Elemental affinity: allows you to condense various elements more smoothly and improve magical effects.

No use of eggs!

When Jiang Fan saw this introduction, he immediately skipped it!

But if Curtis sees Jiang Fan's performance, I am afraid that he will definitely be jealous and go crazy!

Elemental affinity!

This is elemental affinity!

Strictly speaking, this skill is not magic at all, but a passive attribute!

However, such an attribute is one of the five major elements for the achievement of a legendary mage!

In other words, even if Jiang Fan has nothing, or even lost the system, as long as he has this passive attribute, there is a one-fifth chance that he can break through and become a legendary mage at level 20 in the future!

However, Curtis was not there, and Jiang Fan's methods were indeed endless. Even if he knew the importance of this thing, I am afraid that he would not even care about it!

As for the true energy, because the nine yin and nine yang have reached their limit, they can only choose to evolve the technique, but Jiang Fan has no evolution materials at all, so he can only choose to give up temporarily.

After spending 50,000 karma points again and upgrading the last ability to level 15, Jiang Fan finally took a deep breath!

"System! Give out A option rewards!"


With a white light shed, the next moment!


Jiang Fan's body seemed to detonate a star!

The energies of Zhen Qi, magic power, light divine power, and supernatural powers are almost like a boiling sea, which has propped Jiang Fan's entire body more than three times!

Even every pore in Jiang Fan's body is constantly emitting all kinds of energy!

At the same time, Jiang Fan's body kept bursting with "crunches~~crunches~~", harsh sounds like steel twists!

That is the physical body is further strengthened!

Reinforced to the point where every muscle of Jiang Fan has surpassed the strength of alloy!

Not just muscles, nerves, bones, skin, internal organs, meridians, everything is all strengthening!

At this moment, Jiang Fan's strength, speed, nerve reflexes, body strength... everything is insanely skyrocketing!

After a long time!


Jiang Fan finally slowly opened his eyes!

Looking at his hands silently, Jiang Fan only felt that everything was different!

Although I don't know how strong it is, Jiang Fan vaguely understands that once he has full firepower, with the 15th and 16th level attacks, I am afraid that he will not even be able to break the defense!

As for the seventeenth...

The reason why I was able to fight Goenitz to that level before was actually relying on the terrorist explosive power of the T virus. Although the improvement is strong enough now, it is far behind that time!

And although the other parts of his iron-blooded suit are intact, but the armor has been beaten by Gonitz, only a ball of scrap iron is left. The true strength is probably not as good as the seventeenth level!

However, it will never be too much difference!

Waved to open the character panel, Jiang Fan's attributes at the moment suddenly appeared!

Name: Jiang Fan (Bull Status)

Level: 15

Occupation: Senior Wanjie takeaway

Equipment: Slightly

Combat skills: slightly

Ability: 15th level (danger prediction, elemental wind energy)

Magic: 15 levels (no spells yet)

Taoism: The Secret Method of Maoshan Tianshi (Incomplete)

Dharma phase: Three heads and six arms

Mount: Demonized Nightmare

Servant: Li Shishi, Lu Bu, Zhenzi, David Jones

Pet: Alien Newborn Body (Rich and Noble)

Affiliated industries: Jagged Spaceship, Jiaolong One

Servant's Attachment: Norwegian Sea Monster

Great status!

It's enough to look at it!

I have worked hard all the way from a state of disuse to the present, and finally ushered in a "cow"!

The next step is the 15th level reward!

Jiang Fan hasn't forgotten that he still has a legendary lottery!

But at this moment!

"Ding! All the host option rewards have been collected!"

"Ding! System prompt! The fourth job transfer task will appear at level 20!"

Jiang Fan's heart trembled!

Four turns!

The road to job transfer is as if there is no end to it!

But before his thoughts disappear, the system's alert tone has sounded again!

"Ding! The system will be maintained in three minutes!"

"Ding! System reminder! This maintenance time is estimated to be eight hours. During this period, you will not be able to use the system backpack, but the skills you learn will not be affected!"

"At this time to maintain?"

Jiang Fan was taken aback!

In the next moment, he had a flower in front of him, and he was kicked out by the system!

Back in the bedroom, Jiang Fan is too lazy to complain about the violence of the system!

The most urgent task is to quickly take out the useful things first!

However, after three minutes of saying yes, the system backpack can't be opened!

"Fuck Nima's system! It's three minutes to say it! Open the backpack! I still have a strong enemy out there!"

Jiang Fan is really anxious!

My own match with Zhou Yuanhe is at most half a catty!

Without those props and losing the ability to control the field, Zhou Yuanhe definitely has the ability to kill the people around him!

This risk must not be taken!

But at this moment, the sound of the system has sounded again!

It's just different from before, the system's voice is intermittent this time, just like whispers when people are sleepy!

"Ding~~Great Universe~~Move~Unification~Completed~~"

Hearing the sound of the system, Jiang Fan was taken aback!

At that time, I used up my mind to be bright, and there seemed to be some hints after the great shift and breakthrough of the universe, but I was desperate at the time, and I didn't have the mind to see it!

But the system will never give itself such a reminder for no reason!

Opening the interface, Jiang Fan looked directly at the great shift of the universe!

The previous seven-layer universe movement attributes are as follows:

Great Shift of Universe (Silver +): Mingjiao's first magical skill!

Note: This exercise is divided into seven layers! By learning this technique, you will fully unleash your full potential! And you can move the enemy's energy at will, copy the opponent's martial arts, and master the method of accumulating energy!

Current infuriating improvement: five times! (Full level)

Qi Jin: Jiu Zhong Qi Jin! (Full level)

Skill copy column: 9 (6 remaining) (full level)

In this skill copy column, you can choose to copy the opponent's martial arts skills not exceeding the Silver level, but you cannot be promoted.

You can also choose three duplicate columns to combine into a permanent skill column!

At that time, Jiang Fan used the synthetic skill bar to learn the power of light!

But now, because of breaking through the limit, not only the attributes have skyrocketed, but also a new function has appeared!

Great Shift in the Universe: Gold Class (pseudo)

Current infuriating improvement: ten times! (limit)

Qi Jin: Twelve heavy Qi Jin! (limit)

Skill copy column: 12 (9 remaining) (limit)

Accumulated detonation: Within the range of the host's body, the twelve heavy qi can be compressed into the body, and then burst out at once!


Upon seeing this new feature, Jiang Fan's eyes widened!

Overlapped Qi Jin means that you can make several consecutive hits in one hit!

This has pushed Jiang Fan's attack power to an extremely terrifying level!

But now this charged detonation is simply against the sky!

Compress the Twelve Heavy Qi, and then burst out in one go!

In other words, if you can compress all the energy, then a punch can increase the power by a full twelve times!

It is not a concept at all to overlap with the previous Qi Jin!

It's a pure qualitative change!

This makes Jiang Fan feel terrified!

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