God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1425: Don't be the second bag house

"The Cao family set up a bureau to draw Jiang Fan into the urn!"

"It is not only the Cao family who set up the bureau, but also the former Luocheng Qiu family. The point is that there is actually the Zhou family of the four great families!"

"Five and a half step master!"

"Four fourteen limits!"

"There are also two masters of the Zhou family who came from Lingzhou!"

"As a result, these people were all killed by Jiang Fan!"

"The master of the Cao family rebelled under Jiang Fan's instruction and killed the entire Cao family!"

Seeing these news, the entire Pang family was stunned!

I was totally caught in a state of shock that I didn't even dare to dream of!

And it's not just the Pang family, but the entire Faint City is the same!

Especially those Cao's guests who have witnessed Jiang Fan's toughness with their own eyes, regard Jiang Fan as a demon!

Decapitated nine strong men with one sword, and then the master torturous!

Such a powerful and violent character is simply unheard of!

The most terrifying thing is Jiang Fan's layout!

All these strong men who came to kill Jiang Fan were actually all Jiang Fan took the initiative to let them into the urn!

In one game, so many powerhouses were actually calculated, and this ambition alone is simply crazy!

And even more shocking, it was this peerless ruthless man who turned out to be the backer of the Pang family!

Everyone knows that the future Faint City will have the surname Pang!

This night, people who did not meet the Pang family were relieved, but those who had provoked the Pang family were terrified!

In short, tonight, Wucheng is destined to sleepless!

Jiang Fan did not pay much attention to the reaction of the various forces in the city of Faint. He is now guarding the bed, looking at Wan Wu in a trance!

After a long absence, Wan Wu, who was not a strong man, became thinner and weaker, and his body was full of a **** smell that could not be washed away.

His face has been cleaned up, revealing that very delicate face.

However, at this moment, this face was full of tension and fear, even slightly distorted.

Jiang Fan knew that for so long, under Qiu Yuanfeng's instructions, Wan Wu would definitely be full of blood. The reason why he hasn't woken up now is probably just because he doesn't want to face those painful memories.

"Ding Dong!"

At this moment, Jiang Fan's cell phone suddenly rang!

Upon seeing this news, Jiang Fan suddenly raised the corners of his mouth and directly dialed the number back!

"Jiang Fan!"

As soon as the call was connected, Xia Fanxing's worried voice rang directly!

"It's me, it's all right."

A smile appeared on Jiang Fan's face.

"It's okay!"

Xia Fanxing's tone was filled with relief!

Jiang Fan continued to speak.

"Thanks to your text message in the morning, otherwise I'm afraid it will give the Song family a chance."

This morning, Jiang Fan received a text message, and it was after reading that text message that he left everyone in Jiangzhai!

And the text message is from Xia Fanxing!

The above content was sent by the Song family to attack the lineup of Los Angeles!

It can be said that Jiang Fan was able to kill the Quartet so easily this time, and Qiu Mingyue and Xia Fanxing were all contributed!

"Hehe, you can't afford to be praised by your Master Jiang, even if I don't give you this news, I'm afraid the Song family can't take advantage of it?"

Xia Fanxing smiled mischievously.


Jiang Fan was suddenly speechless!

"Ah! Sure enough, you were prepared! As expected, it is my Jiang Fan!"

Xia Fanxing smiled again!

"Ahem, nothing, by the way, why are you so clear about the Song family?"

"Ah? That's right, I just know it! I have something else to do, talk about it later!"

Xia Fanxing said, she hung up the phone quickly!

"Hey... the phone hangs up so fast..."

Jiang Fan muttered to himself, but the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously.

Stretching, Jiang Fan has turned his head to look at Yu Mingzi!

"Contact Jiangzhai and ask them to let Xiaobu and Zhenzi stay in Los Angeles according to the original plan, and the rest will leave for Lingzhou immediately!"

"right now?"

Yu Mingzi was taken aback!

"Yes! Now! Lingzhou is the focus of the Zhou family, so there have always been two masters on duty. Now I bring them out and kill them. This makes the state extremely empty. It is the best time to start!"

Yumingzi's heart trembled!

Mr. Jiang's work is really closely linked!


"Also, the three of you will go back to Xiangzhou now! Grab Liang Xiaotong!"

"Mr. Jiang, Liang Xiaotong is only level ten, and Qiu Yuanfeng is dead, she..."

"Bao Dabao has been in bed with her for a long time. I want to know if she is pregnant with Bao Dabao's child!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were gloomy.

Yumingzi's three hearts twitched!

Jiang Fan actually thought of this!

This is really the most delicate mind!

"Mr. Jiang, if there really is..."

Yu Mingzi asked tentatively.

"If there is..."

Jiang Fan was silent suddenly, and it took a long time to speak slowly.

"It is said that the child does not have a soul until after birth, is it true?"

Yumingzi was startled, but he immediately took a deep breath!

"Mr. Jiang, we know how to do it!"

After saying this, a few people will leave!

But at this moment!

"And one more thing."

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!

"Mr. Jiang, what else is there?"

"Dabao...take him back and bury him well, remember, he didn't betray, he just did something wrong!"


Yu Mingzi and the others agreed, and finally left!

But Jiang Fan looked at the white ceiling and suddenly laughed at himself!

After a moment of silence, Jiang Fan suddenly patted Wan Wu on the shoulder!

"Wan Wu, no matter what you have done before, it is not your fault! Wake up early!"

After saying this, Jiang Fan finally stood up slowly, and then strode out of the room!

"Mr. Jiang, you want to go out?"

Pang Shiyong, who was guarding the door, hurriedly greeted him.


"I will help you prepare the car right away!"

"No, Qiu Lu!"

"I'm here!"

"You go back to Los Angeles, go to Mingyue first!"

"Yes! Mr. Jiang!"

Qiu Lu nodded immediately.

Jiang Fan looked at Pang Shiyong again.

"Wan Wu may take a long time to wake up. Take good care of him when I'm away!"

"Yes! Don't worry, Mr. Jiang!"

"By the way, I would like to remind you that the Buddha can't keep a family that is feuding everywhere!"

Jiang Fan suddenly said something meaningful.

Pang Shiyong's complexion changed!

Then suddenly broke into a cold sweat!

Hearing the news that Jiang Fan was killing the Quartet before, the entire Pang family swelled in an instant!

Even many people are clamoring, how to treat those forces that have humiliated them!

And Jiang Fan said this sentence at this time, obviously reminding the Pang family!

Indeed, I have never heard of a family that has feuded around for a long time!

"Yes! Thank you Mr. Jiang for the point!"

Pang Shiyong looked grateful!

"It's nothing, your Pang family is sensible, and I will naturally relax a lot!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Another reminder!

Pang Shiyong's cold sweat is getting more and more!

"Mr. Jiang rest assured, the Pang family will never be the second Bao family!"

"Then I can rest assured, do it well!"

Jiang Fan nodded in satisfaction and suddenly raised his hand!

next moment!


In the house of the Pang family, a weird machine with a height of two stories and a wild shape suddenly appeared!

This thing is exactly the iron-blooded spacecraft!

A group of Pang family members were stunned!

"Fuck! What, what is this?"

"It looks like a spaceship!"

"Isn't it? There is still this thing in reality?"

"Mr. Jiang is too exaggerated? There are even spaceships!"

The crowd was shocked!

Jiang Fan has already stepped into the spacecraft and entered the coordinates directly!

There, it is Lingzhou!

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