God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1459: The capital is going to change

The system is really sending charcoal in the snow!

Jiang Fan was moved for a full second, and then the corner of his mouth twitched!

He knows the urination of the system too well!

This charged detonation is probably not that simple at all!

Trying to use this trick a little bit, Jiang Fan's face suddenly became gloomy!


The strength of his body simply can't keep up with this kind of power!

Just by raising the attack twice, Jiang Fan's body has reached its limit!

If it is a triple attack, at most two punches can be thrown!

However, enough!

Jiang Fan's face was suddenly filled with a yin smile!

"Zhou Yuanhe...hehe, let's practice with you!"


At the moment in the restaurant, Jiang Fan's group of subordinates are all dignified!

Just out of habit, everyone chose to turn off the five senses when Jiang Fan answered the phone, but you can tell from Jiang Fan's face that it must be trouble!

Seeing Jiang Fan came back again, a group of people immediately greeted him!

"My lord! Just now..."

"It's okay, get the wine, go on!"

Jiang Fan laughed!

The crowd was all taken aback, but as soon as they saw Jiang Fan's expression, they knew that no matter what happened just now, they were absolutely stable!

But it's a bit strange!

The temperament of adults seems to have become different!

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan in amazement, with puzzled faces!

Only Wang Yi showed a sudden look!

"Manager Wang, what do you see?"

Curtis' successor Justin asked curiously.

"Is it necessary to say? A man can show such a refreshing expression for only two periods of time!"

Wang Yi's face was clear to his chest!

"Huh? Which two time periods?"

"Of course it's a pit and... Damn! Anyway, the master must have gone to the toilet! Anyway, he basically looks like this every time he comes out of the toilet!"

Wang Yi waved his hand directly as he spoke!

Everyone's complexion changed suddenly!

The adults are brave and brave, but, it seems, it seems, the stomach is not very good!

It seems that I have to get some Chinese medicine for adults in the future!

Jiang's house is full of singing and dancing, and there is a staggering ambition, but the whole China is almost exploded!

Just two hours after Lingzhou's accident, almost all of China's top forces received news of this battle!

"The Zhou family and Qiu Yuanfeng set up a game to kill Jiang Fan! As a result, the two masters broke down and sank into the sand!"

"The Zhou family was wiped out in the battle of Faint City!"

"The thirteen masters of the Song family raided Los Angeles overnight, all dead and dead!"

"Let the prefecture change owners! All Zhou's factories were destroyed!"

"The valuable materials that Zhou's family evacuated overnight were all intercepted by Jiang Fan!"


These shocking pieces of news are like nuclear bombs, completely upsetting people's hearts!

The wealthy family in the capital that had gradually returned to the quiet with the darkness of night, when hearing the news, all became brightly lit!

Chen family!

Chen Qingxuan, the head of the Chen family, listened to Chen Zisheng's report silently, his fists clenched!

Jiang Fan!

This kid is indeed a peerless wizard!

It has only been more than two months since he left the Chen family last time!

But at this little time, he actually achieved this point!

When he found himself, he told himself to use the entire Zhou family as a bargaining chip in exchange for Chen Ling's freedom. He thought the other party was joking, but now it seems that what this kid said is actually true!

He really has the ability to do it!

"Grandpa, this is all the information we have now!"

After Chen Zixing finished speaking, he already wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with his trembling right hand!

Every news he said just now is tantamount to an earthquake!

More importantly, in the entire Chen family, apart from Chen Qingxuan and Chen Ling, Chen Zixing was the only person who knew that he had rushed to the Chen family at night, and that was Jiang Fan!

He also knew the deal between Jiang Fan and the Chen family!

Thinking of Jiang Fan doing so many important things, then it is not impossible to give the entire Zhou family to the Chen family at the beginning!

The whole Zhou family!

If the Chen family really gets the wealth of the entire Zhou family, then the future...

Chen Zixing didn't dare to think about it anymore!

"Grandpa, Beijing, I'm afraid it's going to change!"


Chen Qingxuan sighed for a long time before speaking slowly!

"Yeah, it's going to change!"

The two were silent for a long time.

"Grandpa, Jiang Fan has already made such a big move, shouldn't our Chen family also..."

"Do not!"

Before Chen Zixing finished speaking, Chen Qingxuan immediately shook his head!

"Our Chen family is Jiang Fan's secret ally in the capital. We can't make a move until the last minute!"

"Yes! I understand!"

"Well, by the way, your second grandpa and others, should they all be out soon, right?"

Chen Qingxuan suddenly spoke.

Chen Zixing's heart was shocked!

"Yes, it should be just these few days!"


Chen Qingxuan nodded, and suddenly looked into the distance with some wonder.



When Yu Zhengming looked at the information just passed back in front of him, his whole body was like wood, motionless!

Too ruthless!

Get paid from the bottom of the pot!

The ruthless character Yu Zhengming has seen in his life can almost fill a train of high-speed trains!

However, it was the first time he saw Jiang Fan who did this!

This is not just cruel, it's frantic!

It wasn't enough to kill the two masters of the Zhou family. They actually ruined the Zhou family's most important base, the Zhouzhou!

Even the materials and machinery shipped out by the Zhou family at night were not spared!

The Zhou family's loss this time is simply unimaginable!

No wonder Zhou Yuan and Hui went crazy to kill Jiang Fan!

"Jiang Fan...this kid, really amazing!"

Yu Zhengming exclaimed!

"But father, Zhou Yuanhe..."

Yu Xiaoze looked uneasy!

"Huh! Zhou Yuanhe went there for nothing! No wonder Jiang Fan didn't care at all. As long as he threatened with those materials, Zhou Yuanhe wouldn't dare to do anything!"

"That's what I said, but Zhou Yuanhai is Zhou Yuanhe's brother after all. It's hard to guarantee that Zhou Yuanhe won't make a move in anger!"

"It's useless! Since Jiang Fan has done such a big thing, there will be no countermeasures!"

"What my father said is, then we are at home, do you want to take the opportunity to add another fire?"

"No! The Zhou family is now a trapped beast. At this time, anyone who tries to do it may get a bite back. Let's not do this kind of stupid thing in the family. Just tell Jiang Fan about the situation in the capital!"


"By the way, Yu family, you have the best relationship with Jiang Fan, right?"

"Yes, father! But we are not deep friends, but..."

Yu Xiaoze hurriedly spoke!

"It doesn't matter, give Jiang Fan a call tomorrow to get in touch with your feelings! Oh, by the way, ask him if he has any plans to release the materials from the Zhou family? If you want to release it, we can take over from the Yu family!

"Father, you, what are you..."

Yu Xiaoze's eyes suddenly widened!

Although Yu's family had targeted Zhou's everywhere before, it was all because of Yu Xiaodie's illness!

This kind of thing, even if it is said to have broken the big sky, the Yu family has a reason!

And no matter how big the trouble is, there is still room for the Zhou family to turn around!

However, what Yu Zhengming said now is undoubtedly an expression of his attitude, completely standing by Jiang Fan's side!

"Father, is it too early to bet now? The Zhou family still has—"

"It's not early! Jiang Fan's rise is a foregone conclusion, it is the general trend, unstoppable! And looking at Jiang Fan's deeds all the time, you haven't found his weirdness?"

"What is weird?"

"Yes! No matter when and where, no matter what he encounters, he is full of confidence! Do you know what this means?"

"It means that he has... backing?"

Yu Xiaoze's face was shocked!

"Yes! And definitely not an ordinary backer! A backer as big as the sky!"

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