God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1432: Let you know what is new year

Since the Big Snake was sealed, the Three Sacred Artifacts family has faintly become the most powerful family in Dongying.

However, following the change 660 years ago, the Hachichijo family has completely declined, and by now, almost only one person remains.

The Kusanaru family is dedicated to martial arts, although the family business is huge, but its reputation is not obvious.

Only the Kagura family, not only has amazing financial resources, but also because of the illustrious status of a shrine maiden, it can be said that it is the first family of the East, with great power!

Jiang Fan felt this when he just came downstairs in the Kagura Building!

"Hey! Boy, who are you? What are you sneaking up here?"

As soon as Jiang Fan arrived at the door, the two security guards yelled at him directly!

"I'm here to find someone."

Jiang Fan spoke calmly.

"Find someone? Whom?"

"Kagura Chizuru!"


Both guarantees were stunned!

Immediately afterwards, including the rest of the people at the door, everyone burst into laughter!

"Hahaha, who is this kid? You want to see Miss Chizuru?"

"Are you crazy? Miss Qianhe can you see you if you want to?"

"Don't say it's you, even if it's the emperor, you have to make an appointment!"

"Hey, are you here to ask for salary or report to your superiors?"

"Boy, let's go, stop joking here!"

The crowd was full of mockery!

The two security guards are even more disdainful!

"Boy! Get out of here now!"

"Yes! Don't blame us for being impolite if you don't leave!"

Jiang Fan scratched his head and sighed.

Sure enough, the king of Yama is so hard to see the kid!

"You really don't think about it anymore? It's ugly to fight!"

Jiang Fan kindly persuaded.

"Haha! You know it's ugly, don't you get out of here!"

The two security guards were even more proud, and directly took out their batons, facing Jiang Fan, and then compared to the past!

"All right, then... don't blame me!"

With this whisper, the next moment!

Jiang Fan suddenly swept out with a big mouth!

It directly touched the face of the security guard who was going to do it on him!


A blast resembling the hottest torpedo firecrackers of the year, suddenly resounded throughout the hall!

The security guard was like a roast duck with a crooked beak. The whole person flew upside down, passed the crowd, and finally hit the wall in the hall directly!


A bang!

The security guard was embedded firmly on the wall!

And centered on the security guard's landing point, a huge crack that was ten meters in radius spread across the entire wall, like a cobweb!


Everyone opened their mouths and stared blankly at the scene in front of them!

"Dang Cang!"

The baton in the hands of another security guard fell directly to the ground!

This crisp ringing sounded like a bell of resurrection, and finally brought everyone back to reality!

"Nima! This, is this a slap in the face?"

"Is this guy a humanoid EVA?"

"so horrible!"

"The point is, with such a great strength, I haven't killed anyone yet!"

"With this technique, is the opponent a KOF96 contestant?"

"Then, that's all our big men who can't afford to sin!"

The crowd panicked, looking at Jiang Fan with horror!

The other security guard fell on his knees even more softly!

"First, sir, forgiveness, forgiveness..."

The security guard trembled all over, the two short legs peculiar to Dongying people were trembling like sifting chaff!

Jiang Fan sighed again.

It seems that the lack of beating is indeed the generality of human beings. It is good if you don't be honest. It is applicable everywhere!

"Which floor is Kagura Chizuru?"

"In the……"

The security guard stammered, but he hasn't finished speaking yet!

"Asshole! Who is it! How dare to find something in my Kagura family!"

With a roar, an old man in his sixties suddenly walked out of the building!

When I saw this old man, the crowd was shocked!

"Ah! This is Kagura's..."

It's a pity that the crowd just spoke, and the introduction hasn't been completed yet!


Just as Jiang Fan moved in his footsteps, he had already reached the old man, and then suddenly he threw it out with a big mouth!


A loud noise!

This eleventh-level old man was almost like a sticky bean bag, flying upside down more than ten meters, stuck to the wall!


The crowd swallowed and spit!

Looking at Jiang Fan with a dazed expression!

Good guys!

Before he could finish the blow for the old man, the other party just hung up!

Jiang Fan had already looked at the security guard with a smile.

"Next, where is Chizuru?"

"Yes, on the top floor!"

"Turn right when you get to the top floor!"

"The biggest office is!"

Before the security guard could speak, the crowd screamed hurriedly!

So let this kid keep asking, everyone in the Kagura family has to run and put tiles on the wall!


Jiang Fan smiled slightly and turned to enter the elevator!

"Ding Dong!"

Accompanied by a melodious reminder sound, the elevator has stopped steadily on the top floor!

It's just that Jiang Fan just got out of the elevator, and he saw that the outside was full of security guards!

And the leaders of a group of security guards were actually two middle-aged men with gloomy expressions!

It seems that the news from downstairs has reached the top, and this has made a group of Kagura's security personnel look like a big enemy!

"Boy! Stop now!"

"No matter who you are, if you retreat now, there is still a way out!"

"Otherwise this is yours today..."

"Am I going to you!"

Jiang Fan is really hot!

His original intention here was to tell Kagura Chizuru everything about Gonitz in advance, and then use the Three Artifact Family to deal with Gonitz!

Since he wanted to use other people, he definitely couldn't make the relationship too rigid, so Jiang Fan changed his style before, so he was very good-natured.

It's just that these idiots actually kicked their noses!

Jiang Fan could no longer hold back his petty temper!

"Today I will let you know what the New Year is!"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Fan exploded directly, and then rushed up!

Those two middle-aged men are all bodyguards of the Kagura family, and their strength is above tenth level. They are definitely good hands in this world!

It's a pity that they compare with Jiang Fan, it's like scallops to whales, and there is not enough gap between Jiang Fan's teeth!

Just look at Jiang Fan raising his arm, his big mouth is like a cannon!

Suddenly the crackling sounds became one piece, coupled with a bunch of hapless nosebleeds, the entire top floor was like a new year!

The two bodyguards and a group of security guards were shocked by Jiang Fan's intrepidity!

Is this really a person?

Could it be the big snake running out?

"Don't fight! Forgive me!"

"My nose! The nose is going to be useless!"

"My teeth! I'm just a security guard, I can't inlay porcelain teeth!"

"Spare! Heroes spare your life!"

Everyone was screaming, and the office staff on the top floor scared by that shrill voice hid under the table and dared not show up, all shivering!

Jiang Fanfan's hands were a little numb, and finally stopped!

"Damn! A bunch of bitches! Get out!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

A group of people **** and ran away!

And Jiang Fan has already arrived in front of Kagura Chizuru's office as the group of people downstairs said!

After tidying up his clothes, Jiang Fan finally knocked on the door!

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