God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 145: I am an engineer and you are Lei

Fan Jigan was stunned!

"You, what do you call me?"

"I call you a dead ladyboy!"

"You bastard, how dare you..."


Jiang Fan directly slapped him with a big slap in the face!

Fan Jigan let out a scream, and was kicked by Jiang Fan. Two lines of nosebleeds flowed out of his nose!

Everyone was stunned! Looking at Jiang Fan with shock!

"Takeaway Star, actually beat Fan Ji dry?"

"I am not wrong, right?"

"He, is he crazy?"

"In the past few years, Fan Jigan has been a thunder! No one dare to scold him, he actually didn't just scold but beat!"

"Pure man! Absolutely pure man!"

"That's too special! Fan Jigan is Lei, he is an engineer!"

However, some people expressed different opinions!

"Fan Jigan has 1.3 billion fans! Those people can scold him alive on the Internet!"

"Well! Fan Jigan's fans are all crazy brain fans! Absolutely, he will bring out the takeaway star, human flesh! Then..."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this! Then, suddenly, an expression of extreme excitement appeared!

If Jiang Fan's specific identity can be revealed, then it would be the biggest news!

Be sure to let everyone know about this!

At this moment, Fan Jiqian's brain was blank!

He, unexpectedly, was beaten!

Since he became a name, others have not dared to scold him! Actually, someone dared to beat him!

"You, dare you hit me!"

Fan Jigan roared and rushed directly at Jiang Fan!

He wanted to scratch Jiang Fan to death with his nails that he had just done manicure!


Jiang Fan grabbed Fan Jigan's neck, his backhand was a big mouth!


Fan Jigan's false eyelashes flew out!

"You, do you dare to hit me? I have to, scratch you!"

"Papa Papa!"

Jiang Fan didn't bother to take care of him, and at the moment Fan Jigan stretched out his hand to scratch himself, he swiped a dozen big slaps directly!

Fan Jigan was beaten and screamed endlessly!

"Stop, stop!"

"Me, my nose! I just got it trimmed!"

"Don't fight! Don't fight!"

"Please! I was wrong! Stop it!"

Jiang Fan flew out and kicked Fan Ji directly!


Everyone was stunned!

"It's a big one!"

"Unexpectedly, dare to beat Fan Jigan like this!"

"A true warrior!"

"Now, it's really good to see!"

Fan Jigan reluctantly got up, his entire face was already swollen into a pig's head! However, the eyes that looked at Jiang Fan were full of hatred!

"You, you are over! You are waiting for my 1.3 billion fans, take revenge!"

Jiang Fan smiled coldly!

How about more fans? Keyboard man only!

"Isn't it going to roll? Okay! I'll take off your pants now and see if you are a man or a woman!"

Fan Jigan was taken aback!

Seeing Jiang Fan's icy eyes, he ran into the car without saying anything, and when he stepped on the accelerator, he ran out of sight!

"Bah! Counsel!"

Jiang Fan smiled contemptuously, stepped on the bicycle and pedaled!


Go away in an instant!

"Hurry up, contact the editor to post the manuscript right away! This is explosive news!"

"Ladies and gentlemen! You see, this is what happened just now!"

"Takeaway Starburst Beats Fan Jigan! Just this one photo will definitely make your circle of friends hot!"

"With this video, the click-through rate is definitely over 10 million!"

Just after Jiang Fan left, a group of people spread the news to the entire network almost instantly!

Less than half an hour after this news appeared, all of China's social software almost, instantly collapsed!

No way, too much traffic!

Completely, can't hold it!

And in the capital city, which is extremely far away from Los Angeles, in an unusually large and tidy office!

"Ning Shao, a news software belonging to the family has been exploded!"


A tall and handsome young man with a mole above his left eyebrow casually agreed, and then opened the next page of the ancient book in his hand!

Until he nodded in satisfaction and closed the book, he asked, "Is the loss great?"

"No! On the contrary, only half an hour before the system crashed, the traffic exceeded the sum of the previous week!"

"Interesting! What's the reason?"

"Fan Jigan, a popular traffic niche, was violently beaten! There are too many people browsing comments!"

"Hahaha! Interesting! Interesting!"

"Shao Ning, do you want to see it?"

"Not interested! You can watch the arrangement for yourself!"


Seeing his subordinates leave, the young man picked up the ancient book again and looked through it!

It's just that the cover of the ancient book, vaguely, reveals two words——



Jiang Fan, end the lunch delivery, and again, back to Lanying!

However, before arriving at the office, the system prompt suddenly sounded!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

"Once upon a time, there was a happy plumber in the world. He was servicing pipes while living happily with the beautiful mushroom princess Biqi, but suddenly one day, a magic turtle Kuba appeared and snatched Biqi. Princess Qi!"

"Ding! Please give Mario a chicken stew with mushrooms!"

Jiang Fan looked confused!

How does this show both familiar and unfamiliar?

No matter what, pack it up first!

Jiang Fan, go straight to the canteen!

Only at this moment!

"Jiang Fan! Come out and die!"

Suddenly, a thunderous roar, instantly spread throughout the Blue Eagle!

Everyone in the school looks out the window!

I saw that at the gate of the school, a middle-aged man stood with his hands in full force!

Beside him, seven or eight school security guards have already lay on the ground!

Exactly, Yue Jianchao!

Seeing Jiang Fan appeared at the entrance of the teaching building, Yue Jianchao laughed!

"Jiang Fan! Come here and die!"

Jiang Fan frowned and pointed out a **** directly at Yue Jianchao. Then, staring at the bicycle, he went straight to the cafeteria!

He is busy with orders now, how can he have time to deal with this kind of garbage!

However, the Lan Ying teachers and students who looked at the playground were startled when they saw Jiang Fan's reaction!

Jiang Fan, ran away?


Lu He, slap the table hard!

"Fear of Mao! Do it with him! What's the matter with running away!"

Everyone in Class 3 looked at Lu He in confusion!

"Mr. Jiang, he is not the kind of person who escapes right away!"

"It's probably the same as last time, maybe I'm hungry!"

"Yes! This old man shouts for joy, and he will look good in a while!"

"However, Lu He, your reaction is not quite right!"

"Yeah! Someone is asking Jiang Fan for trouble, you should be happy, why, you are still angry?"

"Yes, Jiang Fan ran away and gained a reputation for being timid and fearful. Can't you just use this to attack him?"

Lu He turned pale!

"Don't, don't talk nonsense! I just can't understand the arrogance of that old guy!"

"is it?"

Wu Chengliang looked suspicious: "It shouldn't be, take Jiang Fan as his idol, right?"

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