God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 144: I have 1.3 billion fans

Jiang Fan's eyes are getting colder!

"Miss Xue, I said that this matter has nothing to do with me!"

"I do not care!"

Xue Ningyu stared at Jiang Fan fiercely!

"You must give me an account today!"

"Why should I confess to you!"

Jiang Fan is also angry!

Only at this moment!

"Hey? Ningyu? Why did you run Lanying here?"

Surprisingly, Cai Xiaojing passing by here!

"Professor Cai?"

Xue Ningyu was also taken aback!

Afterwards, he looked at Cai Xiaojing with aggrieved expression!

"Professor, you happen to be a teacher specially hired by Blue Eagle. You have to call the shots for me!"

"Speak slowly, what's the matter?"

"This guy named Jiang Fan actually spread rumors that I gave him my underwear as a token of love!"

"Now, everyone thinks I am a girl with a very unscrupulous private life!"

"Professor, my reputation is ruined!"

Xue Ningyu was so wronged. From a goddess to a bitch, this gap made her almost collapse!


"This is a good thing! It is simply your blessing to be able to get involved with the Grandmaster!"

Cai Xiaojing looked envious!

It's a pity that if it wasn't for her girl who was too young, she went to kindergarten, otherwise, she had to get involved with Jiang Fan!


Xue Ningyu looked dumbfounded!

"Professor, me, but I am, Luo University's school flower! The Xue family's eldest lady!"

"Yeah! That's why you can get involved with the grandmaster! Others, how can there be such good luck!"

Xue Ningyu shook his head vigorously!

damn it! I must be overly angry and have auditory hallucinations!

"Professor, I mean, Jiang Fan is ruining my reputation, saying that I gave him underwear!"

Cai Xiaojing frowned!

"I heard very clearly! I said very clearly! Okay, you can just be happy about this kind of thing! You don't need to share it with me!"

Xue Ningyu looked dull!

I'm happy? moron! Where do you tell that I am happy?

"Grandmaster, I'm really sorry, Ningyu has a good character and will never take the initiative to spread such a scandal! If it affects your reputation, I will apologize for her!"

Cai Xiaojing knew in his heart that as long as Jiang Fan was willing, he could become the top person at any time!

The Xue family must have learned about Jiang Fan's abilities, and this has connected Xue Ningyu and Jiang Fan together! Made it, this scandal!

Jiang Fan waved his hand casually: "Forget it, get her away!"


Cai Xiaojing looked at Xue Ningyu with a serious face!

"Okay! Let's go!"


"Isn't it over? With such a big bargain, I still don't know how to converge!"


"Go away!"

Xue Ningyu, with a sad and angry face, was taken away by Cai Xiaojing!

"Asshole! Jiang Fan! I can't spare you!"

In the corridor, Xue Ningyu's unwilling scream sounded!

A group of students in the third class has been collectively confused!

In this matter, everyone can hear what's going on! How come in the end, the loser turned into Jiang Fan?

No reason!

Lu He is even more broken!

Jiang Fan, this bastard, is simply an unbeatable Xiaoqiang! Could it be that no one can heal him?

"Okay, go to class well!"

Jiang Fan, leave Class 3 directly!

In the office, I made a plan for the third shift in the morning. Jiang Fan hurriedly ate two bites of rice at noon and started delivering meals again!

And the road he often traverses has become a holy place for various Internet celebrities and anchors!

Especially, after the fire scene saved people!

In the video, if there is no video of the takeaway star, it is simply not worthy to become an Internet celebrity or anchor!

Seeing that Jiang Fan appeared again, a group of people kept shouting excitedly!

Take out their phones one after another!

Jiang Fan, also waved!

Seeing, it is necessary to rush through the crowd, just! At this moment, a Cadillac suddenly rushed out and crossed the avenue!

Stubbornly, stop Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan was startled. At this moment, he and Cadillac were only less than five meters away!

I'm about to hit it!

The crowd suddenly exclaimed!

At Jiang Fan's current speed, if he were a normal person, he would definitely get fractured!

However, Jiang Fan suddenly lifted the handlebar and jumped!

With a man and a car, suddenly in mid-air, he turned over seven or eight somersaults, and then landed coolly!

The crowd was silent for a moment, suddenly boiling!

"Oh my God! You deserve to be a takeaway star!"

"So handsome!"

"This kind of explosive power, no wonder it's okay to jump from the fourth floor!"

"It's the man I'm fond of, he's tough!"

"Bah! You ugly! Are you also worthy of a takeaway star?"

Two net celebrities with exploding figures actually fought!

Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the Cadillac lying on the avenue!


The car door opened, and a handsome man with heavy makeup and a leather jacket strode out of the car!

However, compared to Jiang Fan, who wears a mask and helmet and is full of masculinity, this man is simply too damn!

However, the crowd was stunned when they saw the man clearly, and then they exclaimed!

"Yes, it's Fan Jigan!"

"Oh my God! How could he be here!"

"so hot!"

"He is the most feminine male star!"

"Fanfan! I love you!"

The crowd is excited!

Hearing the cheers, Fan Jiqian suddenly smiled evilly!

Haha, takeaway star, have you seen it? This is my charm!

Jiang Fan frowned!

When the handlebar is crooked, I want to leave!



Fan Jiqian pointed at Jiang Fan with Lanhua, and spoke with arrogance!


"You, don't you know me?"

Fan Jiqian was stunned!

Huaxia, unexpectedly, there are still people who don't know him!

You know, he, the mercenary navy, has posted himself on Weibo, WeChat, Douyin, Kuaishou and other platforms!

There is even a sentence in the circle that specifically describes his popularity!

Being ignorant of Fan Jiqian, defeating Jordan is in vain!

"do not know!"

"How could you not recognize me!"

Fan Ji is angry!

"I don't play basketball, I want Mao to know you!"


The powder on Fan Ji's dry face is gone!

"Huh! Boy, I'm here just to tell you, don't think it's great to dominate the hot search for a few days!"

"You are just a takeaway, never think about it, take my place!"

Jiang Fan was stunned!

"are you crazy?"

"You, what did you say?"

Fan Jigan pointed to Jiang Fan's nose and began to curse!

"A smelly food delivery guy, dare to say that to me!"

"Do you know that I have 1.3 billion fans!"

"Dare you say me, my fans will definitely get you out of the entertainment circle!"

"How dare you talk to me like this without seeing what you count as a thing!"

"For me, Fan Jigan, you, a small internet celebrity like you, can never climb onto my head!"

The crowd boiled in an instant!

"Oh my God! Fan Jigan, actually attacked the takeaway star!"

"Is this, revenge for being robbed of headlines?"

"It's enjoyable! The takeaway star was suppressed by seniors, this is another big headline!"

"Yes, but the takeaway star offended Fan Jigan this time. It seems that in the future, the road will not be good!"

"You know, there is an old senior who just said that he didn't know him, he was scolded by his fans and he quit the entertainment circle directly!"

"It seems that Takeaway Star has no other chance besides bowing his head and admitting his mistakes!"

It's just that, beyond everyone's expectations, Jiang Fan just sneered at it!

"Dead shemale! Don't get in the way!"

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