God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1444: Darkness weeping flesh and blood

With this kick of Jin Jiapan's kick, the surrounding air was constantly condensing on his legs, but an air blade was formed in an instant!

This hand is exactly what Jin Jiapan is good at, Ban Yue Zhan!

Once he got this kick, he was absolutely confident to cut Jiang Fan in half!

And seeing Jin Jiapan's shot so fiercely, everyone's expressions changed!

Almost instantly rushed out of their respective boxes!

Nothing else!

Everyone wants Jiang Fan's blood!

The so-called blood of the serpent!

However, the crowd just rushed out of the box, still in the air, their eyes widened suddenly!

Facing the kick kicked by Jin Jiapan that was enough to sever the steel pillar, Jiang Fan just sneered, and then raised his leg likewise, but the second shot came first, and a kick hit Jin Jiapan's face!



The flesh on half of Jin Jiapan's face was exploded into blood!

The whole person was howling and flying upside down!

It flew directly out of several tens of meters before it hit the ground fiercely!


Everyone gasped!

Too tough!

Although Jin Jiapan could not be called a top player, he was beaten so easily and was seriously injured. This was the first time!

This guy who claims to be a **** of heaven is so fierce!

"Don't froze! Let's go together! No matter how powerful he is, he will definitely not be able to beat so many masters of us!"

Kagura Chizuru suddenly roared at this moment!

The crowd's heart moved!

Then, without hesitation, they all rushed to the ring quickly!

And Chen Guohan and Cai Baoqi were even more fierce in their eyes!

They are all real murderers, no matter how strong Jiang Fan is, as long as they can drink a drop of Jiang Fan's blood, then Jin Jiapan will no longer be able to control them!

The two roared in excitement, and they rushed to Jiang Fan first!

But at this moment!


A gentle breeze suddenly passed from the ring!

It's just that although the breeze was gentle, it carried an irresistible force and actually pushed everyone who rushed towards Jiang Fan out!

"what happened?"

"Where is the wind?"

"How can there be such a strong force?"

Everyone was shocked!

And the next moment, a gloomy and elegant voice suddenly sounded from above the sky!

"Hehe, Jiang Fan, you really awakened!"

Everyone looked up!

I saw above the sky, a man wearing a blue priest's robe, with his hands on his back, slowly falling down!

It is the storm, Gonitz!

"grown ups!"

Jiang Fan bowed slightly with a look of excitement!


Gonitz was more satisfied, but he frowned immediately!

"Strange, since you know that the master of the serpent needs mental power to resurrect, you are obviously awakened, but why is there still no breath of my race?"

"This, my subordinates don't know!"

Jiang Fan frowned similarly, but his whole body exuded that strong dark aura.

"Fine! It's not important! The most urgent thing is to collect all the spiritual power of these people!"

As soon as Gonitz saw Jiang Fan's dark aura, he no longer doubted, but looked at a group of fighters proudly!

But before he could speak, Kagura Chizuru suddenly roared!

"Gonitz! You bastard!"

"Ha! Isn't this Kagura Chizuru? Don't worry, you can go with your sister right away!"


Kagura Chizuru took one step and couldn't help but shoot!

But at this moment!

Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly condensed!

Kagura Chizuru's hands trembled and suddenly pointed at Gonitz!

"Jiang Fan turned out to be just one of your dogs! Everyone listened, it was Gonitz who gave Lukar a drop of blood at that time!"

"It's him?"

The crowd was stunned, and then the eyes were shining brightly at the same time!

Jiang Fan is just Gonitz's subordinate, so even if his blood is strong, he definitely can't compare to Gonitz!

And since the blood of the serpent is required, of course it is the best!

Chen Guohan and Cai Baoqi didn't hesitate anymore, they laughed wildly, and they rushed towards Gonitz!

Although Cai Baoqi was short in stature, his speed was amazing, and he was in front of Gonitz almost instantly!

The two iron claws went directly to Gonitz's heart!

"Hehehe, donate your blood to me!"

Cai Baoqi trembled with excitement!

"Want my blood?"

Gonitz clicked the corner of his mouth and suddenly his finger!

next moment!


A storm suddenly rose from under Cai Baoqi!

It's just that Cai Baoqi is worthy of a speed flow, and his body suddenly turned around in the air, like a whirlwind to Gonitz's side!

Then the iron claw had already been digging into Gonitz's ribs fiercely!

"Hehehe, blood! Blood!"

Cai Baoqi was trembling with excitement!

However, seeing that his iron claws are about to reach Gonitz, it is just then!

Gonitz hooked his mouth and suddenly stretched out his right hand!

next moment!

"Swish swish!!"

On Gonitz's right hand, countless blade-like whirlwinds suddenly appeared, cutting Cai Baoqi into pieces of meat almost instantly!

This trick is surprisingly unique to Gonitz-wrist radio·Permanent!

However, in the face of Gonitz's brutal means, Chen Guohan didn't realize it. The door-sized hammer in his hand was already like a mountain, and he smashed it down against Gonitz!


The hammer fell heavily, and the entire ring trembled violently!

In an instant, seven or eight thick cracks, a full ten meters long, spread out!

But Gonitz is gone!

Chen Guohan was taken aback!

But Shiranuiwu had already screamed directly!


Chen Guohan was about to turn his head, but only felt a pain in his lower back!

Surprisingly, Gonitz's five fingers have been deeply embedded in his flesh!

At the same time, a killing intent that made everyone stand upright suddenly broke out from Gonitz!

For a moment, Chen Guohan only felt his heart broken, and his mind dazzled by the blood of the gods was completely awake!

This burly man suddenly screamed!


But it's too late!

Gonitz smiled sullenly and suddenly shouted!

next moment!


An extremely terrifying storm has suddenly enveloped Chen Guohan's body!

The storm seemed to be made up of countless sharp and unmatched blades, and the flesh and blood of Chen Guohan was brushed off as soon as it appeared!

It is another trick of Gonitz, the dark weeping!


"Spare! Spare!"


Chen Guohan howled desperately, but in the midst of that terrifying storm, he was like a pig, and he didn't even have the qualifications to resist!

In just three seconds, the storm has turned into a crimson, and Chen Guohan only has a skeleton skeleton left!

And this skeleton was also destroyed by the storm, directly exploded into a handful of bone meal!

The darkness cries, the flesh becomes mud!

Everyone was completely shocked by Gonitz's brutal methods!

The footsteps that I wanted to rush up are stuck!

They all looked at this peerless murderous man with fear!

And Gonitz has laughed wildly!

"Surrender to my clan and be a slave to my clan! Hahaha!"

Accompanied by his constant laughter, his aura that had always been hidden was finally let go!


In an instant, the whole stadium was violently windy, and even some spectators with small sizes were directly blown into the sky by the gust of wind!

There are screams everywhere, like the end!

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