There was a sinister smile on Yue Jianchao's face!

"Let you live another night, tomorrow, I will be at Lanying, interrupt your limbs, and abolish your martial arts! Let you know, dare to offend our Yue family!

"you sure?"

Jiang Fan looked at Yue Jianchao incredible!

This old guy, have you eaten too much melatonin, right? Want to kill yourself, now, but the best chance!

"Well, I personally suggest that you should do it now!"

Jiang Fan, very kind!

After all, until tomorrow, the cooling time of the copy card is up, this old guy, but there is no chance at all!

Yue Jianchao smiled coldly!

"Dreaming! I just want you to spend tonight in fear! It's not that simple to want to die!"

"Shake! Kid!"

Yue Jianchao smiled triumphantly, and walked away!

Jiang Fan is ready!

Is the Yue family mentally ill?

Forget it, go home to sleep!

The next day, as soon as Jiang Fan returned to Class 3, Ni Wen rushed up with a look of excitement!

"Teacher! I registered as a rider yesterday! Today, I can go to deliver food!"

"Yes, but learning can't be left behind!"

"Teacher don't worry!"

Ni Wen returned to his seat with a look of excitement!

Seeing Ni Wen's performance, the students in Class 3 looked confused!

"what happened?"

"Ni Wen, are you going to deliver food with Jiang Fan?"

"No way!"

"Ni Wen, what is going on?"

A group of students, collectively look at Ni Wen!

"Teacher Jiang helped me chase Yan Xiaomei! I promised him to study hard!"

"Moreover, Teacher Jiang also promised to teach me martial arts, as long as I deliver a full month of takeaway!"


The students in Class 3 were shocked!

Jiang Fan, unexpectedly, can help people chase girls?

But the shock is still behind!

"Also, through the teaching of Teacher Jiang, I have already understood the meaning of courage! Starting today, I am no longer a soft persimmon Ni Wen!"


A group of students looked at Ni Wen dumbfounded!

"Ni Wen, aren't you brainwashed by Jiang Fan? That bastard, you must have ulterior motives!"

Lu He, looked at Ni Wen with disdain!

Ni Wen's eyes were cold!

"Lu He! Take back your words!"

Lu He looked dumbfounded!

"You, what did you say?"

"You, immediately, apologize to Teacher Jiang!"

Lu He blinked his eyes: "You, are you crazy?"


Ni Wen went up and smoked Lu He a big mouth!

"Dare to insult Teacher Jiang in front of me, I will never forgive!"

Everyone looked dull!

Lu He was beaten silly!

"You, do you dare to hit me?"

"What about hitting you! No one can say bad things about Teacher Jiang!"

"You lunatic!"

Lu He was also angry, and rushed to Ni Wen!

Unexpectedly, Ni Wen, the more you fight, the more brave you are!

Finally, simply ride on Lu He, hit Lu He, cry for father and mother!

"Jiang Fan! You bastard! You hurry up!"

"Don't, don't fight! I was wrong!"

"I won't talk bad about Jiang Fan anymore!"

"Let me go!"

Ni Wen stood up angrily and sipped at Lu He disdainfully!

"Is this man really Ni Wen?"

"Too cruel!"

"I can't imagine! Jiang Fan, what method did he use?"

"I have decided, I will withdraw from the Anti-Jiangfan League in the future, I, I decided to study!"

"Me too, it's terrible!"

A group of students are terrified!

"Teacher, I'm sorry, I shouldn't fight!"

Ni Wen looked at Jiang Fan with shame!

Jiang Fan coughed!

"Student Ni Wen, in fact, your current performance is also a kind of courage! You did a beautiful job, keep it up!"


Lu He looked at Jiang Fan with a smug look, his angry teeth were crushed!

Bastard, bastard!

The other students in Class 3 also looked at Jiang Fan with horror!

This bastard, now, is actually in the third class, cultivating his own thugs!

At this moment, an angry female voice suddenly sounded at the door of Class 3!

"Who is Jiang Fan, get out of here!"

All people collectively looked in the direction of the sound!

I saw that a tall girl in her twenties with an extremely beautiful face was standing at the door with an angry face!

"I am Jiang Fan, you are..."

Jiang Fan looked confused, this girl, he didn't know him!

"Are you Jiang Fan?"

The girl's complexion is as cold as frost!

"Well, what's the matter?"

"Something? Humph! You dare to ruin my reputation, you say there is nothing wrong!"


What this girl meant, could it be Jiang Fan——

The students in Class 3 immediately looked gossip!

Lu He flushed with excitement!

Haha! Jiang Fan, you're done! It must be you **** who looked at the beauty of the parents and had a bad heart. As a result, they came to you!

come on! Expose the true face of this bastard!

"I don't even know you!"

Jiang Fan frowned and looked at the girl!

"Don't know? Okay, then I will remind you! My name is Xue Ningyu!"

"It's useless if your name is Xue Baochai! I really don't know you! Did you find the wrong person?"

Girl gritted her teeth!

"Don't admit it! You walked the rumors and said that I gave you underwear as a token of love, but you actually forgot it!"

underwear? Love token?

Jiang Fan opened his mouth--

"You are Xue Chengyue's sister? Xue Ningyu?"

"What? She is Xue Ningyu!"

"The Xue family's eldest lady!"

"Oh my God! It has long been said that Miss Xue's family is the school bachelor of Luo University, she really deserves her reputation!"

"Teacher Jiang is too good, this can be soaked!"

"Moreover, let people find the school!"

The students in Class 3 look admired!

Xue Ningyu looked at Jiang Fan coldly!

"I remembered?"

At this moment, Jiang Fan wanted to slap Tao Ping to death!

"Miss Xue, why don't we go out and talk?"

Xue Ningyu sneered!

"Just here! Let your students know what kind of person you are!"

Humph! Despicable and shameless villain!

Xue Ningyu has always felt wrong these days. In the past, boys who were crazy about pursuing him, recently saw himself, all have a heartbroken expression!

Moreover, no matter where you go, someone will give you pointers!

It wasn't until she was eating in the cafeteria this morning when she heard someone mention it that she understood what was going on!

Jiang Fan! You shameless person, unexpectedly, still have the face to be a teacher!

Today, I want everyone to see your true face!

"Alright, in fact, Tao Ping came out of this incident. It has nothing to do with you and me at all!"


Xue Ningyu sneered!

"Tao Ping is a member of our Xue family. How could I dare to do anything that would corrupt my reputation? It is clearly you. In order to get involved with our Xue family, I will do whatever it takes!"

"Don't think I don't know that a former **** like you can't do anything!"

"Why, the Jiang family went bankrupt, do you want to transform to become an internet celebrity?"

Jiang Fan's expression gradually sank!

"Miss Xue, do you believe me what I said, now, please leave, don't delay the class!"

"It's not that easy to let me go! Anyway, my reputation has been ruined! If you don't give me an explanation today, I will never end with you!"

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