God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1373: Is the business so big?


Accompanied by a white light, Jiang Fan has appeared in a strange jungle!

Although it is night at this moment, it is unexpectedly bright here, with three full moons hanging high in the sky, reflecting the brilliance of this lush jungle!

It's just that Jiang Fan didn't have the intention to look around, but frowned, his face solemn!

Only one piece of his own iron-blood suit is now!

And there are only one or two world orders for the three-revolution mission. At this time, the system releases an order for the predator world to himself, obviously for him to collect the iron suit!

And the meaning behind this, it means that the difficulty of the third rank mission is bound to be extremely terrifying!

This is what Jiang Fan is bothering about!

However, knowing the difficulty of the three-revolution task, Jiang Fan's eyes are still full of unspeakable excitement!

For others, this kind of job-changing task is like a nightmare, but for Jiang Fan, this is the only thing that can truly excite him!

The kind of crisis that wanders on the edge of life and death, and a little mistake will be forever, can Jiang Fan truly experience the thrill of burning his life!

This may be because in the real world, there are very few people who can be his opponents and push him to a desperate situation.

Or perhaps it was traveling through the heavens and all realms, giving him a mentality that ordinary people could not understand.

Until now, only every job transfer task is the battlefield that Jiang Fan really recognizes!

This is a mentality change that Jiang Fan himself hadn't noticed.

And this may be exactly what the system really hopes to look like!


Slowly exhaling a foul breath, Jiang Fan was already looking around.

The vegetation of this forest is really weird. There are not only common banyan trees and vines, but also large tracts of exotic plants that even Jiang Fan has never seen.

And the oxygen content in the air is actually more than 10% higher than the earth!

Gravity is almost the same as the earth.

It can be seen that the predator has obviously worked hard to manage this hunting planet!

Just as Jiang Fan had just finished looking around, a strong energy response suddenly came from a distance!



A harsh explosion sounded there!

Jiang Fan's expression moved, and it was instantly analyzed that it turned out to be the energy response of the particle cannon!

In other words, there is a predator working on it!

And on this planet, who can let the predator fire a cannon, don't ask!

Jiang Fan moved his feet and rushed to the direction where the explosion sound came from!


Jiang Fan's speed is so fast, in just ten seconds, he has come to an empty camp with dozens of bonfires burning!

It's just that this camp is in the slightest different from what people have in mind!

I saw that the entire camp was filled with thick stone pillars, and many of the stone pillars were tied to various creatures that had been skinned!

And beside the stone platform where the bonfire was built, countless skulls connected to the spine were piled up!

The air was filled with a pungent smell of blood and rancidity.

Jiang Fan glanced away and found that most of the skinned creatures and skulls belonged to humans!

"Oh shit!"

A murderous flash in Jiang Fan's eyes!

Compared with the aliens whose instinct is to kill and multiply, the predator, a monster who purely takes killing for pleasure and regards it as glory, not only makes him feel sick, but also has an impulse to kill him!

At this moment, another explosion sounded from a distance!

Jiang Fan was about to pass, suddenly!


A painful groan suddenly sounded from not far away!

And at this moment, in a pit trap not far from the camp, the heroine Isabel looked desperately at the man before him who was very elegant, but now has a very hideous expression!

This man is exactly the doctor who should have no power to restrain him, Edwin!

Just now, the two fell into this trap, but Edwin, who had always been acting as the only one, suddenly shot her, and directly scratched her with a scalpel stained with neurotoxin!

And looking at Isabel with a desperate look, Edwin was smug!

"Hehehe, how does this neurotoxin taste? Don't worry, it's not fatal, but it will make you very painful!"

"Now, do you know why those monsters chose me?"

"I am smarter than you. I observe you and win your trust. You can't see my true face at all!"

"On earth, I am a murderer and a perverted murderer, but here, among these monsters, I am normal. I like it here and I want to stay..."

According to the original plot, among the eight people captured by the predator this time, only one seemed harmless!

That is Edwin who calls himself a doctor, but is actually a perverted murderer!

After being chased by the predator all the way, only the male protagonist Royce and the female protagonist Isabel are left, as well as the murder doctor Edwin.

At this time, Edwin finally revealed his true shape, paralyzed Isabel with a neurotoxin, and planned to re-enjoy the pleasure of killing!

However, his tricks were dismantled by Royce, who dared to come in time, and finally died without a whole body!

Only now, Royce did not appear at all!

And Edwin said with a weird smile, and slowly walked towards Isabel!

He wants to skin and mutilate this woman!

At this moment, his scalpel is about to be raised!

"Hi! Hello!"

Jiang Fan's voice suddenly sounded from above!

Edwin was taken aback and hurriedly stopped his hand and looked up!

Just looking at it, he was taken aback!

"You, who are you?"

"My name is Jiang Fan, I'm here to deliver food to Isabel!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Outside, takeaway?!"

Edwin was stunned!

This is so extraterrestrial!

Is Huaxia's takeaway business so big now?

Can interstellar food delivery?

It's really low-key!

And Isabel is even more stunned!

Especially this neurotoxin is too high, and I have hallucinations now!

The point is that this illusion actually saw such a handsome takeaway!

This face shape, this figure, tut! It's beautiful and delicious!

God, if this is what Edwin is talking about, let the pain be more violent!

Kang Muang!

Two more dollars for my old lady!

Isabel looked at Jiang Fan with a drunken look, and Edwin finally reacted!

Oh shit!

Regardless of what this kid is doing, I just happened to be killed together to make Lao Tzu enjoyable!

"Little brother! We are trapped here, can you figure out a way to take us out?"

"no problem!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, his body suddenly moved!

next moment!


Edwin and Isabel only felt that a flower in front of them had been brought to the ground by Jiang Fan!

Edwin was stunned!

What happened just now?

Why did you come out by yourself at a glance?

Is this the legendary Chinese Light Gong?

And Isabel's eyes widened!

Not an illusion!

Actually, there is such a handsome and explosive Huaxia brother who has come to deliver food to himself!

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