"Boy! You're done! Your power has been absorbed by me, and next, it's yours—"


Jiang Fan's hand is a white light flashing again!

David Jones' head suddenly rose to the sky!

"Fuck Nima! Can't you let me finish talking!"

David Jones is going crazy!

How can I finish my lines?

Are you a **** human?

The point is, hell! This monster!

He obviously has absorbed his power, but how can he be so strong!

How could there be such a quick swordsmanship?

This is so illogical!

How do you know this guy, although Jiang Fan's favorite is to use overwhelming power to kill the enemy, but once the power falls, then his more terrifying fighter skill will completely explode!

Just like when he was fighting Adolf and the Headless Horseman at the time, Jiang Fan, who was clearly power down and couldn't win at all, turned against the wind and turned his opponent into suspicion of life!

At this moment, David Jones is the next validator!

Davy Jones, who has recovered again, has almost reached the fourteenth level!

That surging sense of power almost gave him the illusion that he could smash the whole world!

"Hahaha! Too strong! Too strong! Boy, you have to pay a hundred times for what you do-Nima! Give me the fuck!"

Sure enough, before David Jones had finished expressing his feelings, Jiang Fan had already rushed up again!

The weird and swift to the extreme warding off evil swordsmanship, and even the mercury rushed towards David Jones!

Almost instantly cut off half of the tentacles on Davy Jones' chin!


David Jones let out a scream of pain, and hurriedly drew out his sword to resist frantically!

However, the wicked swordsmanship was so weird to the extreme that he couldn't resist it at all!

Almost just in an instant, Davy Jones' full-faced tentacles were chopped into sashimi by Jiang Fan!

Just dip in horseradish to serve wine!


Davy Jones was shocked!

His own strength and speed have clearly surpassed this kid, why did he still fall into the wind?

However, as soon as he thought of this, a storm suddenly blew up under his feet!

He directly blasted him into the air!

And the next moment!

"Holy Light!"


A holy light blasted straight to David Jones!


David Jones let out a scream and teleported directly to avoid the shroud of the holy light!

However, as soon as he appeared from a distance, Jiang Fan blinded him with a backhand sword!

"Ah!! Bastard! Bastard!!!"

David Jones snarled wildly in pain!

At the same time, a trace of fear was uncontrollable in my heart!

what happened?

Why can this kid even judge the point of his teleport?

How did he do it?

And at the moment of his horror!


Jiang Fan had already deceived his body, and exploded his head with a punch!


David Jones was born again, but this time he hid far away on the mast, looking at Jiang Fan with fear in his small eyes!

"You, you are clearly below me, why are you still so strong?"

However, when he heard his question, Jiang Fan sneered!

"Level? Do you really regard this level of plagiarism as your own strength?"

"Trash is trash, even if you give you Grandmaster-level power, you are still trash in front of me!"


For a moment, everyone, including the ghost crew, all looked at Jiang Fan with piercing eyes!

The expression in those eyes was full of worship in an instant!

Above the whole sea, only Jiang Fan dared to despise the deep sea king David Jones!

Elizabeth is even more blushing!

So handsome!

This is the real MAN!


Davy Jones trembled with anger!

There is even more fierce light in the two small eyes!

"Boy, good! Very good! In that case, I will show you the horror of true power!"

David Jones suddenly looked at his crew!

"Summon sea monsters! I want to smash everything in this sea area into a mess!"


"Is it a Norwegian sea monster?"

"Oh! Once that kind of monster comes out, we'll all be done!"

"Captain, run!"

All the pirates are panicked!

But the ghost crew was overjoyed!

Several of them directly turned a rudder on the ghost ship desperately!

"Jiang Fan! Can't let them turn!"

Elizabeth's face changed drastically and she screamed suddenly!

Once the rudder is turned and the switch is triggered, when the Norwegian sea monster is killed, everyone will die!

But Jiang Fan was taken aback!

According to the original plot, the Norwegian sea monster should be dead at this time!

Otherwise, he would never choose hard David Jones at this time!

After all, once the Norwegian sea monster appears, I am fine, but my fleet will all be abandoned by that time!

Could it be that the plot has changed again?

But in any case, you have to stop it!

When Jiang Fan moved, he was about to kill the ghost crew who turned the rudder!

But at this moment!


Davy Jones teleported directly in front of Jiang Fan, and the big pliers rushed to Jiang Fan's door and smashed!

"Hahaha! It's late! Waiting to be torn apart by the Norwegian sea monster!"

Accompanied by Davy Jones's wild laugh, the rudder was turned full, and a weird mallet on it suddenly fell!

next moment!


The entire sea trembles suddenly!

Immediately afterwards, an extremely depressed breath filled the entire sea in an instant!

Jiang Fan no longer cared about David Jones, and suddenly looked back, staring at the West firmly!

Over there, there is a breath of huge horror reaching its limit is slowly rising!

That breath is so powerful that even Jiang Fan has a palpitating heart!

Definitely surpassed the fifteenth level!

Even sixteenth and seventeenth levels are possible!

And in the distant water, a large black shadow like ink is coming quickly!

"Hahaha! Sea monsters! Shred these choppy pieces for me!"

David Jones' laughter became more and more frantic!

Looking directly at Jiang Fan!

"Boy! Tell me, are you afraid of death?"

"I'm afraid of Nima!"

Jiang Fan's backhand was a big mouth pumped up!

The triumphant David Jones was unguarded, and his whole body was drawn upside down, his head turned 720 degrees!

And Jiang Fan has risen and landed directly on the pirate ship!

Freed from the halo of the ghost ship, Jiang Fan's strength has been completely restored!

The next moment, he suddenly raised his hand!


The storm is rising!

In an instant, the sails of ships such as the Corsair and the Little Calf were full!

A dozen pirate ships rushed out like an arrow in an instant!

"Damn! Chase me!"

The smoked Davy Jones suddenly roared!

On the vast sea, a chase battle started suddenly!

Although Jiang Fan's ability has reached the fourteenth level, he took a dozen pirate ships and ran desperately together. Not to mention him, even two masters could not hold it. For a time, the energy fell like a waterfall!

The ghost ship chasing behind suddenly trembled, and its speed increased several times in an instant!

Jiang Fan looked back and immediately cursed Juniang!

It turns out that the dark shadow has actually reached below the ghost ship, and is holding the ghost ship speeding at this moment!

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