God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1369: Give you a big gift

"Send me a big gift?"

Yang Qiu was stunned!

"Yes! A great gift!"

"Okay, you, you say!"

Regardless of true or false, hold this monster first!

The Night Demon spoke slowly with a solemn expression!

"If you are less than level 15, never go to Jiang Fan! And get my gift, leave here immediately!"

"this one?"

Yang Qiu was startled!

"Yes! That's it!"

"Okay! I promise you! Anyway, I must have entered level 15 earlier than Jiang Fan. When that happens, I will crush and kill him directly!"

"You are wrong, I mean, you are less than level 15, absolutely can't kill him! It's hard to meet a guy with full potential like you, I don't want you to be caused by him before you cause him any trouble. Killed!"

Night Demon laughed!

"You! How dare you look down on me!"

Yang Chou looked furious!

However, the night demon only sneered.

"Boy, do you really think getting the ten plagues ability is great? For Jiang Fan and me, even if you have another ten plagues ability, it will only be a little trickier!"


Yang Chou was furious, just thinking of the two men's power, he suddenly snorted unwillingly!

And Night Demon's face suddenly regained solemnity!

"Boy, remember, don't underestimate Jiang Fan at any time!"

"And if you want to defeat him, you must not only have the strength, but also learn to do whatever it takes!"

"The most important thing is, when you can kill with one blow, never hesitate! Don't give him any time to turn over! Don't listen to any of his words! For you, his words are magical!"

Yang Qiu was stunned. The words of the night demon actually made him feel a touch in his crazy heart.

But he sneered immediately!

"Stop talking nonsense, of course I know this! I have agreed to your terms. What are my benefits?"

"You are so impatient!"

Ye Mo shook his head and sighed suddenly!

"Boy, your luck is really good! Okay, accept this gift!"


The energy in the night demon suddenly rushed into Yang Chou's inner body like a mountain whistling a tsunami!


Yang Qiu was stunned!

The advantage that the night demon said was actually himself!

The Night Demon actually took the initiative to learn from him a world-shaking cultivation base!

With the loss of energy and life, the night demon's breath became weaker and weaker, but the night demon showed a refreshing smile!

"Hehe, Jiang Fan, people like you and me, even if they are dead, will still think about making trouble for the other party, right?"

"It's just a pity, this troublesome brain doesn't seem to be enough, but it's fun to disgust you... isn't it?"

With this sigh, the body of the night demon finally gradually turned into scattered dust...

The night demon is dead.

This time, without any back-hands, it completely disappeared.

But with the gift of the Night Demon, the energy in Yang Chou's body began to soar like a volcanic eruption!

Very quickly surpassed the fourteenth peak!

Then came the half-step master!

Finally reached the fourteenth limit!

"So strong! Too strong!"

Yang Qiu looked at his hands in disbelief!

The eyes are full of shock!

Too tough!

The Night Demon whose strength has fallen to the bottom of the valley can actually give him such a terrifying energy!

How horrible is the Night Demon at its peak?

And what strength is Jiang Fan, who can defeat the Night Demon?

If you don't get to the master, don't trouble Jiang Fan. Now it seems that the night demon is really right!

"Night Demon, I will listen to you once I have benefited from you!"

"Jiang Fan! I'll let you go this time! Wait! As long as you can kill a grandmaster, reaching level 15 is easy! Waiting for me to return to China will be your death date!"

"Hehehe, hahahaha..."


It is easier to subdue Pei Qing and Hasegawa than Jiang Fan imagined!

Knowing that it would not harm China's interests, Pei Qing almost agreed without even thinking about it!

After all, he is the idol of his own idol, you can't go wrong with this kind of big brother!

As for Hasegawa, just by looking at her affectionate eyes, I'm afraid that even if Jiang Fan didn't say allegiance, she would do anything!

After subduing all the forces, the next step is to thoroughly explore the ruins!

It took twelve hours for the ruins to surface, and now two hours have passed, and one more hour has to be left to retreat. In other words, there are nine full hours of exploration time left for everyone!

Everyone is gearing up, just waiting for the benefits of the big fishing!

But at this moment!

"Everyone, do you have any wishes?"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke.


"My lord, why do you ask this?"

"I don't have any desires, just make a fortune!"

"Don't talk nonsense! My lord, our wish is for you to enjoy immortality forever, longevity and heaven!"

"Yes, yes, yes! Master Jiang Fan, with boundless mana and vast magical powers, is coming to the Central Plains!"

The crowd is babbling!

"Ha ha……"

Jiang Fan smiled.

"Then let me change the question, everyone, have you ever thought that one day you will become the lord of the thorns sword, or a big man like Duke Solomon's Key?"

"Of course I thought about it!"

"That's a real top big man!"

"But just think about it!"

"That kind of big power, our kind of stuff, I'm afraid it won't be in the eyes of others at all!"

The crowd sighed.

But Adolf, Hasegawa and others were slightly moved!

Jiang Fan smiled.

"You are wrong. It is not impossible to want to be such a big man, and you will even go further!"


Everyone was stunned!

All looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

"My lord, are you kidding me?"

"Not only can you become such a big man, can you be one step closer?"

"My lord, what do you mean?"

But Adolf, who reacted first, suddenly looked at Jiang Fan with excitement!

"My lord, you, are you trying to—"

"Yes! I want to create a hidden power that belongs to me completely!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were filled with endless ambition and desire for a moment!

Before Jiang Fan desperately expanded his strength, revenge on the Zhou family was still second, but the more he knew about the world, the more anxiety he would have!

There are so many things hidden in this world!

Without strength and influence, even if the Zhou family is destroyed, who can guarantee that there will be no second or third in the future?

As long as it is placed on the bright side, anything that can be seen by others may be destroyed!

But what if this thing is hidden in the dark?

Just like Solomon's Key, all their strengths are hidden in the dark. Although they are not as powerful as the Light Council, hundreds of years have passed, and the Light Council still has no way to use them!

And Jiang Fan, he wants to hide deeper than them!

And not only to be deep, with Adolf, Hasegawa, and Adelaide as internal responses, not only can they take care of each other, but it is also equivalent to attaching to these big forces and constantly absorbing their flesh and blood to grow!

Such a force, that kind of terrifying potential, makes the scalp numb just thinking about it!

When the time comes, the Jiang family is shining, and this force is in the dark. No matter who it is, it will be difficult to ascend to the sky if you really want to destroy the Jiang family!

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