God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1464: Seed of Building Wood

Seed of Building Wood: Gradeless

Attributes:? ? ?

Cultivation method: invest in causality, its rewards will exceed your imagination!

Jiang Fan frowned.

Although the attributes were invisible and the introduction was very vague, he could still feel the extraordinary of this thing, and the illusion just now made Jiang Fan full of doubts.

Is this thing really like its name, the seed of that sacred tree?

If so, even if this thing is called an artifact, it is not an exaggeration!

There was such a narrative in "Shan Hai Jing · Hai Nei Jing":

There are wood, green leaves, purple stems, Xuanhua yellow fruit, the name is Jianmu, hundreds of thousands without branches, there are nine stalks on the top, and nine medlars on the bottom. In fact, it is like hemp, and its leaves are like awns. .

Simply translated, there is a kind of tree with cyan leaves and purple stems, black flowers and yellow fruits, called Jianmu. There is a section of a trunk that is as high as a hundred thousandths without branches, but on the top of the tree there are nine winding branches, and under the tree there are nine intertwined root nodes. Its fruit is like pockmark and its leaves are like awn leaves. Dahao climbed to the sky with Jianmu, and Huangdi cultivated Jianmu.

And Dahao is Fuxi!

The "Huainanzi·Ying Xingxun" records: "Building wood is in the capital, and the emperors are up and down. There is no scene in the day, no sound, no sound, covering the world."

It means that Jianmu stands in the center of heaven and earth, and the ancient emperors used it to travel between heaven and man.

However, according to later records, during the Zhuanxu period, cutting down to build wood, cut off the communication between the two realms of heaven and man, and this is the famous-Jedi Tiantong!

Is this thing really the seed of Jianmu?

And while Jiang Fan was thinking, this seed actually fell directly on the ground of the system space!

Jiang Fan tried to pick it up, but this thing seemed to take root, no matter how hard Jiang Fan burst out, he couldn't shake it!

Jiang Fan's complexion changed slightly. With his strength today, even a hill, it may not be impossible to carry it!

But now I am helpless with a seed. How heavy is this thing? !

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Fan gave up altogether, and instead directly invested a hundred causal points on this seed!

But the next moment!

"Ding! System prompt! For Jianmu Seed, the first investment must not be less than 100,000 causal points! The subsequent single investment must not be less than 10,000 causal points!"

Damn it!

Jiang Fan was stunned!

It's so much!

I do have a lot of causal points now, and there are still a full 460,000 left, but this thing comes and goes faster, and the levels of Lu Bu and Zhenzi have not yet improved!

And it also costs money to open the evil jungle!

Gritting his teeth, Jiang Fan was finally cruel!

"Put in!"

With one hundred thousand causal points smashed out, Jianmu Seed trembled suddenly!

Then the earth-colored shell that wrapped it unexpectedly "Capone", and a small crack appeared!

Next, in front of Jiang Fan's eyes, a small root was actually protruding from the soil crust, and then directly plunged into the ground of the system space!


Jiang Fan suddenly exclaimed!

Strictly speaking, the system space has no entity at all!

But this root can actually take root on it!

And as the roots pierced in, an incomparable fresh breath spread throughout the entire system space in an instant!

In just a few seconds, the vitality of heaven and earth appeared in the system space that did not originally have any breath!

And with the passing of time, the concentration of heaven and earth vitality in the space has continued to increase!

In the Zen garden not far away, all the plants shook their leaves, as if they were intoxicated!

Even that pot of sunflower seedlings, the speed of supplying Jiang Fan Shouyuan has suddenly increased a little!

Jiang Fan was stunned!

Only a root was stretched out, and there was no real sprouting at all. This Jianmu Seed actually already possesses such an effect!

too exaggerated!

At this moment, Jiang Fan couldn't wait to smash all the causal points!

But he immediately suppressed this impulse forcibly!

No, there are so many things left to do!

Oh shit!


It's really not enough to earn enough!

Reluctantly leaving the system space, Jiang Fan immediately called a group of team members!

"Sadako, Lu Bu, come here!"

Seeing everyone arrived, Jiang Fan immediately waved to Lu Bu and Sadako!

Lu Bu and both of them walked over with joy!

Needless to say, Jiang Fan must be upgrading them!

"Let's start with Lu Bu... System! Raise Lu Bu's level!"

"Ding! Lü Bu's current level is fourteen, and it costs 100,000 causal points to upgrade to the next level! Is it up?

One hundred thousand!


Thirteen to fourteen is only thirty thousand, to fourteen to fifteen, actually tripled directly!


Jiang Fan gritted his teeth!

next moment!


With a white light shining down, Lu Bu suddenly roared wildly, and the breath of the whole person was soaring like a landslide!

And as that breath became stronger and stronger, finally finally broke through a certain kind of imprisonment!


The whole Jiangzhai trembled suddenly!

And Lu Bu was already floating directly in the air!

At the same time, bursts of scarlet flames burned directly from his skin and hair tips!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host! Your son Lu Bu has been successfully upgraded! Current level-level 15!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host! Your son Lu Bu successfully made a breakthrough! "Nine Suns True Scripture" was successfully upgraded to "Fire Ashes"!"

"Cool!! Hahahahaha!"

Along with Lu Bu's wild laugh, the flames all over him directly rose more than one meter high, and everything around him was actually distorted by the scorching heat!

Everyone was shocked!


Jiang Fan just looked at him, and Lu Bu broke through!

And this kind of aura is more than several times stronger than a normal 15th-level grandmaster!

Jiang Fan's methods are simply against the sky!

However, before Lu Bu finished his laughter, Wang Yi didn't know where his strength was, so he picked up the mop, and drew it directly at Lu Bu!

"Boo, you bastard! Stop it for me! The newly bought chandelier! It's all baked in a while! Prodigal son! This is all money!"

The crowd was dumbfounded!

Really worthy of Wang Yi, who regards wealth as his life, dare to do something against the master for a chandelier!

Lu Bu has the best relationship with Wang Yi. The key is that Wang Yi doesn't lead the way. He doesn't even know how to get to the nightclub!

Hearing this, he couldn't care about the top outfit, and quickly reduced his aura!

However, those eyes were still full of unspeakable joy!

And Jiang Fan has already looked at Lu Bu's attributes curiously!

Lu Bu: Righteous Son

Level: 15


Weapon: Fangtian painted halberd (silver level)!

Armor: Beast Face Swallowing Head Chain Armor (Silver Grade)!

Cloak: Baihuapao (Silver Grade)!

Headwear: Purple gold crown with tied hair (silver level)!

Belt: Le Jia Linglong Lion Wild Belt (Silver Grade)!

Shoes: Gold thread and green soap (silver grade)!

Overlord Halberd: This skill is divided into seven types and 21 moves, each of which contains three changes, which is infinitely powerful!

Yuhuo Shen Gong: From the "Nine Suns True Scripture" to the extreme evolution, the body is used as a container to practice real fire, and when the sun reaches the sun, it is powerful and unreliable!

Extraordinary talent: Lu Busheng is extraordinary, talented and intelligent, especially with martial arts, his savvy is against the sky!

Royal Equestrian: Riding state, all attributes increased by 20%!

Loyalty: 100

Remarks: Lu Bu in Renzhong, Chitu in Malaysia! The first general in the Three Kingdoms period! Ten thousand people are invincible!

Personal Quotations: Nima's Liu Bei! You wait for me!

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