God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1379: How many sauced elbows should I buy?

Before Jiang Fan swiped his finger in the liquid, he already knew what it was!

Culture stock solution!

The key is that this culture stock solution is actually mixed with the blood of God!

The blood of the siren!

So even after so long, the culture stock solution did not dry up!

On the surface, the Atlanteans are studying the animals and plants on the island, but in fact they are secretly cultivating something with the blood of the sirens!

Just looking at the appearance, the thing that was cultivated not only escaped, but also released the siren. As a result, everyone in this pyramid died!

And not long afterwards, Atlantis itself sank, and the ruins were completely submerged in the dust of history.

After Jiang Fan finished explaining, he lightly landed on the ground, and then walked towards one of the cultivation tanks!

Although there are many cultivation tanks here, most of them are empty, only a few still have the original culture solution, and there are a bunch of weird creatures floating in it. Only in this one, a human form can be vaguely seen.

As Jiang Fan approached, the cultivation tank shook slightly!

Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows, and a strange feeling suddenly appeared in his heart!

That is a taste of money!

At the same time, the creatures in the cultivation tank finally appeared in front of Jiang Fan!

It turned out to be a mermaid!

No, it's a mermaid!

The guy in the training tank is extremely handsome, the upper body is almost better than Jiang Fan, but the lower body is actually a fish tail!

And on his neck, there is a gill like fish!

At this moment, the cheeks on his neck were still trembling slightly!

This thing is obviously still alive!

However, what is strange is that Jiang Fan can't feel the mental fluctuations that belong to the living body at all from this thing!

That feeling is like facing a vegetative person!

Slightly squinting his eyes, Jiang Fan came directly to the stone tablet, and then quickly swiped the stone tablet a few times. Soon, the whole stone tablet slowly lit up!

Jiang Fan swiped a few more quickly, and suddenly, a report popped out!

After reading this report, Jiang Fan finally knew what was going on.

During the existence of Atlante, there was another mysterious civilization, the Mu Empire on the Mu continent!

According to the research of modern scientists, there once existed an ancient continent in the Pacific Ocean, that is, Mu continent!

This civilization was in the same era as Atlantis, and it was also destroyed and sunk in the continent.

Two civilizations of equal magnitude were all sunk overnight. If there is no connection between them, it is obviously impossible.

And some of the information mentioned in this report may be used as a reference.

Atlantis and the Mu empire have always been at odds, and the two sides fought endlessly. With the escalation of the war, the Atlantis Military Department proposed a countermeasure under extreme conditions.

That is the Atlantis sinking survival plan!

This plan envisages how its people can survive after Atlantis sinks.

One of the suggestions is to let the Atlanteans evolve the ability to survive in the sea.

It is precisely because of this plan that they secretly captured Siren, intending to use Siren's blood and talent to complete self-reform.

And here is the experimental base.

Obviously, looking at the appearance of this mermaid, the experiment finally succeeded.

But everyone did not wait until this day.

But this mermaid is just a clone cultivated from human cells, without soul, obviously unable to take on the task of reviving Atlantis.

It's a pity that such a civilization hasn't even left half of its inheritors!

Jiang Fan sighed, but immediately became excited!

There are also several culture tanks filled with culture stock solution, which are good, and because the pyramids are always supplied with energy, they are very effective!

This thing can heal even Long Yan's injury that was so severe at the beginning, so take it back and it will be a proper medical resource!

Soon, Jiang Fan threw the four intact cultivation tanks into the system space!

As for the cultivation tank including the mermaid and a few monsters...

Jiang Fan felt his chin for a while, and finally his eyes were fierce!

"Sorry brother! Anyway, you are both vegetative, so why not give me the cultivation tank!"


Jiang Fan stroked the stele!

next moment!

"Da! Da! Da! Da!"

The remaining cultivation tanks, including the mermaid, were all opened!

Jiang Fan stretched out his hand and threw out the monster in the nearest cultivation tank!

Then he closed the training slot with his backhand and threw it into the backpack!

The monster thrown by Jiang Fan looked like a human, non-human, like a fish, with a mouth full of fangs and a tail behind him. After being thrown by Jiang Fan, he didn't react at all. It seemed to have been dead for a long time!


Long Yan was dumbfounded!

Brother Fan is really a livestock, this is really a real dove occupying a magpie's nest!

Although these guys are basically the same as the specimens, they can make a lot of money when they go out to the exhibition, so how many sauce elbows must be bought!

What a pity to throw it like this!

Jiang Fan has already done the same, throwing out another monster in the training tank.

The second monster that was thrown out was even more deformed, with its limbs completely turned into fins, and a big raised mouth appeared on its head.

Then comes the third one!

The monster inside has both hands and feet, but the whole head is a huge, shark-like, but even more hideous fish head!

Jiang Fan was about to drag the mermaid out, but at this moment!

"Brother Fan! Back!"

Long Yan suddenly let out a scream of horror!

At the same time, Jiang Fan only felt cold behind his back!

next moment!


A flickering claw has been heavily drawn on Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan's strength today is so terrifying, but when he was scratched by this sharp claw, he was actually like a small stone, and he was directly taken away!


Jiang Fan smashed two cultivation tanks in succession, and then hit the wall heavily!


A muffled sound!

The wall was hit by Jiang Fan and trembled suddenly, and a slight crack spread!

Since this chamber is for studying the siren, its hardness and thickness are far beyond that of the other parts of the pyramid, but Jiang Fan was actually drawn to crack this wall, enough to feel how much force he had just endured. !

"Nima! Which grandson attacked Lao Tzu!"

As soon as Jiang Fan was hit on the wall, he jumped up, looking angrily in the direction of the attack!

Just from this look, he was suddenly taken aback!

The one who attacked him just now was actually the first monster to be thrown out of the training tank by him!

Seeing Jiang Fan climbed up again, the monster actually slammed its tail to the ground!


The whole ground trembled suddenly!

And the monster has suddenly let out a bloodthirsty roar at Jiang Fan!

With the roar of this monster, the other two monsters trembled all over, and they actually slowly climbed up from the ground!

These monsters, who have spent many years in the cultivation tank, have been resurrected!

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