God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1397: Broken boulders in the chest

"Ding! The host chose to refuse to release!"

"Ding! System prompt! Choose to release Calypso to complete the task to return to the main world!"

"Roger that!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Now that David Jones' mission of allegiance has not been completed, how could he release Calypso first?

After throwing all the tokens into the backpack, Jiang Fan finally smiled and looked at Barbosa!

"long time no see!"

"You, don't come over! Don't kill me!"

Barbossa has been frightened by Jiang Fan!

Just looked at him tremblingly!

"Don't be afraid! I am not here to kill you, on the contrary, this time, I am here to help you deal with Beckett!"


Barbossa was taken aback!

Jiang Fan pointed at Elizabeth and Jack.

"If you don't believe me, ask them!"

"Yes! Jiang Fan is here to help us!"

Elizabeth spoke directly!

"Of course! The premise is that our accounts are written off!"

Jack Sparrow hid behind Jiang Fan with a smirk on his face!

"Joke! Help us? Who are you!"

"That's right! Don't think that it's OK to scare the trash of Barbosa!"

"Who is the one here who licks blood with a knife's head!"

"Boy, get back our tokens quickly if you are acquainted!"

"Otherwise, I will let you know how powerful Laozi's witchcraft is!"

A group of pirate kings clamored!

Only Armand frowned.

"Jiang Fan... Such a familiar name can scare Barbosa like this, is this kid—"

He suddenly changed color and yelled suddenly!

"No! He is—"

It's a pity that he hasn't finished speaking, Jiang Fan has already hooked the corner of his mouth!

One pressed it on the huge conference table!

next moment!


A loud noise!

The ten-meter-long conference table made of extremely hard zelkova trees has suddenly exploded into cotton-like shreds!

"This is 0.7% of my strength! Everyone, I hope you can calm down a bit and don't stimulate me to exert 100% strength, okay?"

Jiang Fan smiled and looked at a group of pirates!


A group of people swallowed and spit!

next moment!

"This, this is 0.7% of the power?"

"If this is 100%..."

"The whole Shipwreck Bay..."

A group of pirates panicked directly!

"Ha, haha! That, Mr. Jiang Fan, please sit down, please sit down!"

"That who! Go and change the table!"

"Take out the best rum!"

"What are you doing with each one? Hurry up and give Mr. Jiang a show to cheer up! Mr. Jiang, let me break a boulder on my chest first!"

"Mr. Jiang, I just learned a massage from Siam, how about giving you a gentle relief?"


At this moment, a group of pirate kings seemed to be possessed by Li Lianying, desperately trying to please Jiang Fan!

Elizabeth and others looked stupid!

Looking at the scene dumbfounded!

No wonder these people can be regarded as pirate kings. If nothing else, just flattering is simply superhuman!

Not to mention others, it was Sumbaj who actually walked to the ground shirtlessly, ready to break a boulder in his chest!

Looking at the stone he carried over, I'm afraid that before it is smashed, this stuff will have to be crushed out of **** first!

"That's it!"

Jiang Fan waved impatiently!

"Go rest and recharge your energy! Tomorrow I will go to Beckett with Lao Tzu!"


A group of people are overjoyed!

As for the election of the pirate emperor, they have long been left behind!

Anyway, with Jiang Fan, whoever will die!

And Jiang Fan directly took Jack and others to drink and have fun!

Barbossa hesitated for a while, but actually followed!


Jiang Fan glanced at Barbosa.

"That, that..."

Barbossa was startled, but still smiled reluctantly.

"Master Jiang Fan, can you ask, what do you want these tokens for?"

"Obviously, the purpose is the same!"


Barbossa was taken aback!

"You, you also want to release..."


Jiang Fan nodded without hesitation!

Barbossa suddenly looked overjoyed!

"In this case, it's better to do it now..."

"It's not time now! Let's go, I was shocked last time, I will treat you today to suppress your shock!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and hooked Barbossa's shoulder!

Barbossa shook all over and almost got down again!

But seeing Jiang Fan's sincere eyes, he was taken aback!

At the same time, there was a touch of emotion in my heart involuntarily!

Not only did Jiang Fan not embarrass himself this time, he even invited himself to drink!

This is really, a great gift!

It's a pity that this guy knows how, since Jiang Fan failed to kill him at the beginning, of course he wanted to have a good relationship with him!

After all, the next four parts and five parts still have to profit from him!

The night of the carnival ended, and the next day it was light, and Holly hurriedly found Jiang Fan!

"My lord! Beckett's fleet and ghost ships have all been killed! It's just outside Shipwreck Bay!"

"Good come! I can finally go back!"

Jiang Fan's eyes lit up!

Then order directly!

"Everyone is ready to fight!"


Countless pirates are all busy!

And a variety of pirate ships have also opened the Wreck Bay, putting on a battle formation!

For a time, the entire sea area was full of ships!

And Jiang Fan also rode on the Black Pearl and came to the forefront position!

Just across from Jiang Fan, Beckett's fleet of dozens of warships was looking at them across the sea with a murderous look!

The flying Dutchman stopped next to Beckett's flagship, the "Effort" with the strongest firepower in the entire Caribbean!

Compared with the decent fleet on the opposite side, the pirate fleet on Jiang Fan's side is almost like a group of beggars!

For a while, all the pirates panicked!

There were even a few pirate ships sneaking back out!

Even the faces of the nine great pirate kings have changed!

They never expected that Beckett had mobilized so many warships!

Even with Jiang Fan, the odds of winning are too low!

At this moment!

"My lord! The man has brought it!"

Barbossa's voice suddenly sounded!

Jiang Fan turned his head and saw that Barbossa was taking a woman onto the bow of the boat!

That woman is the witch Tiadora!

Before, she had a conflict with Barbosa, and was directly locked in the cabin by Barbosa!

Jiang Fan knew about this for a long time, so Barbossa had just brought her out!

"Jiang Fan? Ha ha..."

As soon as he saw Jiang Fan, Tiadora suddenly laughed!

"Jiang Fan, are you here to make a deal with me?"

"of course!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Very good! Release me then!"

Tiadora's eyes lit up!

Staring at Jiang Fan closely!


Finally free!

After paying the compass and five random treasures, I am finally free!

Of course, once I regain my freedom, those darlings...hey, it's their own!

The most important thing is that I must kill this damned Chinese man who dared to blackmail me in the first place!

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