"Something happened?"

Bao Dabao was taken aback!

Then my heart suddenly rejoiced!

Could it be that the Song family has already taken action?

But he immediately suppressed his excitement, pretending to be shocked!

"Something happened? What happened?"

"Not long ago, a master smashed into Jiang's house. Sadako, Jianhan, and Xiaobu were seriously injured. Curtis was taken away..."

Yu Mingzi told the story quickly!

Bao Dabao was really stunned this time!

Listening to the other party's description, it was definitely not the Song family who shot!


How many enemies does Jiang Fan have?

"Master Yumingzi, how could this be? Who is the other party?"

Bao Dabao looked "angry"!

"I don't know yet, but don't worry, Mr. Jiang has given orders, we will definitely protect your safety!"

Yumingzi looked serious.

Bao Dabao's hands trembled!

An unspeakable guilt suddenly appeared in my heart!

It's just that he suppressed this emotion immediately!

Jiang Fan, he just cares about himself pretentiously!

He is my enemy!

It is the culprit who killed the Bao family!

His little favors are nothing more than buying people's hearts!


That's it!

"Hehe, Brother Fan really takes care of me. If that's the case, I'll trouble a few masters!"

Bao Dabao reluctantly smiled.

The next few people chatted for a while!

"Ah, sorry, masters, let me go and make it easier!"

Bao Dabao suddenly spoke.

"Mr. Bao, please!"

Yu Mingzi just spoke, but the phone rang suddenly!

"Huh? Big brother?"

When Yumingzi saw the call, he immediately answered the phone.


"Yuming, it's okay, Mr. Jiang just came back!"

Yuguangzi's voice sounded!

"Mr. Jiang is back? Great!"

Yumingzi looked happy!

For them, Jiang Fan is the Dinghai Shenzhen!

As long as Jiang Fan is there, it represents peace in the world!

But Bao Dabao's expression changed when he stood up!

Jiang Fan actually came back?

So fast?

Without hesitation, he turned and ran upstairs!

Back to the bedroom in a hurry, Bao Dabao directly picked up the phone and dialed Qiu Yuanfeng!

The bell rang for a long time before the call was picked up!

"Mr. Bao? Why do you call so late?"

Qiu Yuanfeng's voice became more shrill and soft, and it was no different from a woman!

"Don't talk nonsense! Listen to me! Before the Jiang family was attacked, several masters under Jiang Fan were seriously injured..."

Bao Dabao quickly recounted the news he had heard before!


Qiu Yuanfeng suddenly exclaimed!

It's just that there was a burst of joy in the exclamation!

"Don't be too happy, I just heard Yu Mingzi say that Jiang Fan has returned to Los Angeles! Your plan to let the Song family take action has probably been aborted! Damn it! What the **** is the Song family doing!"

Bao Dabao said bitterly.

However, Qiu Yuanfeng laughed loudly!

"Haha, you are wrong! The Song family is doing well! Not only does this plan have no miscarriage, but it also completes the most important part seamlessly!"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, this time not only can Jiang Fan's foundation be destroyed, but Jiang Fan can be completely killed!"

Qiu Yuanfeng's voice is full of excitement!

"Think about it! One of Jiang Fan's strongest people was taken away, and the others were severely injured. This is definitely the time when his strength is the most empty! Now is the best time for us to attack him!"

"right now?"

Bao Dabao was shocked!

"Yes! I have waited for this opportunity, I have waited too long! Good! Good! Hahahaha!"

Qiu Yuanfeng laughed wildly!

"But I still don't understand, what are you going to do?"

Bao Dabao looked puzzled.

"Hey, then I will tell you now..."

Following Qiu Yuanfeng's narration, Bao Dabao's face finally changed!

"Of course, Jiang Fan has always been scheming. Before this plan is launched, it is necessary to find out if the attack on the Jiang family is real!"

Qiu Yuanfeng smiled gloomily!


With the dazzling sunlight, Jiang Fan finally opened his eyes lazily.

After washing and leaving the room, Jiang Fan discovered that the door of the house was closed, and the whole Jiang family seemed to have become a prison!

But in the face of this kind of sight, Jiang Fan didn't have any surprised look on his face.

"Master, are you awake? Have breakfast?"

Seeing Jiang Fan coming out, Uncle Zhong suddenly smiled kindly.

Jiang Fan stared at Uncle Zhong for a long time before he gave a wry smile.

"You are forcing me to shoot!"

"Master, I know that you value love and justice, and I also know that you feel that you owe that person, but that person must die!"

Uncle Zhong's eyes were fierce!

"Understood, then... kill it!"

Jiang Fan finally nodded and spoke slowly in an unusually indifferent tone!

"Then young master, eat?"


At the same time, Xiangzhou!

Bao Dabao finally called Qiu Yuanfeng again.

"Has it been verified?"

Qiu Yuanfeng answered the phone and asked.

"Verified! The servant I stayed with in the Jiang family said that someone from the Jiang family did come to look for trouble last night, and the few strong men who stayed behind in the Jiang family were all seriously injured! And not long after Jiang Fan came back, Jiang Zhong took all the servants They were all driven away, and now the entire Jiang family is closed, no one knows what happened inside!


After listening to Bao Dabao's account, Qiu Yuanfeng suddenly frowned.

"What's weird?"

"The Anzi I stayed in Luocheng just sent back the news that all Jiangfan's forces in Luocheng have shrunk back to defense, and the people in Lu Zhenglong have not even risked their heads since the Jiang family's accident!"

"Isn't this normal?"

"No! Quite the contrary! The Jiang family has been hit hard. According to Jiang Fan's character, the more this time, the more he should be ostentatious, but instead of singing the empty city plan, he is shrinking his tentacles. This is weird!"

Qiu Yuanfeng frowned!

"What's weird, it's really imaginary! Jiang Fan has so many enemies, but you are not the only one who knows him! If he really sings the empty city plan, I'm afraid other people can't help it without waiting for you to do it! Now so. It makes you wonder, isn't this what he wants now?"

Bao Dabao sneered coldly!

Qiu Yuanfeng was taken aback!

After a long time, he spoke slowly.

"That's right, Jiang Fan is as cunning as a fox, it is indeed possible!"

"So, can the plan continue?"

"No! Let's do half first!"


Bao Dabao was startled!

"Yes! I want to try him again!"

Qiuyuanfeng smiled yinly!


After breakfast, Jiang Fan sat in a daze at the door of the villa.

A group of Jiang family members, as if they had seen the New World, squatted in the corner, licked melon seeds and pointed to Jiang Fan.

"My lord, what's wrong?"

"It's rare! I'm in a daze!"

"Yeah, I won't even deliver takeout!"

"Is it overuse of the brain and downtime?"

"It's not impossible! If I use my brain like this, I can eat a little chili noodles now!"

"Stop talking nonsense, maybe you miss the mistress, right?"

"Oh? Pharaoh, hurry up and tell me what's going on?"

"Hey hey, when it comes to this, it's a long story!"

A group of top masters just turned into gossip tabloid reporters, all of them were extremely excited, and even more chatty!

at this time!


The sword intent of the cold is gone in a flash!

The next moment, Yue Jianhan, whose whole body was soaked in the culture liquid, suddenly opened his eyes!

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