Just when Jiang Fan, Elizabeth and others were wandering around the Shipwreck Bay to see the scenery, a smooth and beautiful pirate ship had entered the Shipwreck Bay through the tunnel!

This ship is the famous first Clipper, the Black Pearl!

"This, this is Shipwreck Bay?"

The pirates full of ships all looked at this shipwreck city with shocked faces!

At this moment, a pirate wearing a big hat finally sighed!

"We have never been together like this in our entire lives!"

This person is exactly one of the nine pirate kings who were almost slaughtered by Jiang Fan, Barbossa!

And what he said was the meeting attended by the nine great pirate kings!

"Oh... I seem to owe all of them money..."

Suddenly Jack also walked to the side of the ship, his expression uneasy.

Barbossa gave him a look of disgust!

"You still owe me!"

"Hey, is it? Dear Barbosa, it's possible that you have a wrong memory!"

"Don't talk nonsense! Get up!"

As the ship docked, Barbossa immediately strode towards the uppermost ship!

Only at this moment, Jack Sparrow glanced suspiciously at the ships that were moored not far away.

"what happened?"

Barbossa frowned.

"It's okay, I seem to smell the scent of an old friend..."

Jack chuckled, and suddenly walked upwards briskly!

"Old friend?"

Barbossa looked puzzled, but he immediately stopped thinking about it!

The most urgent task now is to obtain the tokens of the nine pirate kings, and then release Tiadora!

Of course, he released Tiadora not only to hit Beckett and David Jones, but also because only by releasing Tiadora can he be truly resurrected!

But the conditions are of course more than that!

The ambitious Barbosa will also use the power of Tiadora to become a truly unique pirate king!

This is an agreement he reached with Tia Dorma in private!

At that time, the entire sea will be his wealth!

Haha, great!

Barbossa's steps are full of joy!

Soon, a group of people have arrived at the top meeting room!

At this moment, a group of pirates here are arguing endlessly!

Barbossa picked up a cannonball and slammed it directly on the table!


A muffled sound!

The scene fell silent for an instant, and everyone looked at Barbosa!

And Barbosa coughed slightly!

"Everyone! As the convener of the convention, I announce the start of the fourth pirate convention!"

"In order to confirm your leadership status and the right to give orders, please show your Spanish silver coins!"

After saying this, Barbosa's heart was shaking!

Whether it can be achieved, it depends on this time!

As his voice fell, the fake-eyed pirate Rajetti had already walked over to a group of pirate kings with a silver plate!

A group of pirate kings did not suspect that he had him, and they immediately took out their tokens and put them on the plate!

Seeing the tokens fell on the plate, Barbosa almost screamed in excitement!


Unexpectedly, things went so smoothly!

Once the tokens are gathered, you only need to release Calypso, the sea god, and the glory and wealth will be in front of you!

Seeing Rajetti had returned to him with a tray full of tokens, Barbossa immediately snatched it!

Then smile!

"Rajetti, give me my things now!"

"This... Dear Mr. Barbosa, are you..."

Rajetti wanted to say something, but--

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Barbossa patted Rajetti on the back of the head!

Rajetti's fake eyes were suddenly photographed!

Barbossa took it, and finally laughed!

"Aha! Great! Jack, give me yours! Finally got it-huh? How about Xiaofeng's?"

Barbossa's laughter stopped abruptly!

The others were also taken aback!

Only then discovered that Xiao Feng hadn't come!

At this moment!

"Xiaofeng is dead! Died in the gunfire of the ghost ship! Now, I, Elizabeth, formally take the place of Xiaofeng!"

Accompanied by a proud female voice!

In the next moment, Elizabeth had already strode in, and then inserted her saber into the globe representing the identity of the pirate king!

In an instant, the audience was upset!


"Xiaofeng is dead?"

"Davy Jones, **** it!"

"Who is this woman?"

The scene is in chaos!

But Barbossa saw the jade knot on Elizabeth's neck at a glance!

The excited old guy grabbed Elizabeth without saying a word!

Pull down the jade knot rope directly!

"Haha! It's finally there! Jack! Your silver coins! Hurry up!"

Barbossa looked at Jack Sparrow with excitement!

But Jack laughed!

"Sorry, my silver coins have already been given away!"

"Give it away? Who did you give away?"

Barbossa screamed suddenly!

But at this moment!

With a breeze blowing, a voice that made him so familiar, and even scared to wake up in dreams, suddenly rang from his ears!

"Of course...gave it to me!"

Barbossa trembled!

For a moment, I just felt that all the hairs on my body were standing up!

He slowly turned his head with trembling teeth, and finally saw the man he regarded as the nightmare of his life——

Jiang Fan!


Barbossa suddenly retreated a few steps, and fell to the ground with a tumble!

The plates in your hand are all flying out!

"You, you, you, you, you, why are you here?!"

Barbosa was full of horror, and his whole body was shaking like the Nokia 1110 with vibration!

But Jiang Fan smiled slightly and took a step directly at him!


Barbossa screamed suddenly!

"Don't kill me! Help! Help!"

Everyone was stunned!

Who is Barbosa?

That is one of the most ferocious pirate kings!

Even the master who dares to bargain with David Jones!

But today, now, I was so scared by an Oriental!

Who is the other party?

But Jiang Fan didn't care about Barbossa's screams and the shocked eyes of the crowd, but slowly picked up the silver plate filled with the pirate king's tokens!

Then touch them slowly one by one!

No wonder Jiang Fan didn't appear until now, he turned out to be the oriole!

It would be bad if there was an accident to **** it. It would be wise to let Barbossa take care of everything before picking the peaches!

With the touch of Jiang Fan's finger, the system prompt has suddenly sounded!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting Hector Barbosa's fake eyes!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting Xiaofeng's jade knot rope!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting Armand's little wine glass!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting Chavale's cards!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting Madam Qing's glasses!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting Jocard's tobacco knife!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting Sombaki Anglia's snuff bottle!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting Eduardo Villanueva's glass bottle necklace!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining all the quest items in the "Salvation of the Sea God"! May I release the Sea God Calypso now?"

"Of course...no!"

Jiang Fan did not hesitate to refuse to release!

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