fell to his knees!

Lin Jiaojiao looked at Jiang Fan pitifully.

"Mr. Jiang, I, I..."

"The same with you! I know that Long Yan still has enemies within you. Don't let me think that you have anything to do with his enemies!"

Lin Jiaojiao's heart trembled, and finally she knelt down slowly!

But Long Yan's heart warmed!

Seeing the loyalty of a few people finished, Jiang Fan signaled Lin Jiaojiao to contact Guo Yu!

Soon, in a slightly hidden darkroom, Jiang Fan finally saw Guo Yu and others!

At this moment, Guo Yu and Adelaide are wiping the wounds of the seriously injured Fang Tong and Francis, and the magician Ingram is constantly performing magical healing techniques!

Thanks to Ingram too, otherwise Francis and Fang Tong would have died long ago!

And now, the two of them have regained consciousness, but their injuries are too serious to act at all!

Seeing Jiang Fan and the others arrived, the few people suddenly breathed a sigh of relief!

"Master Jiang Fan!"

Adelaide is particularly excited!

After all, in his mind at this moment, Jiang Fan is a unique apostle!

But Francis snorted coldly!

His eyes were full of hostility towards Jiang Fan!

In his mind, Jiang Fan is a complete blasphemer, and he is not qualified to be forgiven!

It will never be favored by the God of Light!

All this must be a scam!

Once he waits until he leaves the ruins to recover from his injuries, Jiang Fan must pay the price!

Even the Big Three of the Council of Light, the chief referee Barkley of the courthouse, absolutely cannot convince him!

However, Jiang Fan turned a blind eye to Francis' hostility!

Just spoke lightly to a few people.

"Be loyal to me!"

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