God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1431: King of Fighters 96

The plot of the King of Fighters 96 goes back to 1800 years ago!

At that time, the big snake, a life form formed by the will of the earth, felt that mankind had made the world unbalanced, so it planned to carry out an extinction blow to mankind!

But because the serpent has no entity, it needs to evolve into a complete body to destroy mankind!

So Da Snake ordered Ba Jie Ji to capture the eight daughters of Su Gai Ming Zun as sacrifices for awakening and evolution.

Seven of them were successfully captured, but just when there was still one "Kiinadaji", the Big Snake Bajie Ji was defeated by the three families of Kusanagi, Bashakaki and Yata!

The helpless serpent can only use the seven childish girls in his hands to awaken in an incomplete form.

As a result, the insufficiently powerful Serpent was overthrown by these three human families and sealed him.

The three magic tools used by the three major families to deal with the serpent were later called "Ksanaru Sword", "Eight-Shaku Qiong Gouyu" and "Yamata no Mirror", collectively referred to as "Three Sacred Tools".

660 years ago, the Baqiong clan lifted the seal of the serpent because of the hope of obtaining the power of the serpent. The soul of the Bajieji escaped the seal and existed in the world in the form of reincarnation, and began to plan to resurrect the serpent.

Time soon came to the end of the 20th century. At this time, one of the most powerful eight masterpieces, Shibuzhilan——Storm Gonitz finally awakened!

In order to lift the seal of the Orochi, Gonitz found one of the three artifact families and changed the surname to the Yata family of "Kagura", and killed Kagura Mangui (the older sister of Kagura Chizuru) who was guarding the Orochi's seal at that time, and used it Her blood weakened the overall seal of the serpent and liberated the soul of the serpent, allowing all members of the Eight Masters to obtain the corresponding force of the serpent, and Gonitz himself also gained the force of the "wind" of the serpent.

Afterwards Gonitz traveled the world and planned a series of events one after another, including giving Lukar a drop of blood of the serpent!

At the time of KOF95, Lucar suffered a tragic backlash because he couldn't bear the blood of the serpent. Kagura Chizuru, who had been following the movements of the serpent clan, discovered this. He had a foreboding that the serpent clan would make a comeback, so he held the KOF96 competition.

Kagura Chizuru’s original intention was to collect the three artifacts to re-seal the Eight Great Snake Collections, but unfortunately, the power of Storm Gonitz was beyond imagination!


Jiang Fan reappeared, already in a huge city shrouded by the setting sun!

At this moment, he was standing on the roof of a skyscraper.

At the same time, the system prompt sound has suddenly sounded!

"Ding! The third job transfer task has officially started! Please keep the host in mind the following tips!"

"Ding! Reward for this mission: Obtain the qualification of'Senior Ten Thousand Realm Deliveryman'! The strength has truly entered the gold level!"

"Ding! Punishment for this mission: If you fail to kill Storm Goenitz, randomly select one of the levels, equipment, skills, and props to be completely cleared!"

"After three orders, the job transfer task will be performed again. If it fails, all the accumulated accumulation of the host will be cleared!"

"If you still fail to complete the job transfer task after three times, then kill it!"

"Ding! Notes for this mission: In this world, if the host kills any opponent, there is a certain chance to drop equipment, props, bloodlines, skills, special items, etc.!"

"Ding! System reminder: Any rewards you get in this world will be settled after the mission ends! From now on, you can use the system normally, but the system will no longer answer questions related to the mission!"

This kind of severe rewards and punishment system had long been expected!

Jiang Fan remained unmoved, but slowly narrowed his eyes and looked at the endless stream of people under the building!

He now knows all the known information of the King of Fighters 96, and how to pass this task depends on what time period it is now!

The plan has been decided, Jiang Fan is about to go downstairs, at this moment!

"Hey! What do you do? Stay away from the rooftops!"

A security guard rushed out from nowhere, and when he saw Jiang Fan standing in front of the rooftop, he shouted!

"Baga! These **** social animals are definitely going to jump off the building again!"

"I want to jump to another place! Don't die here!"

The security guard rushed towards Jiang Fan as he spoke!

It's just that Jiang Fan doesn't even know his head, just a finger hook!

next moment!


A violent wind suddenly rushed from under the security guard's feet and swept him directly across from Jiang Fan!

"Elegant Butterfly!"

"This, what is this?"

"Help! Help!"

At this moment, the security guard was hanging in the air opposite Jiang Fan, and under his feet was the ground with a full 100-meter drop. This scene almost broke his nerves and started howling!

"To shut up!"

Jiang Fan said coldly!

The security guard looked at Jiang Fan's eyes, only to feel that his scalp was numb, and he couldn't help but shut his mouth tightly!

"Do you know the KOF fighting competition?"

"Huh? Know! Know!"

"When will it be held?"

"Ming, tomorrow!"


Jiang Fan frowned!

It is already dusk now, in other words, there is only half a day left before the start of tomorrow's competition!

"Do you know where the Kagura House is?"

"Kagura? You mean the Kagura chaebol?"


"Then, the tallest building over there!"

The security guard said, pointing directly at a forty-story building in the distance!


Jiang Fan nodded in satisfaction, threw the security guard on the roof, then turned and left!

Looking at Jiang Fan who was leaving, the security guard finally breathed a sigh of relief!

"Well, what a terrible guy, is he also a fighter?"

The shocked security guard stood up tremblingly, and it took a long time to calm down!

It's just that he was about to leave the rooftop, and at this moment, a gentle breeze suddenly passed by!

And the next moment, at the location where Jiang Fan just appeared, a tall man suddenly appeared!

The man was wearing a blue monk robe, holding a Bible in his hand, and his long blond hair was neatly lost behind his head.

He sees that he is only about forty years old and his brows are magnificent, but his eyes are full of vicissitudes that can only be seen in old age.

And his temperament is even more weird, not only has a breeze-like free and easy calm, but also has the hurricane-like domineering and fierce!

And this temperament, coupled with the stubble on his jaw, made him full of inexplicable charm!

"The smell of wind..."

The man raised his hand, grabbed a hand gently in the air, and then showed a slightly surprised expression.

"You, who are you?"

When the security guard saw the man suddenly appeared, he was shocked!

The man glanced back at the security guard slightly.

In those eyes, there was a complex emotion of pity and disgust!

The security guard was stunned, but then he found out with horror that the man actually disappeared again silently, just like when he came!

"See you, hell!"

The security guard's face was pale, he didn't dare to stay any longer, he turned and ran!

And Jiang Fan, who didn't know anything about it, had already come under the mansion of the Kagura Chaebol at this moment!

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