God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1415: There are ways to not give

Suddenly, Pang Xining had an uncontrollable admiration for Jiang Fan!

And Cao Wenbin has no chance even if he worships Jiang Fan!


Seeing less and less bubbles emerging from the bathhouse, while Cao Wenbin's belly is getting bigger and bigger, Jiang Fan finally lifted his foot!

next moment!


Cao Wenbin leaped out of the water suddenly and took a breath!

It's a pity that he hasn't finished breathing in a single breath, Jiang Fan has already stepped on it again!


Cao Wenbin was struggling again!

A group of people looked at it with cold sweat!

Cao Chi trembled even more, looking at Jiang Fan with fear!

"You, hurry up and stop! Do you know who he is? If something happens to him, the entire Pang family will be unlucky!"

It's a pity that Jiang Fan just glanced at him coldly!

"Your words are a little too much!"

next moment!


Everyone hadn't seen Jiang Fan's move at all. Cao Chi had already let out a scream, and he was flying upside down full of blood, and fell directly to Pang Xining's feet!

And until this time, everyone discovered that Cao Chi's body was covered with **** wounds!

"Xining, how this person beats you, you just call me back!"

Jiang Fan spoke slowly!


Pang Xining smiled sternly with excitement, and the big foot girl kicked directly at Cao Chi's face!

A group of Pang family faces are dull!

Level 13!

Cao Chi is a master at level 13!

But no one saw Jiang Fan's shot clearly, and he was directly abandoned!

With this method, even the normal fourteenth level can't do it at all!

Mr. Jiang's strength is simply terrifying!

But if Cao Chi is abolished, it will be abolished. The point is that if Cao Wenbin dies, then the entire Cao family will have to be bombed!

I'm afraid I can't wait for the night at all to get it done!

"Mr. Jiang, Cao, Cao Wenbin is going to drown..."

Pang Shiyong finally reluctantly spoke with a vibrato to remind Jiang Fan!

"No, normal people hold their breath for 1 to 2 minutes. This fat man is a little bit close. Half a minute is always fine. Even if the timeout expires, it can be saved as long as it takes less than four minutes! Now...well, twenty Eight seconds!"

As Jiang Fan said, he raised his foot again!

"Ah!! Help!"

Cao Wenbin suddenly leaped out of the water and let out a miserable cry!

But he just shouted out, Jiang Fan has already stepped on it again! ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

"woo woo woo woo!!"

Cao Wenbin is about to collapse!

Now he only felt that his brain was filled with lead. Although he was in a hot pool, his hands and feet were cold, and his eyes almost protruded from his eye sockets!

The point is that his stomach is full of bath water now!

The stomach is going to explode!

Having lived for more than 30 years, Cao Wenbin has never encountered a ruthless character like Jiang Fan!

Even he could clearly feel that Jiang Fan really wanted to drown himself alive!

And accompanied by Jiang Fan raised his foot again!

"Spare! As long as you let me go, I promise everything!"

Cao Wenbin, who emerged from the water, couldn't even breathe the atmosphere, so he screamed abruptly!



Jiang Fan stepped on it again!


Cao Wenbin was shaking all over!

At this moment, the water that once made him enjoy has become the most terrifying thing for him!

I will die, I will die!

Jiang Fan frowned, raising his foot back with disgust!

It's just because that devil, who didn't know when he squatted down, was actually looking at himself with a smile!

"You, you, don't come over!"

Cao Wenbin trembled all over!

The fat on his body is like a wave surging!

"Fat boy, just now you said, as long as you let you go, you will promise everything?"

"Yes, yes, I promise everything!"

"Very well, give me a billion first!"


Not only Cao Wenbin, but even the Pang family was stunned!

It's fine to let people dance with urine, and now they are still blackmailing them!

"Don't be so surprised, you ruined one of my comics, it is out of print, and I will lose one billion! If you don't give it, let's continue!"

Jiang Fan's mouth hooked!

"No! Don't! I'll give it!!"

Cao Wenbin screamed suddenly!

The feeling of suffocation just now, he would never want to have a second time in his life!

"Very well, Pang Shiyong, report your account! Fat boy, transfer now. If the money is not available within three minutes, we will continue!"

As Jiang Fan spoke, Cao Wenbin almost went crazy and picked up the phone!

"Hey! This is Cao Wenbin, and I will transfer money to 62...this card right away! Yes! Transfer one billion!"

"Go to your code! You just drank too much! Give it to Lao Tzu immediately!"

"If you don't get the account within three minutes, your whole family will die for Lao Tzu!"

Following Cao Wenbin’s roar, within three minutes, Pang’s finances had already called Pang Shiyong!

"Patriarch, just received a billion transfer..."

Listening to the financial report, the Pang family all opened their mouths!

Actually turned around!


With so much effort, Jiang Fan actually made a billion!

"Mr. Jiang, I, I turned around, look at..."

Cao Wenbin looked at Jiang Fan tremblingly!

"That's right! Let's do the thing that wets my manga!"

"Thank you, thank you Mr. Jiang!"

Cao Wenbin was overjoyed!


"Now it's time to talk about you hurting my friend!"

Jiang Fan smiled coldly at this time!

"Hurt your friend?"

Cao Wenbin was taken aback!

"Not bad!"

Jiang Fan pointed at Pang Xining!

"Hey! The blood on my friend's head hasn't dried yet! What do you say?"

"Yes, but Cao Chi..."

"Fat boy! Cao Chi is your subordinate, how could he hurt my friend without your order? Don't shirk responsibility! As a leader, why do you have to take a little responsibility!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

"You, what do you want?"

"Easy! Just add some medical expenses!"

"How much do you want?"

"Um... two billion!"


Cao Wenbin's eyes suddenly widened!

"It seems that you don't agree with the fat boy. In that case, how do you hit my friend, I will hit you!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and stood up kindly!

Just when everyone was guessing how Jiang Fan was going to deal with Cao Wenbin, he suddenly raised his foot and stepped on Cao Wenbin's arm!


A crisp sound!

Broken bones splash!

Jiang Fan stepped on Cao Wenbin's arm!


Cao Wenbin screamed suddenly!

The whole person's painful feces and urine flowed, and the whole body was twitching like an electric shock!

A group of Pang family members saw their scalp numb!

There was a chill from the soles of the feet!

Too ruthless!

Such a cruel and tyrannical method is simply outrageous!

"Stop screaming, since you broke a hand, then I am embarrassed to ask for so much. If you agree to compensation now, 1.5 billion is enough! Of course, if you don't give it, there are naturally ways not to give it! "

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Has continued to aim at Cao Wenbin's limbs!

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