As for Gonitz's wind control, this thing looks simple, but it is something better than attributes!

As long as you learn this, the wind will not only be unable to hurt yourself in the future, but will also become your own help!

Even like Gonitz, there is no need to urge him at all, and the wind will take the initiative to hold the terrifying defense for him!

Not to mention the gold-level suit, just look at the horror attributes of the iron-blood suit, and you will know how powerful the gold-level suit will be!

And let’s not talk about the legendary weapons, the gold-level Shuiyu Zimian sword can actually break Goenitz’s defense during the assault, that sharpness is already terrifying!

And legendary weapons are bound to be even more abnormal!

As for the inexplicable Scarlet Roulette...

Jiang Fan frowned and looked at this thing curiously!

This thing is worthy of its name. It is a blood-colored disk with a diameter of half a meter. The top is so smooth and without any decoration, there is no good thing at all!

The key is that with such a thing, the probability of a hint behind it is one in ten thousand!

There is only one out of ten thousand chances of showing up in the transfer rewards. You know this thing is not easy if you want to use your ass!

Jiang Fan tangled his teeth for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth!

"System! Choose A, C, D...G! A option is delayed!"

Abandoning the gold-level suit parts and legendary weapons, Jiang Fan finally couldn't resist his curiosity and chose Scarlet Roulette!

"Ding! The host is selected! Option A is delayed, and the rest of the rewards have been issued!"

With the sound of the system prompt, Jiang Fan finally saw the attributes of this Scarlet Roulette!

Scarlet Roulette: Epic!

Upon seeing the three big characters "Epic" with orange light, Jiang Fan only felt that he almost fainted with happiness!




It is epic!


Jiang Fan looked up to the sky and laughed!

Like crazy!

However, as he saw the attributes below, the whole person looked like a little rooster pinched by the neck, and he squeezed all the laughter back!

Scarlet Roulette: Epic!

Remarks: None!


Just two lines!

Jiang Fan was silent for three seconds before speaking blankly.

"System, this...nothing, are you sure you made a mistake?"

"Ding! As seen by the host, it is indeed nothing!"

"Then, what about the attributes? There should always be attributes, right?"

"Ding! What the host sees is everything!"

"It's... all? That's it? You have nothing to explain?"

Jiang Fan looked dull!

"Ding! Yes! That's it! There is nothing to explain!"

Jiang Fan blinked, but the blue veins on his forehead gradually floated up!

The next moment, his whole body suddenly jumped up, and then he threw the blood-colored roulette to the ground, suddenly yelling!

"Gan Niang! Do you make Lao Tzu boring? There is no explanation for what is special? Why did Lao Tzu change such a broken plate with a gold suit and a legendary weapon?"

"Then I can just find a bottle of mineral water and write God's blood on it, can I also change the cause and effect to you!"

"Hey, if you don't explain clearly today, I will never end with you!"

However, Jiang Fan scolded for a long time, and the system seemed to hang up, and he ignored him at all!

Jiang Fan gritted his teeth, but facing the system, it was like facing a ten-thousand-year-old bastard, there was nowhere to start!

In this world, only the system can make him helpless!

Henhen stepped on the blood-colored roulette with two feet, Jiang Fan finally couldn't hold back and picked it up!

Forget it!

Haolai is also engraved with the three words epic, so let's treat it as a collectible!

However, this collection is worth a legendary weapon!

Thinking of this, Jiang Fan felt a pain again!

After taking two deep breaths to calm his emotions, Jiang Fan finally looked at the other rewards!

The descent of the Gods of the Kingdom is a blood-red injection, but the red is full of coquettish and violent colors, full of wild beauty!

Even just holding it, Jiang Fan has an urge to inject!

But Jiang Fan suppressed this idea forcibly!

Although the bloodline of the gods of the kingdom of heaven is domineering, it can only be used as a transition method at best, and it will be changed sooner or later!

Therefore, Jiang Fan only intends to keep his pedigree as his trump card, and will never inject it as a last resort!

Carefully put it away, Jiang Fan directly chose to activate Gonitz's Wind Control!

At the moment when this item was activated, Jiang Fan only felt that the whole person was different!

Between the waves, it seemed to be able to touch the flow of the wind!

And an invisible and invisible atmosphere haunts him, just like the extension of his body and five senses!

At this moment, Jiang Fan had a deeper understanding of the various skills recorded on the breath of the wind!

Without any warning, Jiang Fan's whole body turned into a breeze, and the next moment, he appeared more than ten meters away!


Looking at his hands silently, Jiang Fan finally showed an excited smile!


Jiang Fan took a deep breath and finally spoke slowly!

"System! Enhance light power!"

"Ding! The current level of light divine power is level ten, and it takes 11,000 causal points to upgrade to the next level! Do you want to continue?"

"carry on!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host Guangming's divine power reaching level 11!"

"Go on! Keep improving!"


With 50,000 causal points smashed, Jiang Fan's originally only tenth level of light divine power went straight to the fourteenth level!

"Come on!"

"Ding! The current level of light divine power is fourteen, and it takes 50,000 causal points to upgrade to the next level! Do you want to continue?"

fifty thousand?

Jiang Fan was stunned. The 13th to the 14th level only cost 14 thousand, but the 14th to the 15th level actually increased by an order of magnitude!

But after all, it is cross-level, the key is that I have money now!

Sixty-eight causal points!


As Jiang Fan spoke, a dazzling holy light suddenly sprayed out of him!

It even faintly formed the shape of two fuzzy wings!

Jiang Fan at this moment is holy, just like an angel of the world!

"Hehehe, the Archbishop of the Council of Light, I'm afraid I'm not as holy as Lao Tzu?"

Jiang Fan gave a weird laugh, converged the holy light, and then already looked at the attribute that he had chosen to ignore since the activation!


Jiang Fan doesn't know any magic spells, so since he got the attribute of Mowu Dual Cultivation in the world of Lord of the Rings, he basically hasn't taken much care!

But although he can't spell spells, it doesn't mean that increasing magic power is useless!

Because the magic increase will bring a subsidiary product, that is magic resistance!

The higher the magic level, the higher the magic resistance!

In other words, once Jiang Fan's magic power reaches a certain level, he will even become immune to low-level magic!

Moreover, in the face of the opportunity to increase all attributes three times, regardless of whether there is any, I will improve it first!

Jiang Fan’s previous magic power level was level five, and it took a total of 124,000 karma points to finally pile up his magic power to level fifteen!

And with the magic reaching fifteenth level, Jiang Fan burst into a wave of magic that could no longer be suppressed!

At the same time, the system prompt sounded suddenly!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for reaching the fifteenth level of magic and successfully comprehending the universal magic-elemental affinity!"

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