"Which sect is it?"

Jiang Fan's eyes lit up!

"It's too long..."

Yuguangzi frowned, recalling desperately.

Jiang Fan sighed, and simply took out the compass!

"Fine! Then use the dumbest method!"

"Position Curtis!"


The needle of the north arrow points directly to the southwest!

Jiang Fan is too lazy to continue the analysis, anyway, the compass can't go wrong, the big deal is to drive the spacecraft to find it!

With the speed of the spacecraft, it took a day or two to find it!

Just when Jiang Fan was about to summon the spaceship!

"Ah! I remember!"

Yuguangzi's expression suddenly shook!

"It's Dangshan Sect!"

"Dangshan Sect?"

Jiang Fan hurriedly looked at the paper, which showed that Dangshan Sect was a force behind the Baibingmen!

The direction is southwest!

And Baibingmen is one of the trading objects of Jinglingzong!

All this is exactly the same as what Jiang Fan had predicted before!

According to the data, Baibingmen is only a small sect, even the Jingling Sect can deal with it, but the Dangshan Sect is extremely powerful!

There are three master-level masters known in the sect!

Although there is no limit of the fourteenth level, there are no less than a dozen normal fourteenth-level strong people!

And this is just the strength on the surface!

No one knows how many families there are in the Dangshan Sect in secret!

Looking at the information, Jiang Fan's expression became more gloomy!

But for the Jiang family, this has never been a problem!

In their thinking, as long as Jiang Fan is there, even if the opponent has a 20th-level domain powerhouse, they are not afraid at all!

"Foster father! When will you shoot?"

Lu Bu looked ruthless!

"No hurry! Now that I know who it is, it will be easier! This time, I will let the Jiang family's name spread to the entire cultivation world!"

In Jiang Fan's eyes, Sen Han's murderous intent only made Yu Guangzi tremble all over!

Uncle Zhong is right, this time, thunder means must be used!

Otherwise, it will cause imitation, and there will be endless troubles!

But if you want to deter everyone, you must first raise your strength to the limit!

Otherwise, relying solely on the hole cards, even if Curtis is rescued, it will not achieve the desired effect. What is even more troublesome is that once the hole cards are used up, the three-revolution mission is afraid to break down!

What's more terrible is that if this causes a vicious circle, the entire Jiang family will collapse in an instant!

So the most correct choice is to go through the rank three mission first, and then directly wash the mountain sect with blood!

As for Curtis, I can only wrong him first!

Jiang Fan calculated everything with an almost cold mentality!

Just because he clearly understands--

Now the powerful enemies of the Jiang family are waiting, as long as he lives, everyone else can live!

And as long as there is half of an accident, not only Curtis, everyone in the Jiang family will undoubtedly die!


Slowly exhaling a foul breath, Jiang Fan turned around and walked to the villa!

Only halfway through, he suddenly stopped and turned his head to look at Yuguangzi!

"Master Yuguangzi, did you tell Yumingzi what happened today?"

The five elders of the Jinglingzong, Yuqingzi is responsible for the transactions between the Jiang family and the Jinglingzong, while Yuguangzi stays in the Jiang family to deal with the corpses of the monsters. As for the three of Yumingzi, Yufangzi, and Yuyangzi, they have always been Responsible for mineral matters in Xiangzhou!

"Ah? Oh, as I said, the incident happened suddenly and I didn't know what the other party's purpose was, so I quickly contacted Yumingzi and the others!"

Yuguangzi was taken aback for a moment, and then he spoke!

"Boo and the others have also said about their injuries?"


"Then when you called, was Uncle Zhong there?"

"Yeah! Huh? Mr. Jiang, shouldn't I tell Yuming them?"

Yuguangzi suddenly reacted!

"No! It doesn't matter if you tell, Uncle Zhong...no! Just listen to the old man once! It's time to sweep the dust..."

Jiang Fan smiled, but there was an inexplicable smell in his smile.

"Mr. Jiang, you, what do you mean?"

"It's nothing, tell Yumingzi them, I'm back, it's okay!"


Yuguangzi was even more puzzled, but Jiang Fan had already entered the villa, so he had to look at Lu Bu.

"Little Bu, what does Mr. Jiang mean?"

"I don't know! I don't know anything else!"

"what do you know?"

"That Dangshan Sect is going to be out of luck soon!"

Lü Bu smiled, and also turned around to rest in the room.

Yuguangzi looked dumbfounded!

"It's for sure that Dangshan Sect is going to be unlucky, but sweeping the dust? What does this mean? It doesn't mean to deal with Dangshan Sect! Hey! Hey! Xiaobu!"


Let the time go back a bit later.

Soon after the Jiang family was attacked!

As soon as Wang Yi contacted Jiang Fan, he hurriedly called and reported what had happened to Uncle Zhong!

But the loyal uncle who was in the old house of the Jiang family hung up and was silent for a long time, but suddenly looked at Yuguangzi!

"Yuguangzi, the Jiang family is attacked, I am afraid that Xiangzhou is not safe, you can tell Yumingzi and the others about this!"

"Ah? No? After all, there are only Yuming and Bao Dabao in Xiangzhou..."

Yuguangzi was taken aback!

"Be prepared, let me know!"

Uncle Zhong smiled, but in that smile, there was an inexplicable taste like Jiang Fan afterwards!

Yuguangzi didn't doubt that he had him, so he quickly contacted Yumingzi and the others!

Yu Mingzi and others were also surprised when they got the news!

"Such a big incident happened to the Jiang family, could it be that the Zhou family came?"

"Probably not. Didn't Mr. Jiang say that someone has been arranged to contain Zhou's house?"

"Anyway, no matter who it is, according to Mr. Jiang's instructions, we have to take care of Bao Dabao's safety in addition to refining tools. Let's go over now!"


The senior brothers discussed it, and immediately went straight to Bao's house!

And at this moment, Baojia!

Bao Dabao is holding Liang Xiaotong in his arms and hastening to speed up!

Although this woman was the bodyguard given to him by Qiu Yuanfeng in name, it was actually just a chess piece that the opponent used to monitor him!

However, if there are advantages that do not take the bastard, it will not be driven away anyway, so it is better to use it!

"Hey! Didn't Qiu Yuanshan say that he would use the Song family to deal with Jiang Fan? Why haven't there been any movements for so long?"

Bao Dabao asked breathlessly.

"What's the rush? Since President Qiu wants to use the Song family, he will definitely let the Song family take action! But Jiang Fan is not alone in the capital, he also has a helper!"

Liang Xiaotong smiled charmingly!

"Huh! I hope that old guy doesn't make a difference this time!"

"Relax! I have already asked Mr. Qiu for you, and the Song family will definitely be there tomorrow at the latest!"

"Really? I—"

Before Bao Dabao finished speaking, the door of the room was suddenly slammed!

"Mr. Bao!"

The servant's voice sounded from outside the door!

"what's up?"

Bao Dabao suddenly shouted angrily!

The servant was startled, and hurriedly spoke.

"Sir, Master Yumingzi, they are here!"

"Huh? Let a few masters wait in the living room for a while, I'll go down right away!"

Bao Dabao couldn't care more and looked directly at Liang Xiaotong!

"Those guys are all masters above level ten, you go first!"


Liang Xiaotong hurriedly put on his clothes and jumped out of the window!

But Bao Dabao took a hurried shower and then came to the living room downstairs!

"Master Yumingzi! Why are you here?"

Bao Dabao greeted him with a smile on his face!

"Dabao, something happened to the Jiang family!"

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