God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1463: Black Iron Level Permission

The system is open!

Jiang Fan looked overjoyed, without saying anything, he entered the system space directly!

Although the overall system space after maintenance has not changed much, Jiang Fan clearly felt a certain difference this time. It was a feeling that could only be understood but could not be conveyed, as if the system had a little more breath.

But this is not important. The most important thing is the legendary lottery!

"Ding! The host has a legendary lottery that hasn't been activated. Do you want to draw now?"

"of course!"

Jiang Fan rubbed his hands in excitement!

next moment!


A huge roulette with a pale red light had already appeared in front of Jiang Fan!

This roulette is much larger than the gold-level lucky draw, and the classification is more detailed!

Not only does it have all the classifications of the gold level, the most important thing is that there is an unprecedented "authority" classification!

The permission rewards will only appear when the job transfer task is completed!

However, the classification that represents the authority is too small, so small that Jiang Fan has no confidence to be able to choose it!

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Fan suddenly turned against the roulette!


The roulette spins quickly!

With the speed getting lower and lower, finally finally stopped slowly!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for extracting-permission opening item! Permission screening..."

Permissions? Actually I really got it!

Jiang Fan was taken aback!

And the next moment, with the system's prompt sound, he only felt the blood on his head, and even the blood all over his body was boiling!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for activating the trial permission in advance!"

"The current scope of the trial-the evil jungle!"

"Current level of authority-Black Iron Level!"

Not only permissions, but also trial permissions!

At that time, Jiang Fan once drew a golden trial card from Alcatraz, where Jiang Fan led his men to kill the Headless Horseman, and the returned experience points directly raised Long Yan and Yue Jianhan to level fourteen, number two, and number 13. Hao and Curtis were even promoted to the level of a half-step master!

And now, Jiang Fan never thought that he would get the same trial authority!

What does this mean?

This means that the strength of his subordinates will never be too far behind himself!

It also represents that the strength of the team in the future will become stronger and stronger!

The reward of the system this time directly solved Jiang Fan's biggest worry!

"Baby system! Dad loves you to death!!!"

Jiang Fan laughed wildly!

Like crazy!

"Ding! To your second uncle! Don't take advantage of Laozi! I am the father!"

The system directly turns on the counterattack!

"Good good! You are a father!"

In front of the super rewards of the system, Jiang Fan has no bottom line!

Although the system knew Jiang Fan's virtues well, it was still deeply shocked by Jiang Fan's shamelessness!

After a long time, this reminded me with a helpless voice!

"Ding! The Seed of Jianmu has been released!"

"Ding! The opponent simulation function has been turned on! Please check the host independently!"

Jiang Fan turned a deaf ear to these two prompts and couldn't wait to look at the trial authority!

The trial permission is a separate column. After opening it, a large messy map appeared, many places were covered by black smoke, and it seemed that this large map was beyond imagination, but it was just an incomplete corner of a large map. !

The location of the evil jungle is at an edge on the current map!

The point is that Jiang Fan actually saw Alcatraz Island in one of the directions on the map!

It's not that Jiang Fan can recognize it, but the clear sign on it!

It seems that because of the trial card used before, its name will appear directly. As for the rest of the location, there is no sign at all!

"The trials...are all in this map? Where will this be? Is it created by the system, or does it exist in the first place?"

Jiang Fan scratched his head, no longer thinking, but directly opened the evil jungle.

An introduction appeared immediately above.

Evil Jungle: belongs to the black iron level authority!

Map Level: Black Iron Level-Bronze Level!

Entry reminder: The first time the host enters, it takes 50,000 causal points to open the map for the first time!

Entry rules: You can enter at any time, no time limit for staying!

Clearance conditions: Kill the bronze guards in the area!

Clearance reward: experience value!

Black Iron Level Permission: No chance of resurrection, up to three members can be carried, no additional rewards other than experience points!

Note: This is a jungle full of evil aura. The creatures in the jungle have become bloodthirsty monsters because of the evil aura.

The next level of authority opens the prompt: kill four bronze guards in the area to obtain the bronze core!

Looking at the introduction, Jiang Fan was shaking all over!

Although the current authority is only Black Iron Level and only experience points, what I want is experience points!

And the evil jungle has no time limit at all!

In other words, you can bring people in at any time!

It is entirely possible to create countless four levels in a short moment in reality!

And with the continuous improvement of my own authority, what will be created will be...

Jiang Fan was trembling all over, and his laughter resounded in the sky!

It's just an explosion of luck to be able to extract this thing by myself!

Calculated by grade, this is the authority that can only be opened when oneself reaches level twentieth after completing the four-revolution mission!

Made it!

Completely posted!

This is the real good thing!


Slowly exhaling a foul breath, Jiang Fan barely calmed down his excitement!

Close this page, Jiang Fan has already looked at the opponent simulation function!

Just looking at it, Jiang Fan's eyes lit up again!

Opponent simulation function: After activation, an independent space will be automatically generated. In this space, the host can generate all opponents (including the real world) encountered so far by spending a varying number of causal points!

The system will restore it with varying degrees of completeness based on the host's memory! The host itself can also adjust the opponent's various values ​​at will.

In this independent space, the host has the effect of avoiding death, no matter what kind of injury is suffered, once it leaves the space, it will automatically recover! The props and other items used during this period will also be returned after leaving!

It's another useful feature!

With this function, no matter who the opponent is, as long as Jiang Fan has played against Jiang Fan, Jiang Fan can simulate the opponent here, and then through constant fighting, find out the most suitable means to kill the opponent!

But this function is not available for the time being, and then the last reward after the third revolution!

Jiang Fan's gaze finally turned to the last item in the backpack!

It was a small seed wrapped in a husk of soil, which looked very ordinary.

However, accompanied by Jiang Fan's gaze, in a trance, a giant tree covering the sky with an unknown width and no height appeared before his eyes!

And above the giant tree, the blue dragon is entrenched, the phoenix is ​​roaring, the wind and clouds are the leaves, the stars are the fruits, the branches are like the blood of the heaven and the earth, it seems to penetrate the entire world!

Jiang Fan suddenly took a step back, his eyes filled with unspeakable shock for a moment!

In the next moment, the illusion disappeared, and this little seed had already surfaced its own name.

Seed of built wood!

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