God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1448: Blood Jade Underworld Coin

Accompanied by Jiang Fan's constant laughter, an ancient coin that exuded a **** color appeared in his hand!

That is surprisingly the blood jade coin that Jiang Fan obtained from a Taoist priest named Zhang Zhaolong before he dominated Los Angeles!

Blood Jade Dark Coin (Black Iron Grade): This is the coin used by ancient alchemists to contact the Yinling, but it seems that it has been soaked in blood!

Remarks: With this item, you will randomly summon a helper from among the evil spirits, evil spirits, evil soldiers, ghost generals, and ghost kings!

Tip: The summoned object needs to continuously **** the host's essence to exist. If the host's essence is insufficient, the summoned object will disappear automatically! The host can also cancel the summoning state by itself!

"This coin is only Black Iron Grade. In other words, based on the highest probability, you can summon a ghost king at the same level as you. There is only one in a billion chance! But it just so happens that I can increase this chance to infinite. high!"

With Jiang Fan's wild laugh, another prop appeared in his hand!

Lucky King: The reason why I can become the king of secret agents has nothing to do with strength. It's pure **** luck! --James Bond!

Remarks: Using this item, within three minutes, you will be lucky!

These two props were Jiang Fan’s true treasure at the time!

During the last job transfer mission, Jiang Fan once said to the dying Toguro that he still had two hole cards, and that hole card was exactly this combination!

"Gornitz! Next, you can play with my pet!"

Accompanied by Jiang Fan's wild laugh, he has suddenly activated these two props!

"Ding! The host uses blood jade coins! You will randomly summon a helper from the evil spirits, evil spirits, evil soldiers, ghost generals, and ghost kings!"

"Ding! The choice is complete! Congratulations to the host for summoning-Raksha Ghost King!"

next moment!


A fierce roar suddenly resounded in this strange world!

Everyone was horrified to see that in the void, a gate composed of countless talismans had formed!

Behind the gate, a blue-faced fangs, dark skin, and three huge monsters with soaring bone spurs, have already stepped out!

Raksha Ghost King!

A powerful gold-level powerhouse with a full seventeenth level!

Using an item similar to waste to play the role of the hole card, this world can achieve this point, I am afraid that only Jiang Fan is alone!

With the appearance of the ghost king, Jiang Fan's hair turned white rapidly, and countless wrinkles appeared on his skin in an instant!

He is aging at an extremely terrifying speed!

However, in the ghost knight's infinite rebirth ability, his hair quickly turned black and his skin became smooth again!

This is the reason why Jiang Fan needs to use this item in the state of the evil spirit knight's transformation!

With the immortal body of the evil spirit knight, Jiang Fan can always maintain the existence of the ghost king of Raksha within this period of time!

"Raksha Ghost King! Kill him!"

Jiang Fan smiled grimly and suddenly roared!


Raksha Ghost King roared, and also grinned, the next moment, he appeared behind Gonitz!


Gonitz's complexion changed drastically, and his whole person appeared tens of meters away in an instant!

The aura of this thing summoned by Jiang Fan is not at all below him!

This **** Jiang Fan, how could he have so many methods!

"Gonitz, what are you running? Don't you want to kill me? Come on!"

Jiang Fan laughed!


Gonitz's face changed, and Rakshasa Ghost King moved his feet and suddenly appeared in front of Gonitz!


Gonitz was furious, and with one hand lifted, a **** whirlwind had directly enveloped the Raksha Ghost King!

However, beyond his expectation!


The storm hit the ghost king of Raksha, and there was a sound of golden and iron strikes!

The body of this ghost king of Raksha, like Jiang Fan, is indestructible among the same level!

The Rakshasa Ghost King had already burst into laughter, suddenly clenched his fists, and suddenly blasted towards Gonitz!

Gonitz frowned, and a storm greeted him with his backhand!



Gonitz's storm was hit by the Raksha Ghost King!

And then, the ghost king of Raksha has stepped on his feet and rushed directly in front of Gonitz!

At the same time, his two fists were even more together, and he smashed it against Gonitz!

Gonitz's face sank, the Glacier skill was activated, and he was immediately behind the Raksha Ghost King. The **** storm's right hand was even more blasted at the Raksha Ghost King!

But at this moment!

The double fists of the ghost king of Raksha have been smashed to the ground!

next moment!


A loud and deafening noise suddenly spread to everyone's eardrums!

The entire 50-meter by 50-meter arena was directly smashed in half by the Raksha Ghost King!

The sky full of masonry rises up like an explosion!

That terrifying impact directly sent Gonitz out!

The attack power of this Raksha Ghost King is actually the same as his defense, extremely terrifying!

However, Gonitz didn't have any unexpected expressions. He was in the air, and his teleportation skills had been activated again, and he was behind the ghost king of Raksha again, and the blood-filled right hand continued to smash the heart of the ghost queen of Raksha!

But Raksha Ghost King seemed to have eyes behind his back, and he clasped Gonitz's right hand with a backhand!


That terrifying **** storm suddenly erupted from between the two fingers, completely destroying the remaining half of the ring!

For a time, the sky was covered with dust, bricks and stones splashed, and the entire stadium seemed to have been bombarded by a nuclear bomb!

Jiang Fan was blown out by a violent hurricane!

Immediately afterwards, Gonitz and Rakshasa Ghost King have once again fought together!

The sky is full of rumbling sounds of fighting!

This Rakshasa ghost king does not seem to have any other abilities, but no matter the power, speed or defense, they are all amazingly powerful!

It seems that Gonitz hasn't gotten the least bit cheap!

However, Jiang Fan didn't have any joy on his face, instead he frowned and muttered to himself!

"Not enough..."

"Jiang Fan! How are you?"

At this moment, Qianhe rushed up!

"I'm fine, why are you still not leaving?"

"Go? Now it seems that the monster you summoned has the upper hand!"

Qianhe was taken aback!

However, Jiang Fan shook his head.

"No! That's only temporary. As I said before, the battle has just begun, and I didn't expect the Ghost King to win him!"


Qianhe was completely stunned!

"Then why do you want to summon the ghost king? You obviously have an immortal body now. With your fighting skills, you can definitely win!"

"No! Although this immortal body is tough, it also limits my state and prevents me from breaking out of the strongest combat power. This alone is definitely not Gonitz's opponent!"

Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes and spoke slowly.

"As for summoning the ghost king... I am not calling the ghost king to kill Gonitz, but I just want him to use that trick! He can't do that, so I can't sleep well!"

"That trick? Which one?"

"Eight, naive, female!"

Jiang Fan said coldly!

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