God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1450: True Eight Immature Female Jiao


The splattered blood and minced meat made Gonitz, who was already madly laughing, even more excited, so fast that the fourth claw, which made people even have no reaction time, was suddenly pulled out!


The thigh of the ghost king of Rakshasa was directly torn apart by violence, and even a white and miserable bone was revealed in the splash of blood!

And the fifth claw directly smashed the calf bones of the ghost king of Raksha to alive!

At the sixth claw, the entire lower abdomen of the ghost king Raksha was torn apart!

At the seventh claw, Gonitz had appeared behind the ghost king of Rakshasa ghostly. With that claw pulled out, the bone spurs on the back of the ghost king of Rakshasa were all shattered, and even the spine was hardened by Gonitz’s. Pulled off a piece!

At the last blow, Gonitz had already grabbed the Raksha Ghost King's neck with a frantic smile!

At this moment, the ghost king of Raksha is already covered in blood, like a tattered doll, dying!

This fierce and fierce 17th-level powerhouse, in front of the terrifying moves of the true babes of Gonitz, could only wait to die in pain and helplessness!


However, Gonitz didn't have any mercy at all, he just used a kind of terrifying force to destroy the mountains and mountains in the crazy and bloodthirsty laughter, and slammed the Raksha Ghost King with all his strength!


The whole land was like an earthquake, suddenly shook!

Tons of earth and rocks are like volcanic eruptions, splashing!

The ground was shaken on the stands of the stadium, and even the roof above dropped a piece of a hundred meters long!

As the smoke and dust dissipated, the ghost king of Raksha had already been impacted by a meteorite, and a large crater with a diameter of more than 100 meters appeared!

And in the big pit, the Rakshasa Ghost King, who was extremely cruel before, was already distorted, leaving only the last breath!

The cruelty and dominance of the true eight-child girl is absolutely terrifying!

Facing such a scene, everyone saw it with fear, and many people were even more frightened!

Only Jiang Fan spoke slowly with an indifferent expression!

"True Eight Childish Girl Jiao!"

This trick is exactly the ferocious Jiao style among the true eight childish girls!

"Yes! You can actually recognize this trick, Jiang Fan, I can't bear to kill you!"

Gonitz, with his hands full of blood, smiled grinningly!

Slowly walked towards Jiang Fan!

He wanted this sinner who dared to be disrespectful to the serpent bear the greatest fear!

However, in the face of Gonitz walking slowly, Jiang Fan not only showed no signs of fear, but frowned!

"No! This is not the trick I want to see. You have at least two cards left! This is far from enough!!"

"what did you say?"

Gonitz's pupils shrank suddenly, and he even paused!

And Jiang Fan had suddenly raised his head, and directly revealed another prop!

It was a tube of light blue, exuding vitality!

This is exactly the cell repair fluid obtained from the parasite beast world!

Cell repair fluid: As long as the energy is sufficient, I will be a hero again in three minutes!

Note: Use this prop to repair any damaging and fatal injuries!

"System! Give the Rakshasa Ghost King an injection!"

next moment!


Along with a white light, in Gonitz's unbelievable gaze, the Rakshasa Ghost King had already roared abruptly and sprang out of the big pit intact!


Gonitz was stunned!

And the Ghost King Raksha has gritted his teeth and pounced on him!

Ghost King!

The king of ghosts!

But just now, he had no resistance and was almost beaten to death by Gonitz!

This is also a great shame for him!

Kill him, you must kill him!

The ghost king of Raksha, who was almost resurrected from the dead, completely exploded with all his strength, and two circles of runes condensed purely from energy appeared on the double fists!


With this roar full of anger, the ghost king of Raksha has once again become a ball with Gonitz!

"damn it!"

Gonitz is mad at this moment!

The true eight child Jiao returned without success, and he was just as furious as the Raksha Ghost King!

This time the two played against each other without any reservations!

For a moment!

At the center of the battle between the two, a horrible air current burst out like a mountain!

The earth was trembling, the buildings were groaning, and even the dark clouds in the sky were washed away!

Everyone is shaking!

This kind of battle has exceeded their imagination!

However, the desire for strength has also made many people who are not afraid of death stop and stay and watch!

Only Jiang Fan, facing the battle between the two, Jiang Fan's expression was extremely gloomy!

The transformation of the evil spirit knight is about to end, and it is simply unrealistic to continue to summon the Rakshasa ghost king by sacrificing his life!

After all, the Raksha Ghost King absorbed not only the vitality, but also Jiang Fan's spirit!

By then, Jiang Fan, who was not in his peak state, would be unable to fight Gonitz at all!

Slowly let out a foul breath, Jiang Fan suddenly looked at the two fighting men, and then suddenly a cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth!

"Master Gonitz! Weisi and Maizhuo are dead, you must be very sad, right?"

Gonitz, who was fighting against the ghost king of Rakshasa, was startled!

The Rakshasa Ghost King had already taken the opportunity to hit Gonitz with a punch!


Gonitz trembled all over his body when he was beaten, and the **** storm that enveloped his body faded by three points!

However, he didn't care about this, and a storm threw a backhand to entangle the ghost king of Rakshasa, and then suddenly looked at Jiang Fan!

"how do you know!"

"Hehe, I not only know that they are dead, but I also know that they were killed by Kusana Guwu Liu's tricks! Right?"


Gonitz trembled all over, and he was hit by the Raksha Ghost King who broke free from the storm!

Jiang Fan continued to speak with his smile undiminished!

"But have you ever thought about it, why did the Kusana family kill them? How did they know their identities?"

"It's you?"

Gonitz's complexion changed!

The killing intent flashed in his eyes!

"No, no! You are wrong!"

Jiang Fan shook his head, and finally said a cold and merciless sentence that completely destroyed Gonitz's reason!

"I mean, they... I killed them!"

"It's you?"

Gonitz was stunned!

The brain is blank!

The Rakshasa Ghost King had already grasped this rare opportunity, and his fists carried a mighty force, like countless streams of light, continuously blasting on Gonitz!

"Boom boom boom boom!!"

The deafening sound of fist hits resounded throughout the world, and even the entire venue was trembling in the powerful fist power of the Rakshasa Ghost King!

And Gonitz, who was in this storm of punching power, was beaten back again and again, and the **** storm around him became thinner and thinner!

And with the last punch of the Ghost King Rakshasa, before the fist arrived, the tragic fist wind had completely destroyed the **** storm of Gonitz!



The fist of the ghost king of Raksha has been smashed to Gonitz!

However, the ghost king of Raksha who blasted this punch shrank his pupils and looked at his fist with shock!

He did hit this punch!

However, it hit a solid palm!

This punch was actually held firmly by Gonitz!

But Gonitz's eyes were not on Raksha Ghost King at all, instead he looked at Jiang Fan coldly with an indescribable look of horror!

"It's you?"

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