And not only the resurrection, although there is still no life fluctuation in these monsters, but the aura of these monsters is unprecedentedly powerful!

Almost to the ultimate level fourteen can withstand!

Jiang Fan has no doubt that once these monsters are out of the scope of the pyramid, they are likely to break through instantly, reaching level 15 or higher!

And by this time, Jiang Fan faintly knew why within the scope of the pyramid, there would never be a fifteenth level!

All of this is the ghost of the Atlanteans, and the purpose is probably to suppress the siren and prevent these experimental subjects from going out of control!


Do evil!

I just want to get a bargain, so I will encounter this kind of thing!

At this moment, the three monsters had grinned openly, and suddenly rushed towards Jiang Fan!

"Swish swish!"

The sound of the wind flashed, and the three monsters had already arrived in front of Jiang Fan!

The speed of these things is as exaggerated as the power!

Although it has not yet reached the level of Night Demon, if Fury and others are here, they will definitely be killed by a single blow!

However, their opponent is Jiang Fan!

Facing the three monsters that came, Jiang Fan didn't evade at all. At the moment when the three attacked and fell on him, he carried the fist of Qiankun Great Move Jiuzhong Qi Jin out!

"Boom boom!"

Three muffled sounds sounded at the same time!

The three monsters staggered, and the next moment, the location bombarded by Jiang Fan was instantly exploded into a mass of minced meat!


The three monsters suddenly roared, as if they could not feel the injuries on their bodies at all, they used their claws and fangs to attack Jiang Fan again!

However, Jiang Fan looked at the blood on his fist at this time, as if he was sluggish!

Just now, with the monster's blood on his hands, the system prompt actually sounded!

"Ding! System prompt! Siren blood (proliferative body) is detected, a lot of causal points can be obtained by selling!"

These monsters actually contain the blood of Siren!

In fact, I think it is. These monsters were originally cultivated with God's blood, and the energy of the cultivation tank has never been cut off for so many years!

Although these monsters are only passively absorbed, after so many years, the blood in the body continues to absorb energy and proliferate, and the content has definitely reached an extremely terrifying point!

Jiang Fan was excited!

No wonder at the first sight of these monsters, I smelled a scent of money inexplicably, and I felt right!

And over there, Long Yan watched Jiang Fan distracted, and immediately screamed while desperately bombarding the cracks on the top!

"Brother Fan! Why don't you be surprised! Hurry and hide!"

Was awakened by Long Yan's voice, Jiang Fan laughed wildly!

Actually letting the three monsters continue to bombard him, they drew out the Shuiyu Zimu Sword!

next moment!


Jiang Fan actually held the neck of one of the monsters against the attack of the three monsters, and then the long sword slammed!


The monster's entire neck was almost cut off by Jiang Fan, and blood spurted out of it!

And Jiang Fan is like a butcher, he raised the monster's feet, directly put it head down and started bleeding!

Long Yan has watched the circle!

When was Brother Fan so cruel?

You kill someone and you're done, it's so bloodletting like killing a chicken!

Brother, you have a conscience, be yourself!

And Jiang Fan had already shed the blood of the first monster, and threw the opponent's corpse straight away!

The monster's blood was shining, and the whole body was beginning to corrode visible to the naked eye!

But within a few seconds it became a puddle of viscous liquid!

And Jiang Fan has already caught another monster!

Do the same thing!

Soon the three monsters were all finished, and a pit in front of Jiang Fan was already filled with light blue blood!

Jiang Fan was about to put his hand in, but at this moment!

However, his pupils shrank, and then he stepped back seven or eight meters!

next moment!


An extremely harsh scream came suddenly!

A sharp cone completely condensed from water has already pierced to the place where he was before!

The pointed cone made of water should have been extremely fragile, but when it was stuck on the ground, it suddenly blasted a finger-thick, bottomless pit from the ground!

This attack power has completely reached the level of Jiang Fan and Ye Mo!

Jiang Fan suddenly looked back, but found that the mermaid who had been floating in the culture liquid before, unexpectedly opened his eyes!

At this moment, the other party is staring at him with a pair of emotionless eyes!

This guy is actually resurrected!

"Interesting, then do it with you!"

The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth evokes!

But the mermaid suddenly opened his mouth at this time!

next moment!


The blood released by Jiang Fan from the bodies of the three monsters actually seemed to have life, suddenly flew up, and rushed directly towards the mermaid!

This guy is actually trying to absorb the blood!

How could Jiang Fan make him wishful, his figure flashed, and the blood was stopped in an instant!

However, the moment Jiang Fan's palm was about to touch the blood!


The blood actually exploded into countless drops of water, and then it seemed as if a swallow had returned to its nest, all of which bounced into the mermaid's cultivation tank!

Immediately afterwards, the mermaid took a breath, and the blood had completely entered his body!

"My causal point!!"

Jiang Fan wailed suddenly!

But the mermaid trembled violently all over, and his aura was rising rapidly!

He was actually absorbing the blood of the proliferation!


The mermaid suddenly let out a harsh scream!

That scream was terrible to the extreme, more like a file, piercing into the soul of a person!


Long Yan let out a miserable cry and directly covered his ears!

Even Jiang Fan took a step back and directly used internal force to seal his ears!

And the next moment!


The room full of cultivation tanks couldn't hold the sound waves at all, and they all exploded to pieces in an instant!

The sky is full of fragments of the culture tank!

And as the scream stopped, the mermaid floated directly into the air, suddenly looking at Jiang Fan!

In the next moment, the fragments in the sky turned out to be like bullets, and suddenly blasted towards Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan's expression changed, and Ling Bo's Weibu unfolded in an instant!

The whole person almost turned into a phantom!

"Du Du Du Du!"

Those fragments continued to smash down after chasing Jiang Fan, and they actually smashed deep holes in the ground!

"Damn! You are still addicted!"

Jiang Fan was chased into a rage, and suddenly he turned around and rushed directly at the mermaid!

But seeing Jiang Fan rushing, the mermaid made a move with both hands!

next moment!


At the foot of Jiang Fan, a water column with a diameter of two meters bounced out of thin air!

However, Jiang Fan just shouted angrily, and actually stepped on the water column with one kick!

And he himself used this counter-shock force to arrive in front of the mermaid in an instant!


Jiang Fan shouted angrily, carrying a fist of terrifying force, suddenly smashed at the mermaid!

However, just as the fist was about to hit the mermaid, a dozen water shields engraved with weird runes suddenly lit up around the mermaid's body!

Jiang Fan fisted, and dozens of water shields suddenly shattered!

But Jiang Fan was also shocked and flew backwards!

But at this moment, the mermaid suddenly opened his mouth and gently spit out a syllable that Jiang Fan had never heard before!

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