God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1414: Not many people are ruthless

The subordinate kept pushing the cart down beside Cao Wenbin before stopping.

"Young Master, everything is here!"


Cao Wenbin stretched out his hand with difficulty, picked up an old comic book, glanced at it casually, and then threw it away!

"Fuck! The Pang family idiots! How old people are, they still look at these things!"

"What the young master said is, but everyone knows that it is not a good thing, why do you want to..."

Cao Chi couldn't help asking.

"Huh! As long as it is what the Pang family wants, no matter what it is, even if it is a mess of stinky shit, I will grab it!"

Cao Wenbin smiled coldly!

"I want them to know that this is Faint City! Here, without the Cao family nodding their heads, their Pang family won't get anything!"

"But the young man, since the Pang family was driven out of Xiangzhou, it has been dying. Can you do it yourself?"

"Don't underestimate them! Remember, as long as there are people, then this family will not disperse! If you don't suppress them now, if the Pang family gets up again, it will be a big trouble!"

Cao Wenbin said coldly!

"Great young man and wise!"

"That's natural! Hey, the Pang family? As long as my Cao family is still a day, they are a bunch of wild dogs! If you know, you'd better surrender the property quickly and get out of the faint city! Otherwise, their Pang family will disappear sooner or later! "

Cao Wenbin smiled triumphantly, reaching for a glass of champagne!

But at this moment!


There was a sudden explosion!

next moment!

In the room, the door made of golden nanmu was almost bombarded by a missile, and it was directly blown into sawdust!

And several of Cao Chi's men guarding the door were blown up by the terrifying shock wave, and fell directly into Cao Wenbin's pool!

At the same time, in the smoke and dust, a voice full of magnetism has slowly sounded!

"Your Cao family is really not a good bird!"

With the sound, Jiang Fan has stepped into the room!

"who are you!"

Cao Chi's complexion changed!

Take a sudden step forward and stand in front of Cao Wenbin!

But Cao Wenbin did not speak, but looked at Jiang Fan with an unusually gloomy expression!

With the appearance of Pang Shiyong and others behind Jiang Fan, Cao Wenbin finally sneered!

"Who am I? It turned out to be Patriarch Pang! I dared to enter my site. Could it be that I drank too much?"

However, beyond his expectation, Pang Shiyong didn't answer at all, but looked at Jiang Fan with questions full of questions!

Cao Wenbin frowned, his face even more gloomy!

Jiang Fan had already seen the things on the cart and strode over!

Those old comics and materials are hard to see on the market now, they are all things that are closely related to the three-turn mission!

Cao Chi sneered when Jiang Fan came, and stopped Jiang Fan directly!

"Boy! Who asked you to come here?"


Jiang Fan simply spit out a word!

However, with this word, Cao Chi trembled all over, and his whole body was completely frozen!

Suddenly a kind of enlightenment appeared in his heart, once he was a little disrespectful, he would definitely die!

Jiang Fan had already passed him, and continued to walk towards the cart!

A group of Pang family members were dumbfounded!

Cao Chi is a master at level 13!

He was stunned by Jiang Fan with a single word!

As expected of Mr. Jiang!

The Pang family is definitely going to develop this time!

But seeing Cao Chi stunned, Cao Wenbin frowned!

He looked at the sign car and suddenly raised his hand!

At the next moment, the two women who had massaged him suddenly shot, and they banged directly at the cart!

Cao Wenbin actually saw that the things on this cart are useful to Jiang Fan!

However, Jiang Fan tickled the corner of his mouth!

With a step down, he seemed to have crossed time and space, and suddenly appeared in front of the cart!

And until then, the two women were worthy of raising their palms!


The two women's eyes widened suddenly!

Although they were Cao Wenbin's maids on the surface, their true strength was all level ten!

But with their strength, they didn't even see how the other party came over!

But they have no chance to get the answer!

How could Jiang Fan let them go if he wanted to ruin the information on the Rank 3 mission!


Jiang Fan drew two big mouths directly!


The two women screamed at the same time, but Jiang Fan flew upside down, smashed the window of the room, and fell from the upper floor!


Accompanied by two muffled noises from downstairs, it goes without saying that these two women will definitely not survive!

Cao Wenbin looked dull!

Looking at Jiang Fan blankly!

"You, how dare you, the one who killed me?"

Jiang Fan ignored him at all, but with a big wave of his hand, he had already received all the information in the system backpack!

But when he saw a cartoon still floating in the pool, Jiang Fan's expression changed!

"That book, did you throw it away?"

"That's right! I threw it! Huh! Boy, you dare to do something to my people in the faint city, you are not brave! But let me tell you that you offended me..."

Cao Wenbin finally reacted at this moment and suddenly sneered!

It's a pity that he didn't finish his words, Jiang Fan had already stepped on his head with one foot, and directly stepped him into the water!

Everyone was stunned!

Do it if you don't agree?

This is so sudden!

Especially a group of Pang family!

They thought that Jiang Fan would only say a few ruthless words when he came over, but they didn't expect that he actually did something to Cao Wenbin!


Cao Wenbin was struggling desperately underwater, but Jiang Fan's feet were like a big mountain, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake a single bit!

For a while, the entire surface of the water on his head seemed to be boiling, and bubbles continued to appear!

Everyone loosened the clothes around their necks involuntarily!

Too ruthless!

Jiang Fan is going to drown Cao Wenbin in the bathhouse!

"What are you doing! Stop it!"

At this time, Cao Chi finally reacted!

Suddenly rushed towards Jiang Fan!

However, Jiang Fan suddenly looked back and glared at him fiercely!

next moment!


Cao Chi, who was rushing forward, trembled, his feet were soft, and he knelt down!

Then it was like Yue Yang back then, landing on his knees and sliding down to Jiang Fan's feet!

Anything like this at the thirteenth level will definitely cause great shame!

However, Cao Chi can't think of so much now!

Jiang Fan's glance just now seemed to be the death god's scythe resting on his neck!

Cao Chi has never seen such a terrifying look in his life!

That is the killing eyes that only Yasha Shura who crawled out of the sea of ​​blood from the dead mountain can have!

Cao Chi couldn't understand at all, how could a human being have such terrifying eyes?

His entire heart, entire person, and even his entire soul have been completely filled with fear!

Pang Xining looked stunned!

Jiang Fan had only said two sentences since he came in!

With these two sentences, Cao Wenbin's two men were beaten to death. He himself drank water in the bathhouse, while Cao Chi knelt and slid to Jiang Fan's feet!

This is really a real person who doesn't say much about it!

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