God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1427: The charm of the second spring

But she immediately remembered something!

"Dad, do you have a photo? I want to send it to Andy! He must be very happy to see Jiang Fan dead!"

"Well, Jiang Fan is dead, so I should explain it to the George family. After all, I still have to cooperate in the future!"

Song Minghe picked up the phone and directly dialed the number of the leader of the Song family!

Soon, the phone was picked up!

"Song Cheng, send me the current picture of Jiang's house, and tell Qiu Yuanfeng to send me a picture of Jiang Fan's body too!"

Song Minghe spoke proudly!

It's a pity that the other party hung up without answering at all!

"Huh? Asshole! Dare to hang up my phone!"

Song Minghe's complexion changed!

"Dad, don't be angry, maybe Song Cheng is anxious to send you photos!"

"Well, forget it!"

Song Minghe nodded!

And at this moment!

"Ding Dong!"

A WeChat message came directly, and it was Songcheng's number sent from it!

"Hehe, he is really anxious to send me photos!"

Song Minghe smiled slightly and clicked on the picture, and Song Yue hurriedly looked over!

"Haha! The Jiang family is indeed full of corpses...What is this?!"

Song Minghe's smile just hung up, and he suddenly froze on his face!

In the photo, with Song Cheng as the leader, thirteen heads are neatly placed on the ground!

And those heads, all faces are distorted, and they won't be stunned!


Song Yue was frightened and took a step back, and sat down on the ground, his crotch became wet in an instant!

Song Minghe trembled all over, looking at the scene in front of him incredulously!


The thirteen masters sent by the Song family were all dead!

How is this possible!

The point is, since Song Cheng is dead, who was he who answered his call just now?

"Ding Ding Ding!"

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly!

The harsh ringing directly scared Song Yue into a pee again!

Song Minghe reluctantly stretched out his finger and finally got on the phone!

"Mr. Song, hello!"

A slightly older voice sounded directly from the opposite side!

"You, who are you?"

Song Minghe barely spoke!

"Oh, I almost forgot, introduce myself, my name is Jiang Zhong!"

"Jiang Zhong?! Butler Jiang?"

Song Minghe's hands trembled!

"Hehe, it's rare that Mr. Song still remembers me, so I will make a long story short. Mr. Song, I just checked. The messenger you sent doesn't seem to bring the ten billion that the young master asked for before?"

"One, ten billion?"

Song Minghe was taken aback, and immediately reacted. At that time, Jiang Fan captured Song Hong, Song Zhe, and Song Rong, and asked Song Minghe for a ransom of 10 billion, but Song Minghe had never thought of using money to ransom someone, just thinking about **** Jiang Fan. So I left this thing behind!

"It seems that Mr. Song has forgotten! But it doesn't matter. I have asked someone to take the 13 heads in the photo just now to Mr. Song. Presumably Mr. Song will think of your deal with the young master when he sees the real thing!"

Uncle Zhong chuckled softly!

"Oh, yes, and there! Mr. Song, our Jiang family disagrees with your style of putting people first and making money later, so I hope there will not be a second time! In addition, the messenger you sent this time is very unfriendly. , It has damaged many things in our Jiang family. According to the young master’s request, you need to prepare an extra 5 billion to compensate for the damaged Jiang’s house. Please don’t be stingy!

"you you……"

Song Minghe was blinded!

I just feel like my mind is muddled!

However, at this moment, he had an idea!

"Jiang Zhong! Don't be rampant! Jiang Fan is about to die! And you, don't want to live!"

"Oh? It seems Mr. Song doesn't know yet!"

Uncle Zhong still spoke slowly in a tepid tone!

"Qiu Yuanfeng, and the two masters of the Zhou family are dead!"


Song Minghe felt a chill rushing into his forehead for an instant!

The whole body trembled uncontrollably!


How could it be dead!

"It's not early, Mr. Song rests early, remember, don't forget the deal with the young master!"


Hang up the phone!

In Jiang's house, Wang Yi and others all looked at Uncle Zhong with a look of admiration!

Too fanciful!

This is the out-and-out old butler of the Jiang family!

That kind of tepid tone and attitude is simply an example of an elegant butler!

Looking at the big golden chain on his neck again, Wang Yi felt that he had insulted the word housekeeper!

"It all depends on what I am doing? Did they get on the plane, Long Yan?"

Uncle Zhong frowned!

"Come on! Uncle Zhong, your old man is so fanciful! When can I become like you?"

Wang Yi hurriedly spoke!

"Haha, become like me? Are you not very good now?"

Uncle Zhong couldn't help but laugh.

"No! Look at me, it looks like a nouveau riche!"

As Wang Yi said, he shook the big golden chain around his neck, and the latter suddenly made a squeaky sound!

But Uncle Zhong's smile made him happier instead.

"You don't need to learn from me! You look like this... Well, it was the young master's favorite style!"


Wang Yi was taken aback!

And Uncle Zhong had already patted him on the shoulder, walked directly out of the Jiangzhai, and stopped the taxi!

"Uncle Zhong, where are you going?"

Wang Yi yelled in a hurry!

"Sister Feng lost in mahjong, I will accompany her to have two drinks!"

"Damn! No, Uncle Zhong, then, what about the things arranged by the master behind?"

"You are the housekeeper, of course you do! I'm retired, it's my shit!"

Stepping out of the Jiang's house, the loyal uncle seemed to have changed his personality, and his elegance was gone, but just like an ordinary uncle, he got into the taxi without looking back!

Wang Yi was dumbfounded!

And Lu Bu no longer knows when he will come over!

"What's the matter with Uncle Zhong?"

"What else? The charm of the second spring!"

Wang Yi sighed and finally picked up the phone!

"Ma Family Master, I am Wang Yi, ready to start!"



Lingzhou is different from the three cities of Qingjiang, Xiangzhou, and Wucheng. It is the same metropolis as Los Angeles. The Zhou family has been operating here for a long time. For the sake of convenience, it has cultivated many local forces!

And these forces are all parasitic on the behemoth of the Zhou family, sharing honor and disgrace!

It can be said that Lingzhou is the second Zhou family in the capital!

It's a pity that there are many forces here, but in order to prevent accidents, the Zhou family has been controlling the growth of these forces. As a result, these forces are all insufficient and unable to compete with the current Jiang Fan!

This is why Zhou Yuanwang is so anxious to have people transport things out of Lingzhou!

Because these forces alone cannot stop Jiang Fan!

At this moment, following Zhou Yuanwang's order, the factories that originally belonged to the Zhou family and had been suspended were all restarted. Many workers who had already left work also returned one after another, and all kinds of vehicles were coming in and out with a roar!

Everyone is busy!

The entire Lingzhou has fallen into a state of madness!

And in this state, Jiang Fan had already driven the spacecraft and came to the sky over Lingzhou!

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