God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1375: Become a monster by a monster


The predator's head was like rubbish, it was directly thrown to the ground by Jiang Fan!

"Jiang Fan..."

The worship in Isabel's eyes is almost overflowing!

So handsome!

Especially this kind of arrogant, domineering predator as a pig and dog, it is invincible!

At this moment, Isabel can't wait to pounce directly into Jiang Fan's arms!

But before she had time to move, a panicked voice suddenly sounded in the distance!

"Isabel! Run! That monster is here!"

This voice is exactly the actor Royce's!

Soon, with the sound getting closer, Royce ran over with mud all over!

Just now he led away the predator, and he intended to use the loopholes that the predator could only observe by infrared to smear his body with mud, in order to kill the opponent!

Unexpectedly, the other party couldn't find him, so he wanted to kill Isabel first!

Royston hurried back!

However, when he saw Jiang Fan, he was taken aback!

"You, who are you?"

"My name is Jiang Fan, I'm here to deliver food to Isabel!"

"Takeaway? What's special? When are you still making such a joke! This kind of monster is really fucking, and even the takeaways are not let go!"

Royce looked at Isabel anxiously!

"Quickly go! I didn't entangle that monster. He came here just now. If it reappears, we all have to die!"

"What are you stunned! Go! And that new deliveryman, you are not a soldier like us, just follow me if you don't want to die—"

Seeing that there was no response from the two, Royston was even more anxious!

However, before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw the corpse of the predator at Jiang Fan's feet!

"This, this is—"

Royce was stunned!

Jiang Fan had already smiled slightly.

"Oh, I just saw this product uncomfortable, so I just killed it."

"Get it, killed it?!"

Royce's mouth twitches!

Listening to Jiang Fan's words, it felt like he followed and pressed the toilet to pump water!

This is too bad to take monsters as a dish!

The point is, this kid is just a takeaway, how did he do it?

But soon, he knew it!

At the moment Royce was stunned!


A light blue beam of light suddenly appeared out of thin air from Jiang Fan's side, and then suddenly blasted towards Jiang Fan!

"No! It's that monster's ion cannon!"

"Jiang Fan! Hurry and hide!"

Royce and Isabel exclaimed suddenly!

They never imagined that there is actually a predator here!

It's just that the two warnings are too late!

The beam of light from the ion cannon has suddenly hit Jiang Fan's head!


A loud noise!

In an instant, smoke and dust filled Jiang Fan!

And with a sound of "Zila Zila", more than a dozen predators have slowly appeared from the surroundings!

It turned out that they had already been surrounded by predators before they knew it!

"God, my goodness!"

"There are so many monsters!"

"It's over, it's completely over"

Isabel and Royce looked desperate!

However, at the next moment, not only the two, but also a dozen predators, everyone was stunned!

Seeing the smoke and dust dispersed, Jiang Fan was still standing there!

After eating an ion cannon, Jiang Fan has nothing to do with it!


The predator who fired the gun was stunned!

A sentence of previously recorded Japanese popped up involuntarily on the mask!

It's amazing!

What kind of species is this kid?

He was unscathed by the ion bombardment!

This kind of physique is really going against the sky!

"This is impossible!"

"There are absolutely no creatures that can be unharmed by the ion cannon!"

"This guy must have a defensive device!"

"Use a physical attack!"

After a group of predators were shocked, they directly judged that Jiang Fan must be carrying a device to neutralize energy!

Then everyone raised their hands almost at the same time, suddenly throwing out a round wheel!

This thing is precisely the killing flywheel with the strongest sharpness among the predator equipment!


The Slaughter Flywheel had just shot, and it had already entered a phantom and suddenly slashed on Jiang Fan!

All the predators smiled excitedly, as if they had seen Jiang Fan being chopped into meat sauce!

However, the next moment, everyone's eyes widened in horror!


Countless killing flywheels slashed on Jiang Fan, and sparks splashed all over the place in an instant!

Jiang Fan's skin is actually stronger than Universe Alloy!

Those slaughter flywheels not only failed to cut his skin, but at the same time they cut Jiangfan, they also made countless harsh and distorted sounds!

This unfavorable weapon was actually counter-shocked by Jiang Fan's body, and it was directly twisted into a pile of scrap iron!

"No, it's impossible!"

All the predators were trembling, their hairs standing upright, and their hearts seemed to be pinched tightly by a big hand!

They don't know at the moment, this feeling is called fear!

And Royce and Isabel were completely stunned!

Just opened his mouth and looked at Jiang Fan blankly!

As for Jiang Fan, he just shook his arms slowly, and directly revealed a bloodthirsty smile at the group of predators who appeared suddenly!

next moment!


Jiang Fan moved, and the whole person has pulled out a large phantom!

Almost a dozen predators flashed past at the fingertips!

And accompanied by Jiang Fan's footsteps stopped!

"Puff puff puff puff!"

A series of muffled sounds sounded at the same time!

Amidst the green blood flying in the sky, these dozen predators didn't even have time to make a scream, their heads were already skyrocketing!

Just a few seconds ago, more than a dozen predators have been killed by Jiang Fan!

Isabel and Royce trembled all over!

I couldn't believe everything I saw!

For them, the predator who was so strong that they could not be defeated, in front of Jiang Fan, looked like a domestic animal, and could only be mercilessly beheaded!

too exaggerated!

This kind of combat power is simply unimaginable powerful!

And just above this planet, in a huge invisible spaceship, countless predators with the same hideous faces as those killed by Jiang Fan are looking at the screen with a dull face!

"This, this kid, what the **** is it?"

"Damn it! This is definitely not human!"

"Too shocking!"

"Quick! Find out what species this is! How can there be such a strong strength!"

A group of predators panicked directly!

And a predator who looked like the boss desperately ordered!


"My lord! According to our current clues, this kid is a Chinese from another continent on Earth!"


"It's really a human being?"

"Huaxia? How could there be such a monster there!"

"It's terrible! Fortunately, we didn't go there before to catch prey!"

But the boss's face was extremely gloomy!

"Damn it! See who caught this monster on this planet and put it to death!"


The subordinate hurriedly agreed!

"Also! You will never go to the continent of the earth in the future! Stay away from these terrifying Chinese people!"

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