God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 146: Chicken stewed with mushrooms strong

Everyone is startled!

Lu He's heart jumped even more!

"Nonsense! How could I treat that **** as an idol! I'm going to smash his glass tonight!"

"Just kidding, why is the reaction so big?"


"Forget it, leave someone to look outside, and the rest will continue to study!"

In the office, Chen Ling's eyes had already brought a hint of murderous intent!

Take a step and prepare to go out!

Actually, dare to be so rude to Teacher Jiang! Simply looking for death!

"Teacher Chen!"

Yang Jianye and Hu Guang hurriedly grabbed Chen Ling!

"Don't be impulsive, leave him to Teacher Jiang!"

"Yeah, yeah, let this old guy be arrogant for a while!"

Chen Ling hesitated again and again, and finally smiled coldly!

"Okay! I'll let this old guy live a little longer! Five minutes later, if Teacher Jiang doesn't show up, I will do it myself, send it, and Yue Jianchao will go on the road!"

It seems that for Chen Ling, it is just as tyrannical as Yue sees the tide, it is just an ant that can be crushed to death at will!

As for Yue Jianchao, he has been stunned!

"Too, too crazy! Actually, dare to ignore me!"

With a murderous aura, Yue Jianchao gritted his teeth and slowly walked towards the cafeteria!

In the cafeteria!

Jiang Fan was surprised to find that the chef in the cafeteria was actually cooking a pot of chicken and mushrooms!

"Master, here's a chicken stew with mushrooms, take it!"


Jiang Fan carried the takeaway and went straight to the toilet!


"Ding! The reincarnation of the world has started! It is about to enter-"Super Mario"!"

"Wait! This the **** is—"


Jiang Fan appeared again, already, came to a piece of grass!

There are several hills around, and there is a green pipe entrance protruding from the ground!

Jiang Fan is now!

Here, it is actually the world of the once-popular game "Super Mario"!

As for Mario himself, at this moment, it should be on the way to rescue the princess!

"System, you can really play! The game world can even be worn!"

Jiang Fan can't laugh or cry!

Directly, to the entrance of the pipe, jump!


After Jiang Fan landed, he went straight into the dark sewer!

In the distance, faintly, there were a few weird calls!

Rotate the infuriating energy to the eyes, and the eyes immediately become clear!

I saw that in the distance, a few half-human little monsters were staring at Jiang Fan!

These things are completely dark, their heads occupy half of their bodies, and their mouths are full of sharp fangs!

"Wow! It's human!"

"Hehehe! I have something to eat now!"

"Say it first, I want my head!"

"No! You eat your feet, I eat your head!"

"Give me your head! Share the rest!"

A group of little monsters, while chatting, pounced on Jiang Fan!

Want to eat me?

Jiang Fan smiled coldly, shaking his right hand! The folding stool is already in hand!


A loud noise!

The little monster who rushed up first was directly swept away by Jiang Fan!

The rest of the monsters were stunned, and then suddenly more excited!

"Wow Kaka! The strength is so strong, it must be super chewy!"

"It must be much better than the fat man before!"

"Yes, yes! Catch him! This time I'm going to eat my feet!"

"Fuck! I just want to eat my feet!"

A group of monsters, with fierce eyes, opened their mouths and faced Jiang Fan, biting them!

"court death!"

Jiang Fan yelled sharply, folded the stool and closed it, and the Nine Suns True Scripture filled his arms with breath, suddenly punched, and blasted at a monster!


That monster was actually blown up by Jiang Fan in the air!

Jiang Fan kept his hands, three punches and two kicks, and directly wiped out all these monsters, and then strode towards the first hapless person who was flew away!

Seeing that Jiang Fan was so brave, the little monster was almost scared to pee!

too strong!

Much better than the big fat man before!

"Hero! Don't kill me! I'm just rubbish, it's not worth your shot at all!"

"Stop talking nonsense! I ask you, have you seen Mario?"

"I have seen it before! He went over there!"


Jiang Fan went up with a big slap in the face!

"What you mean is a wall! If you dare to talk nonsense, I will fight you out!"

"I was wrong hero! Are you talking about a fat man? He, he went inside!"

Jiang Fan kicked the little monster and stepped on the bike!


Go straight ahead!

The more you go inside, the darker the light and the more weird sounds!

Jiang Fan sent two waves of little monsters along the way. When he turned a corner, suddenly, his eyes lit up!

I saw that not far in front, a lot of torches appeared on both ends of the wall!

And a big fat man wearing overalls is being besieged by a bunch of little monsters!

The big fat man has a burly figure and keeps jumping!

Every time I land, I will trample a little monster to death!

However, there are too many little monsters, as long as he falls, he will bite him!

The big fat man is covered in blood, obviously, he won't be able to support it for long!

Needless to say, this fat man is Mario!


Jiang Fan, like a magic soldier!

Everyone was taken aback!

A group of little monsters are excited!

"Here is another human!"

"Quickly, eat him!"

"Chong! This kid is definitely better than the big fat man!"

Mario was shocked and yelled hurriedly!

"Go! You will be eaten!"

Jiang Fan smiled coldly! Actually, a group of opponents rushed up!

"Boom boom!"

Jiang Fan punches and kicks! In less than three minutes, a group of monsters were almost wiped out!

The rest of them were so scared, they knelt on the ground and kept kowtow!

Mario looked at Jiang Fan in shock!

Too tough! Is this really human?

It's incredible!

"Mario, the chicken stew with mushrooms you ordered!"

Jiang Fan, deliver the takeaway directly!

Hurry up to complete the task, I have to go back to clean up Yue Jianchao!

Mario was tired and hungry at the moment. Seeing Jiang Fan not only rescued him, but also brought him food, he suddenly looked excited!

"Benefactor, thank you! I need plumbing repairs at home in the future, please feel free to call me!"

"Damn! Stop talking nonsense and eat quickly!"

Mario is not welcome, he just picked up the takeout and ate it!

"Wow! There is such a delicious thing in the world?"

"This mushroom is so fresh!"

"And this chicken, it's so fragrant!"

"I feel that my whole person is full of explosive power!"

Mario ate it, shaking his head! The strange thing is that his body, unexpectedly, gradually grew bigger!

At this moment!

In the distance, there was a strange scream, and then, I saw dozens of hideous tortoises roaring and rushing over!

One of the little monsters blocked the path of the tortoise, and one of the tortoises killed the little monster with just one bite!

Jiang Fan frowned, he was about to make a move!


"Benefactor! Let me come!"

I saw Mario, who was twice as big as before, suddenly rushed out!

At this moment, he is so powerful that he can kick a tortoise with just one kick!

Even the tortoise shell was broken by him!

In just a few minutes, dozens of turtles were wiped out!

Mario, who had eaten chicken stew with mushrooms, was actually so tyrannical!

"Hahaha! Great! Benefactor! Thank you so much! The mushrooms you gave me are really amazing!"

"This kind of power is simply ten times stronger than eating mutant mushrooms!"

Mario looked at Jiang Fan with admiration!

so amazing! The benefactor must be the **** of mushrooms!

"Okay, save your princess, I have something to do, I have to go!"

As Jiang Fan said, he is about to return!

Only at this moment!

"Benefactor! Wait!"

"Ding! Mario has sent you a quest for help-save the princess Peach!"

"May I accept it?"

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