God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1449: You are really low-carbon and environmentally friendly

Qianhe trembled as soon as Jiang Fan spoke!

The legend of the eight-child girl was created based on the murderous scene when the big snake swallowed eight women, and its power was amazing!

In this world, there are two people who can display the eight infant girls, and one of them is the Iori Temple!

Qianzuru once watched Yashin's action, and the power and brutality of the eight infant girls was beyond imagination!

However, the eight infant girls of Iori Temple are just an incomplete version!

As for the full version of the true eight childish girls, only Gonitz can display it!

Jiang Fan summoned the King of Ghosts just to see this trick?

And after this sentence, Jiang Fan has slowly stood up!

"Qianhe, you should go now, if we are destined, we may be able to meet in the future!"

"Jiang Fan, what do you mean?"

Qianhe was stunned!

"After a year, no matter what, the big snake will break through the seal. If I am not dead this time, you will think about something you want to eat the most at that time, and I will definitely come!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Fan had already raised his hand!

A storm suddenly rose out of thin air, sending Qianhe out of the stadium directly!

Qianhe must not die!

After all, I have to rely on her future orders to kill the snake!

After doing all this, Jiang Fan has suddenly looked at Gonitz, who is fighting fiercely with the Raksha Ghost King!

Then he said loudly!

"Master Gonitz, this kind of slow play is not your style!"


Gonitz snorted coldly, just fighting with the ghost king of Raksha, but he turned a deaf ear to Jiang Fan's words!

"Hehe, don't answer? It's okay, then I'll say it for you!"

"As early as when I summoned the Rakshasa Ghost King, you should have seen that he was constantly absorbing my vitality!"

"And you think my immortal body must have its limits, so you are killing time, waiting for me to give up the call, right?"

Jiang Fan smiled!

But Gonitz trembled and was almost hit by the Raksha Ghost King!

Jiang Fan smiled softly and continued to speak!

"I have to say, your power of observation is indeed great! The truth is also true! My immortality really has its limits! Now it is less than five minutes before the end of the journey!"

When Jiang Fan said this sentence, Gonitz was taken aback!

Did Jiang Fan actually confess?

Why did he do this?

But at the moment Goenitz was stunned, the Rakshasa Ghost King had already roared, and his elbow suddenly hit his jaw!

Gonitz raised his hand to block, but a sharp and unmatched bone spur suddenly appeared on the elbow of the Rakshasa Ghost King!

Gonitz's pupils shrank, but he was flustered, and in an instant, countless pieces of **** wind blades burst out of his hand!

Wrist Electric·Permanent!


Numerous crisp sounds burst out, and Gonitz finally blocked this move!

"Tsk tusk tusk! Be careful! I just told you a secret, and you are in a mess! This is not okay!"

Jiang Fan smiled softly!


Gonitz glared at him fiercely, but continued to fight Raksha Ghost King!

"Well, you don't look very happy, if so, I'll tell you another secret!"

Jiang Fan shrugged and spoke again!

"My immortal body does have a limit, but you may not know that, as opposed to the immortal body, my life span is not short, guess how many?"

Gonitz's complexion changed!

And Jiang Fan has already stretched out four fingers!

"Four hundred years! I can live for four hundred years!"

Gonitz's eyes twitched!

Even the heart twitched fiercely!

"Hehe, it seems that you also understand! Four hundred years is not too much, but even if it is four hundred to one, I can keep the Rakshasa Ghost King in this world for a whole year!"

"A year, if he drags you back and wants to resurrect the serpent, you are afraid that you have no hope!"


In the face of Jiang Fan who was constantly tuned and provocative, Gonitz was finally angry!

However, Jiang Fan was not enough, and directly added fuel to the fire!

"Speaking of which, your strength is already pretty good. Why do you have to resurrect the serpent? It's better to stand on your own! I think, since you want to exterminate mankind and be so low-carbon and environmentally friendly, you will simply set up an alliance of earth protectors in the future. How?"

"As for the **** of Orochi, let him stay in the seal honestly!"

"Jiang Fan!! You are looking for death!!"

Gonitz was completely angry, his body moved, and he rushed towards Jiang Fan!

However, Jiang Fan moved directly behind the ghost king of Raksha!

"Master Gonitz, as long as the Rakshasa Ghost King is still there, you can't kill me! And the Raksha Ghost King is as strong as you, you are afraid that you can't even beat him!"

Jiang Fan sneered!


Gonitz roared, his eyes fixed on Jiang Fan!

"Alright! Boy, I will let you know today, the true horror of the Heavenly Kingdom Protoss!"

Accompanied by his roar, Gonitz burst out a storm directly and shook the Raksha Ghost King away, and then his whole body suddenly lowered!

The ghost king of Raksha was unknown, so he smashed the storm with his palm and rushed to Gonitz again!

But Gonitz suddenly turned into claws with his hands at this moment, and suddenly stabbed to the sky!

This thorn is really fierce and wild to the extreme, just like in the myth, the earthly giant python that swallows the moon up to the sky, seems to poke a hole in the sky!

With this thorn, all of Gonitz's spirits and spirits suddenly increased by a whole level!

That terrifying breath actually detonated a nuclear bomb directly in the body!

In an instant, everyone's heart twitched, and the hairs all over the body were straight up!

The Rakshasa Ghost King suddenly stopped, closing his arms almost without thinking, and suddenly made a defensive posture!

Only Jiang Fan's eyes lit up and he fixed his eyes on Gonitz!

Used it!

This stab is the most brutal in the entire King of Fighters world, the true eight-child start-up style!

next moment!


An extremely harsh scream suddenly resounded across the entire sky!

Gonitz's body suddenly penetrated the void and suddenly appeared in front of the Rakshasa Ghost King!

Then he laughed wildly and suddenly raised his hand, and drew his paw to the body of the ghost king of Raksha!

"Stab it~!!!"

A harsh rubbing sound of torn iron skin suddenly sounded!

Gonitz swung this claw, and four bloodstains appeared on the indestructible arms of the Ghost King Rakshasa!

And the strength of this claw is even more terrifying, and it directly broke through the defense of the ghost king of Raksha, leaving his empty door open!

Immediately afterwards, Gonitz's second claw, which was about to surpass the electric light, suddenly blasted out, directly on the chest of Raksha Ghost King!


The strength of this second claw is more than twice as powerful as that of the first!

It directly cut through the skin of the ghost king of Raksha!

In an instant, blood splashed!


In Gonitz’s wild laugh, the faster, more violent, and more brutal third claw has arrived!



In the midst of the roar of the ghost king of Raksha, Gonitz's third claw had already smashed his shoulder, and then he moved his shoulder to his left chest, and even the flesh of the belt was torn off a large part of the width of his palm. !

The dazzling blood rose to the sky!

The cruelty of the true eight children is beyond imagination!

However, this is just the beginning!

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