God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1383: I wanted to kill you a long time ago

At the moment, on the deck of the yacht!

Liander was sneering, and slowly put away the telescope!

And beside him, the face was plain, but the sword-holding hands with a different kind of light in their eyes, Abraham and Barbara!

"Huh! Jiang Fan! This kid is really dead! He escaped from the ruins!"

Leander sneered coldly!

"My lord, how did you know? What if he defeated the night demon?"

Barbara asked softly.

"Just rely on him? Humph!"

Liander smiled contemptuously, and then spoke with an arrogant expression.

"Compared with the current number of people on the island, they were only a dozen fewer. If you want to kill the Night Demon, you can't do it with this battle damage!"

"Even if Jiang Fan is indeed a genius of layout, it is absolutely impossible!"

"Seeing that the Night Demon is so powerful, these guys just retreated!"

Liander has a firm face!

"That said, he didn't get the quest item at all?"

Abraham asked.

"Of course!"

"Then my lord, since Jiang Fan's mission failed, do we still have to act on him?"

Barbara asked hurriedly.

Leander thought a little.

"The lord's order is something that Isaac is absolutely not allowed to obtain the ruins. As for this kid..."

Abraham and Barbara's faces moved, but Leander's mouth twitched.

"Of course he is going to die!"

"I can't attack him at the headquarters of the Sword of Thorns, but how can I let go of such a good opportunity now?"

"To blame, blame him on the wrong team! Blame him for not showing me the respect he deserves!"

Abraham and Barbara looked at each other.

"My lord, when shall we do it?"

"Now there are too many masters on the cruise ship, wait until he returns to Bermuda!"

Liander had a cruel expression!

"I want this kid to know that offending me is the stupidest act in his life!"


At this moment, Jiang Fan has returned to the cabin room.

Just after entering the room, a small box was placed on the table on the 13th, and then opened quickly.

A small bottle shaped by clay and filled with traces of time was suddenly revealed inside.

"My lord, this is the Deep Sea Bottle Isaac wants."

Jiang Fan looked down and suddenly frowned.

This thing has a long history at a glance, but there is nothing surprising about the rest.

Jiang Fan tried to touch it, but the system did not give any hints.

Strange, since this thing cannot be exchanged for causality, it is obviously not a treasure. What does Isaac want this thing for?

"Sure it is this?"

Jiang Fan couldn't help asking.

"My lord, it's definitely this thing!"

The thirteenth said hurriedly.

"Hehe, I'm not suspicious of you, I'm just curious about what Isaac wants this for?"

Jiang Fan said with a smile.

At the same time, I started calling the system!

"System! What is this thing for?"

"Ding! It costs 50,000 causal points to identify the item. Do you want to identify it?"


Jiang Fan cursed directly!

"My lord, what's the matter?"

All the others were taken aback!

"it's okay no problem."

Jiang Fan waved his hand casually, his heart was already angry!

"The appraisal fee is 50,000 yuan, so you don't even have the slightest hint?"

"Ding! Excuse me, if this thing is worth more, will you sell it?"

"Um... of course not for sale! I still hope to use this thing to pay back Isaac's favor!"

"That quotation has a shit!"

The system almost didn't shock Jiang Fan to death in a word!

"Yate is going to rebel? Believe me or not..."

Jiang Fan was really angry, but halfway through, he realized that he really didn't seem to be able to threaten the system!

Forget it, don't be angry!

Looking at Jiang Fan's complexion, Long Yan and the others just felt inexplicable.

Then he saw Jiang Fan put away the Demon Bottle of the Deep Sea and smiled slightly.

"Okay, this mission is a complete success, everyone is tired, let's rest first!"

"Yes! But my lord, the contract effect of our other four powers will only be maintained until we return to Bermuda. They..."

Number Two asked in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, I got what I wanted. At this time, everyone is afraid of extravagance, and they will definitely not mess around!"

Jiang Fan smiled and lay down on the bed!

The return journey was smooth sailing, and under the threat of a powerful enemy, McKinsey also honestly paid the compensation.

After getting such a large amount of compensation, all the forces were all smiles!

And just when I entered the signal area.

"Ding Dong!"

Suddenly a message came from Jiang Fan's mobile phone!

The content of the message is very simple.

"Leander is behind!"

"Ha ha……"

Looking at the text message, Jiang Fan directly showed a sneer!

Liander, you are really anxious to die!

As early as the first meeting with Liander at the Sword of Thorns headquarters, Jiang Fan knew that this guy would definitely kill himself!

But the consequences were not unexpected. Liander first sent Abraham and then Barbara. Unfortunately, the two men not only failed to kill Jiang Fan, but let him subdue him!

And through Barbara, Jiang Fan knows the reason Liander is against him!

In the Sword of Thorns, Isaac has an opponent named "Libra", and Liander is his person!

And Liander appeared at this moment, obviously, not only to prevent him from getting the Deep Sea Bottle, but also to kill himself!

It's just a pity, this idiot still doesn't know, he wanted to kill him a long time ago!

"Get ready, after returning to the Bermuda Islands, kill the following Liandel!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were fierce!

Soon, the cruise ship has docked.

"Jiang Fan, there will be a period later!"

On the deck, Pampas suddenly stretched out his hand to Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan smiled, and also stretched out his hand.

The moment they shook their palms, Pampas suddenly spoke in a low voice.

"Solomon's Key is just for the use of people, if you are interested, please feel free to contact me!"

"Thank you."

Jiang Fan nodded.

Pampas waved his hand, and Adolf and others looked at Jiang Fan for the last time, and then quickly evacuated.

And Kirara Hasegawa also came over.

"Jiang Fan, mother-in-law Qiandao also asked me to try to solicit you!"

"Hehe, take care!"

"Well, so are you!"

Looking at Jiang Fan reluctantly, Igaryu finally retreated.

"Jiang Fan, you have been blessed by the God of Light. I have reported this matter to the parliament. I believe that the parliament will contact you in the near future and see you later."

Sharman compared the courtesy of a Illuminati Council to Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan also returned one.

"Then goodbye then."


As for McKinsey, he just glanced at Jiang Fan coldly, turned around and left.

"Jiang Fan, Dragon Group's plane is ready, you go back with us, or..."

Lin Guodong asked.

"You go first, I have something else."

"Thank you very much this time, we won't forget you."

"You are polite, but tell Zhang Guangyuan that I have paid the favor, so don't harass Long Yan if you have nothing to do in the future!"

"Haha, well, I will tell! There will be a period later!"

Several major forces withdrew, and a group of small forces quickly left under Jiang Fan's instruction.

And on the sea in the distance, the yachts of Leander and others gradually appeared!

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