Just now she was suffering from toxins in her body, and her heart was extremely desperate. After she came here, she had not eaten anything, and she was panicked with hunger!

I just want to eat something refreshing before I die!

But I didn't expect that Jiang Fan would actually arrive as soon as I thought about it!


Has Huaxia’s takeaways abandoned the traditional order category and instead used telepathy?

Could this be the benefit of 5G?

Damn it!

Stupid people who understand the king and more stupid Western politicians, this group of people will degenerate into primitive people sooner or later in front of the Chinese!

Jiang Fan had already looked at Isabel with a smile, and directly took out the cold lotus root!

"Isabel, the takeaway for you, eat it!"

As soon as the cold lotus root was taken out, the incredibly fragrant smell instantly filled the air!

Even just by smelling the smell, Isabel had a burst of strength out of thin air and caught the plate!

Seeing Isabel catch the plate, Edwin was surprised!

What kind of food is on this plate?

Can actually make Isabel paralyzed by neurotoxin move!

The point is, since Isabel can move, it proves that this food can definitely restrain neurotoxins!

If this woman eats this food, she will be healed, and then she will not be able to control this fierce woman!

When he thought of this, Edwin's eyes were fierce, and he showed the scalpel directly, and pierced Jiang Fan's back!

Although Isabel is active, she is completely seduced by the taste of the takeaway. In fact, she can't speak at all!

Seeing Edwin stab Jiang Fan, his eyes widened suddenly, watching all this in horror!

That's it!

What a pity this handsome takeaway boy!

It was oneself that made him tired!

But the next moment!


Edwin's scalpel pierced Jiang Fan's body, directly bringing out a flash of sparks!

Immediately afterwards, it broke into two paragraphs directly!

Both of them were stunned!

Is this a person?

That's a scalpel, it can almost be called the sharpest knife!

However, even Jiang Fan's skin was not scratched!

"Huh? Did something happen?"

Jiang Fan looked back at Edwin curiously.

Edwin looked blank, the next moment!

"Damn! Help!"

He screamed suddenly, turned and ran!

Jiang Fan shrugged and looked directly at Isabel.

"Hurry up!"

Isabel was still sending out messages, but the taste of the takeaway was too tempting. Suddenly, she couldn't take care of the others, so she took the takeaway and ate it!

"It's delicious! It's delicious!"

"The fragrance of lotus root and the supplement of chili peppers are a perfect match!"

"Unexpectedly, the lotus root can be so delicious!"

"It makes me refreshed!"

"Huh? I recovered?"

After eating the lotus root, Isabel looked at her hands with shock!


Huaxia's takeaways actually have the effect of detoxification!

"Jiang Fan! Thank you, thank you!"

Isabel looked at Jiang Fan with gratitude!

If it weren't for Jiang Fan today, she would definitely be dead!

The point is, Jiang Fan didn't even start, and he actually scared Edwin away!

Such a handsome and powerful takeaway, no wonder he can deliver food between stars!

"You're welcome!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"By the way, where's Royce?"

"Before we were chased by the predator, he told me and Edwin to run first, and he led the predator away by himself!"

Isabel said that her face suddenly changed!

"No! I have to save him!"

However, she just got up, at this moment!


A scream suddenly sounded from the campsite!

Listen to the sound, it belongs to Edwin!

The two looked over there at the same time, only to find that Edwin's body actually rose more than a meter high out of thin air!

"this is……"

Isabel's complexion changed!

next moment!

Behind Edwin, with the sound of "Zila Zila", a tall monster with a hideous body and a strange mask suddenly appeared!

The reason why Edwin's body rises is because the monster is now raising an arm, pinching Edwin's neck, and lifting him high!


It's just that this predator is completely different from what Jiang Fan has seen before!

The most obvious is the mask!

A normal predator mask is forged from a single piece of metal, and under this predator's mask, there is actually a circle of fangs inlaid with unknown materials!

Moreover, his body is a full twenty centimeters taller than the predator before!

According to the original plot, there are two races in the predator. These two races have different appearances and seem to have deep hatred, but there is no explanation for the specific grievances in the plot!

The styles of these two groups are also completely different. The old version of the predator will only take the initiative to hunt on the planet where the prey is located, while this new predator will bring the prey back to this hunting ground before attacking. kill!

And this one that appears now is obviously a new type of predator!

"Damn it! Why is the Predator here? Since it is here, Royce..."

Isabel's face changed drastically!

And Edwin had already looked at Jiang Fan with tears of tears!

"Save, save..."

Edwin's neck was pinched tightly by the predator, with a look of despair!

It's just that he hasn't finished speaking, the predator has already thrown him to the ground severely, and then stepped on his body with one foot, and pulled hard with his hands!


Edwin let out a miserable cry!

next moment!


A crisp sound!

Edwin's head and spine have been directly torn off by the predator!

Such a brutal scene made Isabel tremble and sweat!

However, Jiang Fan's expression was completely gloomy!

Edwin is indeed a despicable bastard, he is more than guilty!

But no matter how **** humans are, they must not be reduced to toys for the fun of alien monsters!

This is human dignity!

Jiang Fan, angry!

I didn't see what he was doing, and he was in front of the predator in an instant!

The predator was still holding Edwin's head to show off his strength. Seeing Jiang Fan suddenly appeared, he immediately raised his left hand and grabbed it directly at Jiang Fan!

But Jiang Fan just sneered and choked the predator's neck with his backhand, and then directly choked him to the ground!


The whole ground trembled fiercely!

Jiang Fan had already stepped on the body of the predator, and then the big hand that pinched his neck suddenly tugged!


A sour tearing sound suddenly sounded!

next moment!

Splashing green blood!

The predator's head and the entire spine were directly torn out by Jiang Fan!

Blood for blood!

Isabel was stunned!

so horrible!

The predator who chased them, who had no way to go to the ground, was tortured so easily by Jiang Fan!

This is simply overwhelmingly powerful!

Who is this Jiang Fan?

Is he really just a takeaway?

And Jiang Fan's expression was like trampling on an ant, throwing the predator's head at random with a look of disgust!

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