God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1426: Firecrackers blew up the chrysanthemum


With Jiang Fan starting, the spaceship suddenly turned into a stream of light, and disappeared in a moment!

A group of people in the Pang family were dumbfounded!

"Ju, actually, it's really a spaceship!!"

The crowd's eyes widened, and they doubted that they had crossed!

for a long time!

"Everyone listen carefully! Even if I encounter genocide in the future, I will all listen to Mr. Jiang honestly!"

Pang Shiyong roared suddenly!


A group of Pang family members all shouted vigorously!

Similar to the excited Pang family, Zhou Yuande also has a beaming look!

At this moment, all the senior officials of the Zhou family, including Zhou Yuanwang, gathered in Zhou Yuande's villa, looking at the excited Zhou Yuande with a puzzled expression!

"Yuande, what are you doing? What's the matter for calling us?"

"Yeah, now the Zhou family is worried about foreign troubles, and many of the small forces have begun to act against us. If you have anything to say, I have to kill a small family to establish power!"

"That's right, don't be mystery, let go of the fart!"

Zhou Yuanwang's group of people spoke with dissatisfaction!

"Hehe, everyone, don't worry, no matter how much trouble our Zhou family has now, there is actually only one source! That is Jiang Fan! As long as Jiang Fan is dead, my Zhou family will immediately be peaceful!"

Zhou Yuande opened his mouth with a smile!

"Nonsense! Of course we know, but the Wei family and Yu family see us so closely, can you kill him?"

A senior Zhou family sneered!

"Of course I went, but there are people in Lingzhou who can go!"

Zhou Yuande smiled triumphantly!

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly reacted!

Especially Zhou Yuanwang's complexion changed abruptly, looking at Zhou Yuande incredulously!

"You, did you let Yuanhai kill Jiang Fan?"


"Asshole! You are crazy!"

Zhou Yuanwang roared suddenly!

"Lingzhou is the top priority of our Zhou family! If you can call it casually, I would have let them do it! Zhou Yuande, don't forget, even if you are an ancestor, you can't call them at will! I don't care about your plans. What is it, stop now!"


Facing the roaring Zhou Yuanwang, Zhou Yuande smiled slightly!

"At this time, they should have finished their hands!"


Everyone was taken aback!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

At this moment, Zhou Yuande's cell phone rang suddenly, and the caller ID indicated that it was Zhou Yantang who was in charge of this mission!

Zhou Yuande smiled triumphantly!

"Everyone, the good news has arrived, Patriarch, don't worry, let the Zhou absolutely rest assured! And Jiang Fan, there will be no chance to fight our Zhou family again!"

While talking, Zhou Yuande had already picked up the phone triumphantly, and even turned on the speaker to demonstrate!

"Yantang, all your uncles and uncles are here, tell the good news..."

Zhou Yuande hasn't finished speaking, Zhou Yantang's horrible howling as if mourning has suddenly sounded!

"It's not good, father! Two uncles, Yuan Qi and Yuan Hai, were all killed by Jiang Fan!"

"Haha, everyone, you heard, Jiang Fan has...wait! What did you say?!"

Zhou Yuande suddenly reacted, like a wild boar whose chrysanthemum was blown up by firecrackers, suddenly screamed!

"The two uncles, Yuan Qi and Yuan Hai, were all killed by Jiang Fan!!"



There was silence!

The entire Zhou's villa was like a morgue at this moment, even the sound of breathing disappeared, and the needle drop was audible!

"Hello? Hello? Father, do you listen again?"

"Father! What should I do?"

"Hello? Hello?..."


Zhou Yuande hung up the phone with a dull expression, his feet were soft, and he directly sat on the ground!

The rest of the Zhou family were all pale, and their hands trembled!

for a long time!

"Come here! Push me Zhou Yuande this idiot into the family dungeon! Waiting for the ancestor to fall!"

Zhou Yuanwang gritted his teeth and looked at Zhou Yuande, his eyes could hardly wait to eat him alive!

That's it!

Once Zhou Yuanqi and Zhou Yuanhai died, there was no more master in the prefecture, and with Jiang Fan's mind, they would inevitably attack Lingzhou at night!

And once Jiang Fan arrives, the consequences needless to say, everyone knows what they are!

This fool, Zhou Yuande, his own clever plan, simply ruined the foundation of the Zhou family!

This is not the most terrible!

The scary thing is that once the ancestor gets this news, not only will his position as the head of the family disappear, I am afraid that even his life may not be guaranteed!

"What are you doing in a daze? Wait for me to do it myself!"

Seeing that the rest of the people still looked dull, Zhou Yuanwang suddenly roared!

"Yes Yes Yes!"

This time, even the members of Zhou Yuande's line were panicked. Everyone knew the meaning of Lingzhou, and even more so, that Zhou Yuande was completely abolished this time!

As Zhou Yuande, whose soul seemed to disappear, was carried away, the rest of the people looked at Zhou Yuanwang in panic!

"Patriarch, what should I do next?"

"You have to send someone to Lingzhou to garrison immediately!"

"Yes, Patriarch, once an accident occurs in Lingzhou, the loss of our Zhou family is simply irreparable!"

"The most terrifying thing is, in case the ancestors know..."

Everyone is like an ant on a hot pot!

Zhou Yuanwang's expression was even more gloomy!

She was trembling all over!

But now, others can panic, but he, as the head of the family, can't!

"What are you panicking!"

Zhou Yuanwang suddenly roared!

"Up to now, Jiang Fan will definitely raid Lingzhou and contact that side immediately to ask them to load all the precious metals and all the ready-made materials into the truck and transport them back to the warehouses in the capital and several nearby cities!"

"Yes, but Patriarch, with so many things, our Zhou family's warehouse can't put them down at all..."

One of them hurriedly spoke.



Zhou Yuanwang suddenly shouted!

"Now it's not a question of pretending or not pretending! If you don't do anything, all those things will be destroyed!"

"What do you think Jiang Fan is going to do in raiding Lingzhou? He is going to destroy the foundation of my Zhou family!"

"Once the materials are insufficient, our Zhou family's business will not last for three days! With these materials, at least my Zhou family will be able to regain Lingzhou!"

"Understand! Fool!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Everyone is silent!

And Zhou Yuanwang has continued to speak!

"Go and do it now! Also, prepare a car for me. I'm going to Dangyang Mountain to meet my ancestors!"

This night Zhou's family looked like a crazy wild dog, but Song Minghe was proud of it!

And his pride comes from ignorance!

Somehow the Zhou family still had Zhou Yantang survived, and the news came back.

But the entire Song family was wiped out, and no one was left alive!

All were beheaded by Lu Bu and others!

Not even a messenger is left!

"Father, what is so happy? Did you rescue Gal?"

Seeing Song Minghe's proud face, Song Yue, who had come to the study to find out the news, immediately asked.

"Haha, according to time, not only did Gal have been rescued this time, but Jiang Fan's everything in Los Angeles has been destroyed!"

Song Minghe laughed!


Song Yue looked surprised!

"What about Jiang Fan? Will he die?"

"Of course! It is said that the Zhou family dispatched two masters, Jiang Fan, absolutely dead!"

"Great! This kind of cruelty, no belief in the human community at all, **** who don't talk about human rights and freedom, **** it!"

Song Yue's face was full of revenge pleasure!

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