God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1392: Aura of Immortality

"Jiang Fan!"

Seeing the sailors on the flying Dutchman rushed up, Elizabeth's face changed drastically!

"Don't panic!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and stretched out one hand directly at the group of monsters!



A violent wind suddenly rises on the ground!

Those strangely-shaped crew members were all blown into the sky in an instant!

And then!

"Holy Light!"


Above the sky, a dozen white lights suddenly lit up!

And then, these white lights directly turned into an extremely dazzling pure white beam of light, and suddenly blasted onto the undead crew members like thunder!

"Damn it! What is this?"

"I remember! It's him! It's the guy who suddenly appeared last time!"

"It hurts! It hurts!"


Countless howls suddenly sounded!

A group of undead crew members did not hold on for even a second in the burning of the holy light, and they were all blasted into flying ashes!

The crowd was dumbfounded!

"Great, great!"

"Too tough!"

"The crew on the ghost ship were actually beaten to fly ashes!"

"Madam Captain is mighty! Madam, you are so handsome!"

A group of pirates all looked at Jiang Fan with excitement!

With the captain's wife here, the flying Dutchman is a fart!

But the next moment!


A light blue light curtain suddenly emerged from the ghost ship on the opposite side, spreading to the entire sea in an instant!

And those monsters that were blasted into fly ashes by Jiang Fan unexpectedly emerged from the deck of the ghost ship again!

This is the aura of immortality on the flying Dutchman!

It was just too painful to be burned by the Holy Light. Although these monsters were resurrected, they never dared to move forward. They just looked at Jiang Fan with fear!

They all remembered now!

Last time, it was this guy who suddenly appeared, and he shot the shark man in seconds!

Although they have immortality, their fear of Jiang Fan has become instinct!

Seeing that the two sides are in a stalemate, at this moment!

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

A weird and heavy footsteps suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, a monster like an octopus has slowly walked to the bow of the ghost ship!

It is the Hades of the Deep Sea, David Jones!

"Boy, meet again!"

David Jones looked at Jiang Fan with a grinning smile!

Everyone was taken aback!

Jiang Fan and David Jones actually knew each other!

"Octopus head, don't come unharmed!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Octopus head?"

David Jones was taken aback, and then furious!

"Bastard! Boy, you should treat me with some respect, otherwise I will let you know what **** is when you serve on my ship!"

"Wow! That's really exciting! But are you really sure it's a good idea to hire me on your boat? I'm afraid it will be you who will enjoy **** then!"

Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly fierce!

With a heartbeat of Davy Jones, Jiang Fan's eyes couldn't help but take a step back!

Everyone was stunned!

David Jones, actually retired!


The complexion of the crew of a group of ghost ship changed drastically!

But David Jones was ashamed and angry!

He was actually frightened by Jiang Fan's look!


The shame of Chi Guoguo!

"Rush up! Kill all these pirates! As for that kid, leave it to me!"

Davy Jones' crab feet suddenly stepped on the deck, and then suddenly roared!


A group of ghost crew members suddenly screamed, and then they teleported, rushing out of the mast, deck, and even guardrails of the pirate ship, and they slashed at the crew on the pirate ship with their weapons in an instant!

It turns out that when David Jones stepped on it just now, he actually launched some kind of mass teleportation technique!

And he himself appeared abruptly in front of Jiang Fan, and the giant pincers in his left hand pinched Jiang Fan's neck directly!



The huge crab claw clamped Jiang Fan's neck, but suddenly there was a sound of gold and iron!

Jiang Fan's neck is actually harder than a diamond!

David Jones was taken aback for a moment, and Jiang Fan was already grinning, and suddenly hit his head with a punch!



Minced meat flying!

David Jones, the Deep Sea Hades, was hit by Jiang Fan!

The ghost crew members who were screaming and slashing at the pirates were all dumbfounded!

Looking at Davy Jones who was bursting into pieces of meat, he felt that his brain was not enough for a while!

The invincible David Jones was actually blown up!


That's the Deep Sea Hades!

The real Lord Yama!

What is the origin of this Chinese person?

How can it be so powerful!

And Elizabeth was even more excited!

Too strong!

As expected of Jiang Fan, he is still invincible as always!


I really want to indulge in his arms. I can't afford to grow drunk!

Do not!

I'm so sorry Turner for this kind of thought!

But I can't control it!

Just as Elizabeth's heart was at war between heaven and man, the scattered meat seemed to be drawn by gravity, and it reunited in an instant!

In the next moment, David Jones, who had completely recovered, had gritted his teeth and looked at Jiang Fan!

"Bastard! Boy! I can't forgive—"

David Jones hasn't finished speaking!


There was another explosion!

Jiang Fan unexpectedly punched him in the air, and once again blasted him into minced meat!

Everyone is dumbfounded!


Who the **** is this guy!

Why does Davy Jones seem to chop dumpling stuffing?

This is too sturdy!

"Asshole!! I want to—"

Davy Jones, who was resurrected for the second time, was angered to his bones!

It's a pity that he didn't finish his words, Jiang Fan has already slammed it up again!


David Jones screamed directly, and the teleportation was activated immediately, hiding directly on the ghost ship!

But Jiang Fan smiled grimly, and actually chased him directly!

"Haha! Boy, you dare to chase my boat! You go to me—"

David Jones is overjoyed!

However, before the unlucky boy could finish the whole sentence, Jiang Fan had already shaken his right hand!


Baimang flashed!

Davy Jones was smashed into pieces by Jiang Fan again!

Everyone was stunned!

All the corners of their mouths twitched, looking at Jiang Fan in horror!

Are you still human?

He is also a Hades anyhow, please give me some dignity!

"Asshole! Asshole! Asshole!!!"

Davy Jones, who was resurrected again, was almost completely crazy!

He roared suddenly!

next moment!


A dazzling blue light curtain directly rises on the entire ghost ship!

In an instant, Jiang Fan's vitality was like flowing water, and he was madly absorbed by the ghost ship!

And his strength fell to the half-step master in an instant!

On the other hand, David Jones, the breath of this guy actually started to skyrocket with a terrifying speed!

In just a few seconds, he has reached the peak of level fourteen!

And it's still climbing!

This is really another ability that the ghost ship gives Davy Jones, as long as you are within the scope of the ghost ship, you can continuously absorb the life and power of your opponent!

"Oh my God! This, this kind of power...no wonder, no wonder! You turned out to be so powerful!"

Davy Jones was surprised!

so horrible!

There is such a terrifying power in the body of this Chinese person!

No wonder he can blow himself up so easily!

Even a short distance movement is faster than your own teleportation!

It's amazing!

If this kid is imprisoned on the boat forever, he will be regarded as a sea god, and he will not be afraid!

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