Mission in the world?

This is the second time!

Accepted Wu Dalang's task of seeking medicine for the first time, but was rewarded with a bronze prize draw!


"Ding! The mission is successfully received! The host's stay time will not be affected by the stay time!"

After Jiang Fan took over the task, Mario immediately looked excited!

"Benefactor, let's go save the princess!"

"Get in the car and go!"

Jiang Fan patted the back seat of the bicycle!

Mario is now so big that he can only sit half of his ass, and after getting in the car, he can only curl his legs desperately!


Bikes are fast!

The monsters on both sides of the road have no time to react!

But for ten minutes, Jiang Fan has already arrived in front of an underground castle!

"Benefactor! This is it!"

Mario looked excited!

Jiang Fan put away his bicycle, and without a word, kicked directly to the gate of the castle!


The door, fly out directly!

"Old tortoise, get out now!"

Jiang Fan, stand at the door and shout!

Mario was stunned!

Too sturdy!

Worthy of being the **** of mushrooms!

"Asshole! Who is it! Dare to break into my castle!"

I saw a big tortoise with a height of three meters and a hideous barb on its shell. It stood upright and strode out!

"Huh? Mario, it was you!"

"Yes, it's me! Kuba, get ready to die!"

Mario, gearing up, prepare to show Kuba a good look!

But, Kuba smiled, suddenly, a mouth!


A fireball suddenly spurted from Cooper's mouth, hitting Mario extremely fast!


Mario was directly blown out by this fireball!

"Hahaha! Mario, you are a plumber, and you want to fight me?"

Kuba laughed triumphantly!

And Mario was seriously injured directly! Can't climb up!

"Come here! Bring Mario in. Today, I want to have a good meal!"


A group of little turtles rushed up!

And Kuba had already looked at Jiang Fan, his eyes were full of hideousness!

"As for you! Boy, you dare to be disrespectful to me, I will throw you into the magma! Burn to death!"

"This is the price to offend my Lord Kuba!"

However, contrary to Kuba's expectation, Jiang Fan not only had no fear in his eyes, on the contrary, he yawned boredly!

Afterwards, he looked at Kuba with a playful look!

"Is it over? Then I, do it!"

As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, Kuba's heart suddenly jumped!

A strong emergency made him involuntarily spray four or five fireballs against Jiang Fan!

It's just that the fireball actually failed!

And Jiang Fan has already reached him!

Suddenly, a punch!


A loud noise!

Kuba's huge body suddenly flew upside down, and slammed into the ancient castle wall behind him!

Actually, deeply embedded in it!

A group of monsters stared at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

"Boss, the boss was beaten to fly?"

"Is this really a human?"

"Who is the monster!"

"Boss! Boss! Wake up!"

A group of monsters are in a hurry!


Suddenly, there was a loud noise!

Kuba, broke free from the city wall!

Jiang Fan is slightly startled!

This old tortoise, unexpectedly, was unscathed!

"Boy! You irritated me thoroughly!"

Kuba, his angry eyes are red!

It's so embarrassing that I was beaten up in front of my hand! What a shame!

However, before he finished speaking, Jiang Fan had already rushed in front of him again, with another punch!


Kuba was directly knocked down by Jiang Fan!

However, he was still unscathed!

"Boy, you, you are dead!"

Kuba is going crazy!

However, the one who greeted him was a series of fists!

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

Jiang Fan's fist fell like raindrops!

The whole land began to shake!

Mario was dumbfounded!

I thought that I was already pretty awesome, but I didn't expect that compared with Jiang Fan, it would be rubbish!

To beat Kuba like this, no one can do it except Jiang Fan!

However, no matter how Jiang Fan shots and wherever he played, Kuba didn't suffer any damage.

Jiang Fan frowned! This guy, what a strong defense!

"Asshole! Asshole! You fight! When you run out of energy, I must eat you raw!"

Kuba admits his fate!

This kid is so **** cruel!

If he hadn't had such a tortoise shell, even his iron body would have been smashed right now!

"Little ones! Don't worry about me, go and cook Mario for me!"

A group of little monsters were frightened by Jiang Fan's actions. At this time, they heard Kuba's order and came back to their senses!

Suddenly, they rushed to Mario!

Jiang Fan frowned!

"Old Tortoise, I don't make it difficult for you. As long as you let Princess Peach and Mario go home, I will save you!"

However, when he heard Jiang Fan's words, Kuba smiled contemptuously!

"Dreaming! I won't let either of these two people! Especially you!"

"Boy, do you think you can kill me with your ability?"

"Hey, I'm the best defense in the world! Even if you are exhausted, don't think about it, hurt me!"

"Little ones! Now, just give it to me and kill Mario!"

Immediately, a group of little monsters bite Mario's neck suddenly!

"you wanna die!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were cold!

"System, three points!"


A white light suddenly fell down!

Three points for entering the wood: This product is a one-time item. After use, your next attack will produce a 100% ignoring defense effect!

Kuba, in my heart, suddenly panicked for no reason!

The next moment, Jiang Fan's eyes were fierce!

The whole body's true energy gathered on the right fist, and then, he slammed it down!


A loud noise!

The earth is shaking!

Kuba wailed! On his body, the huge tortoise shell suddenly exploded!

It's quiet!

A group of little monsters all looked at Jiang Fan tremblingly!

In his eyes, there is nothing but fear!

Jiang Fan has slowly stepped on Kuba's head at this time!

"Old tortoise, you want to eat me?"

"Spare, spare your life!"

Kuba's tears and nose ran all over the place!

He was scared silly!

Where did this kid come from?

He Kuba, but the most powerful existence in the entire world! Actually, he was bombed with one punch?

This is so unreasonable!

"I can't feel your sincerity at all! So, you have to die!"

When Jiang Fan moved, he was ready to step on it!

"Stop! I am willing, willing to work for adults!"

Kuba, screamed!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, for getting the allegiance of Kuba! From now on, you can unconditionally summon Kuba once at any time and place!"


Jiang Fan's eyes lit up!

This old tortoise can fight and resist, although there is only one chance to summon, but if used well, it is enough to turn the tide of the battle!

"Good performance, spare your life! Now, bring Princess Peach over!"

Soon, a beautiful woman with blonde hair was brought out!

When I saw this woman, Mario looked excited!


However, the woman ignored him at all, instead, looked at Jiang Fan with a look of admiration!

"Hero! I just saw it clearly in the castle! Indeed, thank you so much!"

"In order to express my gratitude, I decided to agree with my body!"

This little brother, not only has his fighting power and looks good, he has also lost hundreds of streets of the fat boy Mario!

It is simply a godsend!

Jiang Fan is right now!

Fortunately, at this moment, the system prompt sounded!

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