God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1382: What a terrible dog

"Jiang Fan?!"

"You are alive!"

"The other people..."

Everyone looked shocked, but they didn't finish their words.

Adolf, Pei Qing, Kira Hasegawa and others have all appeared from behind Jiang Fan!

With a rough calculation, this huge team has only lost more than a dozen people compared to before it left!

"You, did you escape?"

Pampas asked involuntarily.



Jiang Fan sneered, he had already taken the cruise first!

Others followed suit!

For a time, people flickered in the sky!

Immediately afterwards, Pei Qing, Adolf and others have directly handed over the quest items they got to their protectors!

"Hydrogen and oxygen separation?!"

"Clone Slate?!"

"Suzuo sacrificial vessel?!"

Pampas and others exclaimed directly, they couldn't believe their eyes!

Actually got it!

They got all the things they needed!

"This this……"

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

"How did you, you guys, get it?"

"I discussed it with Night Demon and bought it with money."

Jiang Fan said casually.

"Buy, bought?"

Pampas looked dumbfounded!

"Well, do you believe it?"

"No, don't believe it..."

"If you don't believe me, I'll ask the damn! Of course I killed him and robbed him!"

Jiang Fan yelled!

Pampas's face changed when he was scolded, but Jiang Fan returned with the victory, his aura was shocking, and the death of the Night Demon was so shocking, everyone was stunned for a while!


"Night Demon is dead?"

"How did you die?"

"What the **** happened?"

Everyone looked at the captain of their own forces.

And with the quick explanation of Adolf and others, Pampas and others looked at Jiang Fan with a faint terror!

Fighting alone with the night demon and the dust, the night demon died and the dust disappeared. This Jiang Fan, is he a monster?

The point is that just a dozen people died, and the Night Demon forces that had been entrenched here for many years were completely wiped out. This Jiang Fan...

Everyone's eyes flickered!

At this moment, a voice suppressing anger suddenly sounded!

"Day! The rest of your forces are all back, why are all of our super team dead? Did you trick them? Treat them as pawns!"

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound, only to find that it was McKinsey!

This time, although the rest of the forces also had dead, it was 10,000 times better than the annihilation of the super team!

The point is that there are still five transforming fighters built with a lot of money in the super team!

The cost of this thing is almost more expensive than the top stealth fighter!

However, as soon as McKinsey spoke, Adolf and others had already taken the lead in cursing!

"Cao Nima's! You still have a face to mention!"

"If it weren't for your super team, Lao Tzu's teammates wouldn't die at all!"

"Yes! Damn! You idiots, if your **** transforming warriors were not controlled by the night demon, those people wouldn't have to die at all!"

"Damn it! You licked your face and asked Shirui? Think about how to compensate us!"

A group of people yelled at McKinsey's nose, spitting and almost drowning McKinsey!

McKinsey was so confused!

And Adolf and others have already followed Jiang Fan's previous instructions and directly buckled all the **** basins on McKinsey's head!

With everyone talking about it, McKinsey knew what had happened!

The five transformation fighters were not only manipulated, but Francis was killed!

Even Fang Tong almost died!

After listening to the story, Sharman had stared at McKinsey firmly, and Lin Guodong also had gloomy eyes!

"McKinsey! What a good thing you did!"

Sharman's eyes were full of anger, and the light flashed in his hands!

"Misunderstanding! Everyone, this is a misunderstanding!"

McKinsey was sweating profusely and hurriedly spoke!

No matter how awesome he is, there is absolutely no way to go one-on-two. What's more, the old woman and Pampas looked at him with the same grim look!

To put it bluntly, if it weren't for the Super Team to do things, they could also have fewer deaths!

"Everyone! Calm down! Calm down! For your loss, our super team is willing to compensate!"

McKinsey yelled immediately when something was about to happen!

"Compensation? How do you plan to compensate?"

Jiang Fan finally spoke.


McKinsey can't wait to kill himself now!

What a **** talk!

If I knew this was the case, I shouldn't ask!

It's alright now, I almost got myself in!

"Ahem, our super team, willing to compensate you... one thousand, no, fifty million..."

"Fuck your mother!"

Before McKinsey finished speaking, Jiang Fan had already roared directly!

"Fifty million? What is the fate of your **** brothers as Laozi? Laozi promised them and brought them all back without fail! The game was originally completed, but because of the **** trash under your hands, So many people died in the end! Fifty million, I'll go to your fifty million!"

Jiang Fan was so furious that he pointed to McKinsey's nose and yelled at McKinsey. McKinsey's face was full of spitting stars!

But when the others heard Jiang Fan's words, their hearts warmed!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Fan is so interesting for their alliance!

Pointing to a grandmaster and yelling!

If possible, you can try to develop into your own power!

And being scolded by Jiang Fan, McKinsey slammed into the crown, but at this time he knew that if he couldn't control his emotions and committed public anger, he would definitely die!

All he wants to do now is to spend his life!

"Five hundred million!"

McKinsey was in a hurry and suddenly roared!

"Very good! 500 million for each family, just forget it!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand generously!

"500 million per family? Am I special--"

McKinsey's eyes widened suddenly!

Does this day think that their super team is a money printing factory?

500 million each?

Why did you think about it!

It's so cruel than the capitalists who draw blood in the stock market!

But before he finished speaking, he saw the gloomy faces of the others!

The old guy was shocked and hurriedly changed his words!

"Yes! Yes, yes, 500 million each!"

When he said this, his heart was bleeding!

However, spending these money to dispel the anger of Sharman and others, it is also a good deal!


This time not only the entire army was wiped out, but also so much money was lost. I went back by myself, fearing that there would be no good life!

McKinsey gave Jiang Fan angrily and turned his head back to the cabin!

Jiang Fan looked at a group of small forces.

"This time we have nothing to lose with the Sword of Thorns, so once the super team's 500 million compensation is received, it will all be yours!"

McKinsey staggers at the foot of the cabin!

Nima's day!

You are still not a person if you take Lao Tzu's money to buy people's hearts!

What a terrible dog!

The key is that this time he is completely isolated!

If the money can't be credited before disembarking, he will have to tear up these people alive!

But a group of small forces are completely excited!

Unexpectedly, when Tianxuan was just established, they got such a big advantage!

Following the adults, there is indeed a boundless future!

The other four forces are equally excited. Five hundred million is enough to train more masters!

Jiang Fan, you are such a good person!

With Jiang Fan helping everyone to blackmail, cough and cough, after the claim was completed, the ship turned around and re-routed to Bermuda.

However, none of the excited crowd noticed that on the far sea, behind the cruise ship, at some point, there was already an extra yacht.

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