God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1368: Dad of the God of Light


All of them were taken aback for a moment, and then immediately!

"Jiang Fan! What are you talking about!"

"Couldn't you be stupid by the night demon?"

"Hehe, this joke is not funny at all!"

And Francis chanted a sacred scripture of light with a sneer on his face!

"Those blasphemers are bound to be crazy and fall to **** forever in the flames of the Lord Angel! Jiang Fan, you really are an out-and-out blasphemer!"

"Do you think I'm joking?"

Regarding the ridicule of several people, Jiang Fan just smiled and asked directly.

"Of course! How else do you want to subdue us? Use your mouth? Don't forget, we have a contract..."

Francis laughed!

However, he hasn't finished speaking!


The expressionless Adelaide had already cut off his head with a hand knife!


Francis' head fell to the ground!

To death, he didn't understand what was going on!

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at all this dumbfounded!

Ingram looked at Adelaide stunned!

"Adelaide! What are you doing? Are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy, Francis is crazy! Ingram, join me in loyalty to Master Jiang Fan!"

Adelaide looked at Ingram seriously!

Ingram was stunned!

And Jiang Fan has already looked at Guo Yu and Fang Tong, who are still sluggish!

"Your choice?"

The corners of Guo Yu's mouth twitched, but Fang Tong smiled bitterly.

"Jiang Fan, you really are not a good person! This hand is really amazing!"

"Thank you! But this is not the answer I want to hear!"

"Okay, but if you say it in advance, I can be loyal to you, but it will never harm China's interests!"

"Of course, and you dragon team, if it is not necessary, I will not contact you at all!"


Fang Tong reluctantly stood up and solemnly swore!

And Guo Yu sighed, and he could only make a **** oath!

"Ingram, you are the only one left!"

Jiang Fan looked at Ingram, and at the same time a pure and incomparable holy light burst out from his hands!

Everyone was stunned when they saw the Holy Light!

"Holy Light?!"

"Jiang Fan can actually emit a holy light!"

"This, this is a sign of the fanatics of the Council of Light!"

"Who the **** is Lord Hiruto?"

Everyone was shocked!

And Ingram was trembling all over!

He gritted his teeth and finally spoke!

"Jiang Fan, let me ask you a question. As long as your answer satisfies me, I will definitely serve you like the God of Light!"


"How did your holy light come from? Is it really given by the God of Light?"

Ingram’s problem is also everyone’s problem!

However, Jiang Fan shook his head!

Ingram's face sank, but for the next moment, he was directly stunned!

"Compared with the existence that gave me the Holy Light, the so-called God of Light is nothing!"


The audience was upset!

But Ingram's palms were all sweat!

Not the **** of light, but he can bestow holy light on Jiang Fan, and the **** of light is nothing compared to him...

Is it the **** father of the **** of light?

and so on!

The father of the **** of light?

It seems that there is indeed such a record in the oldest scripture!

Could it be that what Jiang Fan said is true?

If this is the case, then--


Ingram knelt directly!

"My lord! I, Ingram, swear my allegiance to the death!"


Jiang Fan finally showed a satisfied smile.

"Next, there are the last two... Contact Pei Qing and them, let them come and join together!"

While Jiang Fan was busy subduing the rest of the forces, Yang Chou finally squeezed into the crack!

Below the crack is also a hall, but it is different from the above. It is dark here, and it can only be seen vaguely that it is covered with gravel and shallow pits, and there is a faint smell of blood.

After all, Yang Chou was not a strong man like Jiang Fan, who had the strength of level fourteen, but did not have the courage and mentality to correspond to it. When he saw such a gloomy scene, he couldn't help but want to quit.

But at this moment!


Not far in front, a soft cough that couldn't be suppressed suddenly sounded!

Sure enough, someone!

Yang Chou's eyes lit up, and finally took the courage to take a few steps!

Turning a huge gravel, he finally saw the sight there!

Under the gravel, he was actually half-adhering to a man with broken limbs and hollow eyes!

"who are you?"

As soon as he saw Yang Chou, the man suddenly spoke weakly.

"I, my name is Yang Qiu...who are you?"

Although this man had all broken limbs, the energy in his body was like a tsunami!

Yang Qiu couldn't help but fear, but he gave birth to greed!

If you can absorb this person, then...

But when he heard Yang Chou's question, this person smiled!

"you do not know me?"

"No, I don't know!"

"Well, there is no one else here, then I will introduce myself, my name is-Night Demon!"

"What?! You, you are not dead yet?!"

Yang Qiu's pants were getting wet, he couldn't help but take a step back!

Blew up and didn't die?

What a monster this is!

Run, must run!

Thinking of this, Yang Chou could hardly take care of anything else, and turned around and wanted to run away!

It's just that as soon as he moved, the corner of his mouth twitched!

next moment!


An extremely terrifying aura directly pressed Yang Chou in place!

"What are you running? I heard you say on it just now that you and Jiang Fan have hatred?"

Ye Mo smiled slowly and spoke.

Although he blew himself up before, he still kept a hand!

The avatar with all limbs broken before was sent below, and the moment before the self-detonation, it escaped through the transfer!

It's just that the Night Demon at this moment is completely abolished!

"Yes, there is a grudge, Jiang Fan... Jiang Fan that beast, he killed my family!"

When he heard the night demon's question, Yang Chou suddenly forgot his fear, and instead gritted his teeth!

His hatred of Jiang Fan has overwhelmed his fear of Night Demon!

Even the absorption ability was passively activated, and he broke away from the restraint of the night demon's aura!

"Huh? Your ability is interesting!"

The Night Demon was slightly surprised.

"Of course, I am one of the owners of the Ten Plagues!"

Yang Chou lied inwardly and screamed!

"Oh? Which one?"

The night demon's face shocked!

"Everything is absorbed! Are you scared?"

Yang Qiu smiled proudly!


"Everything draws? This is it! Haha, hahaha! Good, good!"

The Night Demon laughed with surprise on his face!

At the same time, his aura that had disappeared reappeared, and he dragged Yang Chou to his side!

Yang Chou was shocked, unable to take care of anything else in a panic. He grabbed the chest of the Night Demon with one hand, and drew the ability to activate it desperately!

It's just a scene that horrified him!

Although the absorption ability is activated, the absorption speed is unexpectedly slower than ever!

"This, this is impossible!"

Yang Chou looked shocked!

"It's not impossible. Although your power is terrifying, you don't know how to use it, and even if I can't move, you can absorb one-tenth of my energy for a day!"

The night demon sneered!


Yang Chou's expression changed, and he immediately wanted to withdraw his hand!

It was just a twitch, but he was shocked to find that his hand could not move, as if it was stuck to the night demon!

"Don't panic, as long as you promise me one thing, not only will I not hurt you, but I will give you a great gift!"

The Night Demon spoke slowly.

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