Everyone looked at Gonitz in horror!

too strong!

The breath of this fierce man has exceeded the seventeenth level!

Everyone present, even Qianhe included, could not survive this kind of perverted powerhouse!

Everyone is backing away!

And the most unexpected, the fastest retreat, turned out to be Chizuru!

Facing this kind of sight, everyone was taken aback!

Gonitz laughed more frantically!

Qianhe has retired!

The Three Artifact Family can only choose to retreat in front of themselves!

Oochi master!

You will be resurrected soon!

At this moment, Gonitz's heart has been filled with joy, and his long-cherished wish of 1,800 years will be fulfilled. Even he has forgotten everything excitedly!

"Hahaha! Jiang Fan! Grab everyone, my clan is about to—um!!!"

Gonitz laughed suddenly!

next moment!


Everyone was horrified to see that a watery jade-like sword point appeared on his chest!

Shuiyu Zimu Sword!

Just when Gonitz thought that the overall situation had been determined and his defenses had been minimized, Jiang Fan finally made a move!

A sword hole penetrated Gonitz!

Everything he did before was all for this sword!

Gonitz stared at the tip of the sword blankly, and he was stunned!

And the next moment, Jiang Fan had already drawn his long sword, and another sword pierced Goenitz!


Gonitz finally reacted with a roar, and a whirlwind directly engulfed the blade of the Shuiyu Zimother Sword!

However, Jiang Fan pulled out his right hand and pulled out a forty-centimeter dagger from the hilt!

Shuiyuzi sword!


Zijian pierced Goenitz's waist heavily!

However, just piercing three centimeters, Jiang Fanlian's sword has been completely blown away by a sudden storm!


While in the air, Jiang Fan hooked his right hand!

The sub-sword and mother-sword of the Shuiyu Sub-Sword suddenly drew two arcs in mid-air and pierced Goenitz again!


However, Gonitz also hooked his finger, and two violent winds suddenly appeared, directly engulfing the two sharp swords!

At the same time, he roared and rushed directly to Jiang Fan!

Gonitz's speed is almost ten times faster than Cai Baoqi!

He was in front of Jiang Fan almost instantly!

The right hand claws directly towards Jiang Fan's head!

That was the start-up style of crying in darkness!

However, Jiang Fan tickled the corner of his mouth!

"Master Gonitz, kill me, what does the snake use as a carrier?"

Gonitz was taken aback!

But Jiang Fan suddenly changed his palm into a fist, and slammed Goenitz's chest wound severely!


Gonitz moved his body and directly avoided Jiang Fan's fist!

But Jiang Fan's eyes lit up, and he stopped chasing after him, withdrawing the sharp sword directly!


The two landed at the same time!

The series of fights just now seemed slow and fast, but it didn't even last a second!

But everyone was stunned!

It is totally unclear how Jiang Fan would betray Gonitz!

But Gonitz wiped the blood on his chest first, then looked at Jiang Fan coldly before speaking slowly!


"It's very simple! Because I am not a **** race at all!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, everyone was stunned!


"Not the heavenly protoss?"

"Then who is he?"

Everyone looked shocked!

Gonitz was even more stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan almost unbelievably!

The other party is actually not a member of the God Race of the Kingdom of Heaven?

How is this possible!

The other party's control of the wind, as well as the incomparably pure dark power, in this world, no one will have it anymore except for the heavenly gods!

"If it's not my clan, then who are you!"

Gonitz opened his mouth in shock!

"I said, my name is Jiang Fan, I am the one who wants to kill you!"

Jiang Fan smiled softly!

Gonitz was silent, he looked at Jiang Fan silently for a long time, and finally smiled coldly.

"Haha, good! Very good! Then I will send you the previous words again, kill me? It's up to you?"

"Yes! Just rely on me! Gonitz, you are dead!"

As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, he took a step forward abruptly!

At the same time, the aura under his body has completely exploded without reservation!


In an instant, the entire ring trembled!

At the same time, an extremely powerful energy aura has soared into the sky!

Everyone's eyes widened in shock!

Jiang Fan's breath at this moment is actually enough to fight against the 15th-level chamber!

"Gonitz! You gave me so much blood of the serpent yesterday, your strength is no longer perfect!"

As Jiang Fan said, he stepped forward again!

And his already extremely powerful aura actually followed him to another level!

"And you rushed into the Kusanaru's house last night to kill, and if the opponent fought back desperately, your strength will only drop again!"

Jiang Fan is another step forward!

The aura rises again!

"Just now, I even pierced your body. Your defense has loopholes, and I don't even dare to let my fists hit it!"

Jiang Fan's footsteps became more and more slow, but with this step, his aura actually seemed to have no end, and he went up by another point!

"Your strength has dropped again and again, although your momentum is booming, but the hidden injury is not healed, and you have added new injuries!"

"The most important thing is that I know your skills well, and I know it!"

"And what is my ability, what is my strength, but you don't see it, you don't know anything!"

"Gonitz! You are dead!"

As Jiang Fan's last step fell, he suddenly roared!


The whole arena trembled suddenly, and then it sank a full half meter out of thin air by Jiang Fan's aura!

And Jiang Fan has already exploded a group of terrifying whirlwinds purely condensed by aura!



"Damn it! This level of battle is not something we can participate in!"

"Everyone! Get out of here! Now!"

Everyone was roaring, like a flock of sheep being chased by beasts, and they retreated madly!


Gonitz trembled all over!

Clenching his fist tightly!

The blue veins on his forehead violently jump!

Although Jiang Fan's aura is far inferior to him, but that kind of indomitable aura makes even him feel jealous!

This kid can't stay!

"Okay! Then I will see how you will kill me!"

Gonitz's eyes suddenly fierce, and he pointed at Jiang Fan fiercely!


A series of seven or eight storms rose out of thin air and blasted directly at Jiang Fan!

However, Jiang Fan chuckled softly, and the next moment, a set of silver-white armor was completely covered all over his body!

Jagged suit!


The storm hit the iron-blood suit, directly exploding countless sparks!

Jiang Fan had already rushed through the storm, and suddenly hit Gonitz with a punch!

Gonitz snorted coldly, and suddenly raised his right hand to the rushing Jiang Fan!

Wrist Electric·Permanent!

"Swish swish!!"

Countless wind blades attached to Gonitz's right hand, slashing at Jiang Fan fiercely!

However, Jiang Fan forcibly stopped his footsteps, and then shook his right hand, and the Shuiyu Zimu Sword had appeared again!

Swordsmanship to ward off evil spirits!


That extremely thin wind blade was broken one by one by Jiang Fan!

Gonitz's eyes flashed with anger, and the whole person disappeared instantly!

When he appeared again, he had already arrived behind Jiang Fan!

Teleport skills-Glacier!


Gonitz's right hand was placed directly on Jiang Fan's shoulder, and then he smiled coldly!

"Accept the punishment!"

In the next moment, a storm that seemed to be full of countless blades had completely enveloped Jiang Fan!

This is the trick that frustrated Chen Guohan-the darkness cries!

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